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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Use Digital Marketing to Position Your Business

Digital marketing graphics, computers, notepads, pens and calculators.
The internet remains very deep, wide and very complex. It is this complexity digital marketing explores to get promotional messages out to customers and potential customers. The real reason smart marketers habitually dedicate quality time, efforts and energy on digital marketing to get good results. Marketers not doing so are in critical error which inevitably costs their businesses very dearly on the long run. Such marketers may no doubt understand the importance of digital marketing. The snag however is that many of them don’t really know how to implement it for their specific situations as may be related to their own specific types of businesses.

If you want to succeed as a marketer and to position your business very well in the digital world, there are two things you must first focus on. First you must decide on your brand image and secondly you must know the audience you are targeting with your marketing campaigns. Once you decide on these, it is then possible to send out effective campaign messages that help to get some action from your audience. These efforts help to position your brand/business for good results even in the complexity of the digital marketing world. 


Here is how it works:

Project Your Brand Image

Everything about your business revolves around your brand image. A brand image is simply a very fancy way your business wants others to see it. It is an all-encompassing picture involving your reputation and what you stand for. Exactly how you want others to see you, think about you and remember you anytime they think of a product/service.
For this reason, every single information, advertisement or marketing campaign on social media posts, emails, handbills, flyers, billboards, TV ads, etc. etc, must as of necessity reflect and project the brand image you decided for your business right from the outset.

For a brand image to be effective, it must’ve been shaped from the following:

Why must someone remember or buy my product?
What do people feel when they buy the product?
What is unique about the product?
Who are the target customers?
Why these customers and not others?
How will they react when they buy the product?
Will they be satisfied with the product?
What feelings come to people’s minds when they think about the product?
How generally do others perceive the product?

If you design a brand with these concerns in mind, it is bound to make impact and help your business to grow in our complex digital world. These are some of the concerns that helped shape the business outlook of popular brands like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Yahoo, Hp, Dell and many others.

Define Your Ideal Customer

You cannot successfully do any business without first defining who your customers/clients are. Because these are persons you must target, your first order of business is to decide on who your ideal customer/client is. You really need this because of the fierceness of the competition characteristic of the digital world. Knowing who you want to sell your products/services to is the first step to selling any product/service. You risk failure to sell products if you think of your customers in broad and nonspecific terms particularly in a highly competitive marketing place like the digital environment. Once you can successfully identify who your target audience is, it is easier to align it with your brand image. Everything else flows from there to give your business a very formidable foundation. Building your marketing strategy on a formidable foundation can be great for your marketing campaigns, leads, sales and business growth. Knowing who your customer is appears to be the most important step to growing your business by way of digital marketing. This is because without a clear target audience to market to, you may be marketing in vain. Marketing in vain can in no way help your business to grow.  To avoid that scenario, you must always endeavour to decide on a target audience first, and then you create a brand image to appeal to that particular audience. That is the surest way to make sales and grow your business in digital marketing environment.

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