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Tuesday, May 04, 2021

How to Structure Your Emails for Effectiveness

White on red Digital Marketing graphics.
Email design is very important in email effectiveness. If your emails are well structured and beautifully designed, their ability to build customer loyalty increases significantly. Such emails also make it easy for marketers to implement their email communication strategy. If you are using the services of email service providers in your email marketing strategy, their services help to structure your emails. They make available to you, content features with short formatted text and the action button. You also benefit from their social media icons, links to mobile apps, the required sender details as well as access to subscription management options. As for email templates, these could be varied from campaign to campaign, depending on their type and purpose. All told, each email is structured in such a way as to contain certain important elements put in their proper places to enhance their effectiveness. Here is what that entails.

Email Content: This is the main part of your email message, and the heart and soul of the message. It can be structured for better acceptability but can’t be standardized or organized with any one universally acceptable formula. However, with practical creativity, a lot can be done on content to make it more effective. That creative ability varies from marketer to marketer. What really counts is to be sure your message looks clear, concise and easily readable. It should not be overloaded with unnecessary design elements which can cause unhelpful distractions. Even though you are at liberty to use good images, GIFs, videos, text formatting, and so on, this should be done with utmost care. Reactions/responses must not just be expected from email recipients, they can actually be invited to do so through subtle luring. To do that efficiently, it is recommended to include a CTA button somewhere along with the content.

Template Headers: Template headers are usually the instant attractions emails carry. They are not remarkably different from main message headers and they mostly serve as the email title. The main purpose of template headers is to attract readers’ attention, set association with your brand, and explain the purpose of the message at a quick glance. Your business motto, logo and bragging rights are major and very important elements of the template header. Depending on the type of emails you are sending, your template header can also include a branded design pattern.

Message Headers: Even though message headers may not actually be part of the email template itself, they are significant parts of the email structure worth paying attention to. It is important to structure email headers to include the sender’s name, message recipients, and the subject line. Because the decision on whether or not an email should be opened depends on the headers, marketers must always pay special attention to email headers, check and double-check them before pressing the send button. The reason for this extra precaution is to avoid spam label. For email recipients, a message header can become a spam trigger if the sender was negligent.

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