“Death is not the
greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
-- Norman Cousins
“You become what you
think about most of the time.” --Earl
“The actions of
men/women are the best interpreters of their thoughts.” -- John Locke
Your mind is a very valuable gift from your Maker. The mind
has infinite possibilities and you are allowed to use it as you please. You can
also direct and control it as you please. The mind is the foremost tool for
self-achievement. What you are and what you can achieve is all a function of
how you use your mind. Any and every of your endeavors begins first from your
thoughts. It is for these and many other reasons you as a human being must take
full control of your mind if you really desire to be in control of your life.
If you want to be in business for yourself, you must learn to take control of
your mind. You must accept full responsibility for all your actions and or
inaction thereafter. Your destiny will be firmly in your own hands.