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Showing posts with label Money-making. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money-making. Show all posts

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Why Anyone Can Make Money

White calculator on top of dollar bills.

 “If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates

Chief M.K.O. Abiola, a popular Nigerian politician and businessman had before his untimely death in 1998 banished poverty from his life. His story makes an interesting reading. At a very young age, he is reported to have watched his dear mother pass away because his father could not afford 8 pence for her medical bills. The extreme poverty of his father created so much fear in him at that early age that he vowed never to be poor in his life. He started by taking any and every job that came his way including being a back-up singer. He built on his strengths so much that at a stage, his businesses spanned Newspaper Publishing, Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Bookshops, Bakeries, Telecoms and many others which spread through many continents of the world. History records that at the time of his tragic passing in 1998, he had accumulated so much wealth that the media started referring to him as a “billionaire business mogul.” His rabid fear of poverty and his clear choice to beat it were largely responsible for this feat not because of his black color or his being a Nigerian.

Statistics indicate that a new millionaire is created every fifty-eight minutes in the United States. In that land of opportunity, people make money successfully by taking advantage of the abundant opportunities. The success rate of these people has nothing to do with the color of their skins or their nationalities. The contents of their character play a major role in how much service they are able to render to enable them to make money. Money is therefore not in short supply. The ability to make it is what is in short in supply. Among the many millionaires made every few minutes in the United States, are predominantly immigrant Japanese, Chinese, Hispanics or Latinos, Arabs, Jews, African Americans and many others. They make it faster than Native Americans because they seize any and every opportunity that comes their way. This attitude is usually a fall-out from the deprivations they suffered back in their native countries before they decided to emigrate. This land of opportunity provides a fairly level field for all persons irrespective of their nationalities. Those who make it work hard to make it as a matter of deliberate choice not because of their nationalities or ethnic stock.

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Women Too Do Make Real Money

A stack of $100 dollars bills.
Money-making does not depend on your gender. Statistics indicate that there are more male millionaires than females. That is hardly surprising as it is indicative of a male-dominant world. Females themselves have also held their own in wealth-creation and accumulation. 

Oprah Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in the backwoods of a Mississippi little known town of Kosciusko USA to an unmarried teen-age mother.  She resolved early in life to work hard and be successful. This mindset lured her into show business. This is how she became a television talk-show host that has earned her fame and wealth. Ms. Winfrey worked hard and became the head of many companies under her HARPO Inc. which employed many people, both male and female. She at some stage became arguably the most popular talk-show host in the world. By 1993, she was reported to be earning about $98 million dollars per year. Not bad for a little black girl born into abject poverty in a race-tainted United States in the fifties.

These days, you can see multi-millionaire female stars like the Kardashians, Williams sisters, Jennifer Lopez and many others whose careers cut across Talk-show hosting, Sports, Music, Business and many other fields of human endeavor. Women are really making money in this age and time and that is very good for humanity.