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Sunday, June 13, 2021

3 Powerful Tips to Energize your Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing symbols with links projecting from a lone computer mouse.
Besides socializing, social media has evolved in recent years into a powerful digital marketing platform. Smart marketers now leverage the power social media platforms to promote their products/services, get leads, boost conversions and sales. Marketers who engage social media to promote and sell their products/services tend to do better than others who don’t. That eloquently testifies to the real power of social media in digital marketing. To continue to get the best out of your social media marketing strategy, you need to energize it from time to time. Here are 3 of the most effective ways you can try out to get that done. 

1. Give Your Brand a Human Face

If you want your brand to better connect with your audience and build trust quickly, give it a human face. Instead of marketing with just your brand images, you can try giving it a human face that your audience can connect easily with. Many buyers are always interested in knowing the human face(s) behind any successful brand. Online, human faces and big names in a given industry help in no small measure to build brands. Many people relate better with great names behind every brand than just the brands on their own. If you are a small business owner, you can leverage your reputation to showcase what your brand stands to benefit your audience. Through your social media handles, you can easily let your audience know that you are the human face behind your brand. That encourages them to engage and interact more with you for the benefit of your brand. Through such engagements and interactions, you can get to know and understand their expectations better. That way, you can deliver better to meet their expectations. That helps to increase customer satisfaction for the brand.

2. Include Videos in Your Content Strategy

Most digital marketers are now aware that video content is usually a more effective marketing content than others. This is particularly true of how-to videos. For this reason, if you effectively incorporate video content in your social media marketing strategy, the results you get can be very encouraging. Video content is hugely advantageous for your business. One of the major advantages is that videos are highly entertaining to watch, highly engaging and easier to interpret and remember. By using videos to market therefore, you can easily retain your users to convey your message more convincingly and effectively. Videos thus help to make your brand more memorable because your users are more likely to remember your message if you show it through a video. What really matters in the marketing effectiveness of videos is creativity. If you are creative enough with your ideas you can make great videos to enhance your audience engagement and grow your brand.
3. Market with the Art of Storytelling

Most human beings love stories particularly stories that invoke great memories and teach lessons. Thus, if you want to make your social media marketing strategy more effective, you should imbibe the art of storytelling in your marketing campaigns. Smart marketers really get creative using stories on their sales pitches to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Such stories help prospects visualize the relatable outcome of using products/services the marketer is promoting. That helps in no small measure to enhance the possibility of converting them to paying customers. Story telling is thus a wonderful way to engage your audience and make your marketing pitch more memorable and effective. However on social media, always make sure you give your story an attractive framework and your audience has something to relate with and take away from the story. That is what enhances its effectiveness.

Final Thoughts

The foregoing tips if tactically applied will no doubt be of immense help to make your social media marketing strategy more effective. Most other marketers and I who have used them and still use them can testify to this. You too can try them if you aren’t using them already. The results will no doubt impress you. If effectively used, you can rely on them to grow your followers, get leads and conversions, grow your customers, and boost your sales/revenues. Using these tips is great for the overall health and profitability of your business.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to Promote Your Website by Creating and Posting Videos

Internet marketing sign projected from the screen of a black computer.
Traffic, traffic and more traffic, that’s what smart marketers always want. Their businesses depend heavily on good quality web traffic. The real reason most marketers always go for any online activity which helps them to get traffic. Creating and posting videos is one of such activities. As most of these marketers very well know, creating videos is one great way to drive traffic to your Website. Granted, everyone needs a certain amount of skill to capture good quality videos from the environment, but even when you have good videos, where to post them to give your website the much needed traffic is also of paramount importance. For now, YouTube appears to be the main choice location for marketers posting videos. Because of the ease of sharing and commenting on videos on the platform, YouTube no doubt is a very fantastic way to promote your Website. Marketers who routinely embed videos on their Websites or post them on social media inevitably create very potent opportunities for others to find and link to their sites. That encourages web traffic to such sites. Very good for any online business if you ask me!

To get in the game, your first step is to create a YouTube channel that links back to your Website. Next is to make sure the videos you have created can display your URL within the content of the videos and in the video descriptions found below the videos. The essence of that is to make it easy for your potential customers to easily find the videos through either normal Google search or directly on YouTube. An easier way to spread the content and to better expose your website is to embed the videos on your Websites and posts on your social media platforms. Warning! Some social media platforms are a bit finicky about the content they allow on their platforms, so, you must factor that in when propagating your URL through videos on their sites. The popularity of social media sites particularly Facebook and Twitter is no longer in doubt. The ease and speed of sharing content on these platforms go a long way to quickly help in creating backlinks to your website if the URL to such sites is correctly and properly embedded in the videos being so propagated. Clicks on such videos always direct visitors to your website. That translates to traffic, quality web traffic that is.