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Thursday, September 05, 2019

How to Find the Right Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing graphics over a brown work table with work tools, eye glasses, calculator, a mug of beverage, white notepad, gold cup trophy, pencil and pen.
Marketing experts say digital marketing entails the promotion of products with the aid of digital technologies. The main medium of promotion is primarily through the internet. That normally requires the production of internet acceptable digital promotional materials. Once produced, the digital marketing materials have to be distributed across multiple online channels. These channels principally include but not limited to audio and video streaming, email, websites, blogs, social media as well as trivia online games. The type of business you own and what you want to achieve largely determines which method and strategy you decide upon. Each method has its strong points and weak points which can help you take these very vital decisions. That said, it must be noted that some methods are considered fundamental. Meaning, no matter what else you do, such methods must always be employed regardless of the type of business you are running. In that regard, search engine optimization, SEO and social media marketing, SMM readily come handy.


Search Engine Optimization, SEO

This is a must for all businesses that seek to establish an online presence. Writing quality content with the right keywords gets your content to be search engines-friendly. What that means is that they get to rank your content high in search results helping your website to get the much needed traffic. Aside the high search engine results, SEO somehow also manages to put out the right information about your business online. With that, both search engines and human viewers get better information about what you are offering and what your business is about.

Social Media Marketing, SMM 

Because of the simplicity and ease of use of social media, it has become really fundamental in digital marketing presently. Like they say nowadays, nearly everyone around the world is on social media. It thus makes real marketing sense to get your products or services where nearly everyone is. As a result, social media now plays a very huge role in the world consumer market. It makes it really easy and convenient to deliver your marketing messages to almost every potential customer who has a social media account around the world.

Email Marketing

This may be considered old school strategy but it is still very effective when properly deployed to side track spamming. It simply entails the sending of marketing materials through email to hundreds of thousands of prospective customers. It only works for people who have the expertise and experience in email marketing. Because of the sensitivity to spam mails online, an improper or ineffective use of email marketing at times turns out to be a huge waste of resources. Worse of all, any improper usage may result in your cherished brand or product getting associated with spam. You risk a marketing disaster if that happens.

Content Marketing

This is characterized mostly by blogs and blogging. It entails regularly writing and publishing quality content that promotes brand awareness and supports search engine optimization and social media marketing. Such content may be articles, videos, memes or images that may be easily shared on the internet by internet users. This sharing somehow voluntarily or unwittingly helps to publicize your product/service very widely.

Videos, Games and Website Advertising

Since search engines found a way to index videos and voices online, these marketing methods have become increasingly popular with marketers. They are simply the ads you put on web pages, blogs, video sharing sites like YouTube and games, including mobile apps. Even though this may be a very good marketing method, you need considerable resources to support this type of digital marketing. You may choose to play down on it if you are low on ads budget because it is not very cost-efficient.

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