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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Tips to Rejig Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Black pen on a notepad marketing strategy planner, purple flowers, cup of water and a calculator on a work table.
The digital marketing space is hugely crowded. For this reason, no matter how good your digital marketing strategy is, it is imperative you rejig it from time to time. That’s about the only viable way you can get to stay ahead your competition. From valuable experience, there’s always a huge lot that can change in just a few months in the digital space. To remain relevant is such a competitive space, you must find ways to fine-tune your marketing strategy regularly. Most importantly, you must keep re-evaluating your digital marketing strategy to find out what is not working well and to take adequate and remedial steps to get it to work well for your business.

Here’s what digital marketing experts recommend that brands can do in their marketing strategy to effectively engage with consumers in this age and time.

Focus More on Mobile Marketing

Google reports that about 60% of searches are now attributable to mobile devices particularly smartphones. So, if your website is not optimized for mobile, the time to do it is now. If you don’t, you’ll be missing out from this huge search data. If your brand is struggling with getting the attention of potential audiences now, your best advice is to consider mobile marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy. Today’s marketing reality is, if you are unable to leverage the power of mobile, you are missing out from a huge potential market. That puts your business at the risk of missing out from the huge number of potential customers, leads and even sales from mobile market.

Adopt Marketing Automation

In digital marketing, most marketers always worry about costs. What to do to keep costs down and improve on ROI is always a huge challenge. That is exactly where digital automation becomes very handy. Marketing automation helps marketers to avoid wastage of time, valuable resources, and energy. Across the recommended multiple marketing channels, you can consider email automation, content marketing calendar and scheduled content posting, AI, and Auto-responders, to help save time and resources and still be able to service your customers effectively.

Focus More on Quality Content

As expert marketers like to say, in digital marketing, content is king. This content must be of high quality, informative, educational and even entertaining. By serving the right content to the right customer at the right time via the right channels, you can easily build some form of customer loyalty and dedication to your brand. To get quality results from your content marketing efforts, it is not enough to have quality content all by itself. Such content must get to your customers via the right digital channels and must engage enough with your key customer touchpoints.  
Market through Multi-Channels

As most experienced digital marketers already know, there’s no scarcity of opportunities for consumer engagement, especially across very popular social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and the like. Incorporating them all into your social media marketing strategy is one great way to rejig your marketing efforts. What multi-channels approach really does for your business is to have a very strong SEO. This translates to increased traffic, leads and sales. Your multi-channel marketing strategy must include, content optimization, social content strategy, social media marketing, email marketing, local/community search optimization, social media advertising, and link building. These are things you must consider and take into account if you want to rejig your digital marketing strategy in this age and time.

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