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Showing posts with label Digital. Show all posts

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Tips to Rejig Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Black pen on a notepad marketing strategy planner, purple flowers, cup of water and a calculator on a work table.
The digital marketing space is hugely crowded. For this reason, no matter how good your digital marketing strategy is, it is imperative you rejig it from time to time. That’s about the only viable way you can get to stay ahead your competition. From valuable experience, there’s always a huge lot that can change in just a few months in the digital space. To remain relevant is such a competitive space, you must find ways to fine-tune your marketing strategy regularly. Most importantly, you must keep re-evaluating your digital marketing strategy to find out what is not working well and to take adequate and remedial steps to get it to work well for your business.

Here’s what digital marketing experts recommend that brands can do in their marketing strategy to effectively engage with consumers in this age and time.

Focus More on Mobile Marketing

Google reports that about 60% of searches are now attributable to mobile devices particularly smartphones. So, if your website is not optimized for mobile, the time to do it is now. If you don’t, you’ll be missing out from this huge search data. If your brand is struggling with getting the attention of potential audiences now, your best advice is to consider mobile marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy. Today’s marketing reality is, if you are unable to leverage the power of mobile, you are missing out from a huge potential market. That puts your business at the risk of missing out from the huge number of potential customers, leads and even sales from mobile market.

Adopt Marketing Automation

In digital marketing, most marketers always worry about costs. What to do to keep costs down and improve on ROI is always a huge challenge. That is exactly where digital automation becomes very handy. Marketing automation helps marketers to avoid wastage of time, valuable resources, and energy. Across the recommended multiple marketing channels, you can consider email automation, content marketing calendar and scheduled content posting, AI, and Auto-responders, to help save time and resources and still be able to service your customers effectively.

Focus More on Quality Content

As expert marketers like to say, in digital marketing, content is king. This content must be of high quality, informative, educational and even entertaining. By serving the right content to the right customer at the right time via the right channels, you can easily build some form of customer loyalty and dedication to your brand. To get quality results from your content marketing efforts, it is not enough to have quality content all by itself. Such content must get to your customers via the right digital channels and must engage enough with your key customer touchpoints.  
Market through Multi-Channels

As most experienced digital marketers already know, there’s no scarcity of opportunities for consumer engagement, especially across very popular social platforms like Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and the like. Incorporating them all into your social media marketing strategy is one great way to rejig your marketing efforts. What multi-channels approach really does for your business is to have a very strong SEO. This translates to increased traffic, leads and sales. Your multi-channel marketing strategy must include, content optimization, social content strategy, social media marketing, email marketing, local/community search optimization, social media advertising, and link building. These are things you must consider and take into account if you want to rejig your digital marketing strategy in this age and time.

Monday, May 06, 2019

4 Ways Digital Marketing Can Help Your Businesses

Online marketing and graphics projected from a white IPAD.
 Most people out there on the internet either want to buy something or sell something. Internet provides unfettered interaction for everyone to do their own things the way they please. Because the world is rapidly moving from conventional methods of marketing to digitization, everyone out there tends to face real business competition from fellow marketers. Even at that, the internet has managed to unlock the door of endless opportunities for everyone out there. There is now a greater preference for digital marketing than other conventional or traditional marketing methods. With digital marketing, it is by far easier to quickly interact with your clients/customers thereby expanding your business visibility much more seamlessly. Here are some very valuable benefits your business can derive from digital marketing:

#1. Customer retention

Every business needs customers. Not just getting them but retaining them to sustain their patronage. Digital marketing is one way through which businesses can significantly increase their reach to get customers. Social media takes the fore front in this quest. If you want to acquire and retain customers for your businesses, customer engagement is very important. You need digital marketing to engage customers, promote your product/services virally to reach a very wide range of customers and potential customers. Because of the ease and simplicity of use, you can through interaction with customers easily assess their needs and reactions to your ads. That information if met with quick and timely responses helps to provide real time solutions in your business. Somehow, with quick and helpful solutions, you can manage to win more customer loyalty as well as attract more customers to your business.

#2. Increased Conversion Rate

Upgrading potential customers to customers is one very important desire of every marketer. Marketers have since discovered that most people now depend on search engines to look for information about anything and everything happening around the world. Search engines also come in very handy if anyone wants to buy or sell something on the internet. All these through digital online interactions! For that reason, businesses with online presence stand a better chance to promote their products/services more effectively and efficiently. Digital Marketing directly targets users and places the product/service at their reach thereby making it easier to move them from potential customers to actual customers at a very high rate of conversion.

#3. Cost-Effective

In every business, the bottom-line is often costs. Either by way of minimization or elimination of costs altogether, that is what often counts. The lower the costs, the higher the profits and vice versa! Who wouldn’t want to keep profits up at times like this? By far, digital marketing incurs much lower costs than traditional media marketing because of the leverage of internet technology. With digital marketing, even the costs incurred can be more easily amortized over time to deliver a better Return On Investment, ROI. Digital marketing allows businesses to remain competitive even with much smaller advertising budgets. For sure, that is good news for any business. Digital marketing makes it relatively cheaper for most businesses to increase business visibility and profitability because it is easy to target a desired market through an already receptive audience which has been primed over time by deliberate targeting to be interested in what you have to offer. That is like knowing where your potential customers are and taking your business there without dissipating energy and much valuable resources searching all over the place looking for them.

#4. Versatility

Digital marketing leverages on internet technology to do wonderful things in business marketing. It is extremely versatile and easy to deploy even by newbies in the business. When it comes to branding, image building, advertising, new business leads generation and general advancement of any business, digital marketing is handy and helpful with cost effective results. It can be adapted even with timing and location specificity to get any information out there in front of customers and potential customers anywhere in the world 24/7. That says something about its versatility. Now this tip!! If you want to have an advantage over marketers who are not using digital platforms for marketing, digital marketing holds the awesome power to turn your presence into a web sensation. Internet technology does the magic. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How to Generate More Leads to Your Business

White top work station with computers, flowers and work tools.
As expert marketers very well know, lead generation varies from product to product and it depends on several factors. That is why not every lead generation idea or tactic marketers decide to adopt works the same way with every business or brand. Marketers usually go around that problem by using many and varied ways to generate leads to their business. The bottom line is that as a marketer, you’ve got to work smart all the time if you want to generate good leads to your business. Good leads eventually lead to customers and that is good for your business.

Following are some tested ways to generate leads for your business as recommended by expert marketers. 


Adopt the Latest Digital Technology

That the world is going completely digital is no longer in doubt. What is however in doubt is the percentage of marketers that have realized this and have taken advantage of it. Since nearly everyone now uses the latest inventions like smartphones and social media apps whenever they want to search for desired stuff, a smart marketer must explore ways to use these technologies to his advantage.  Doing so helps such marketers to easily promote their products/services using the latest technology to a very large target audience with relative ease. These days, nearly everyone is on social media. With a responsive web design, mobile apps, and social media platforms, you readily have some of the best marketing tools at your disposal for leads generation for your business.

Create and Use Videos Wisely

Be sure such video content is really appealing. Because videos graphically convey corporate messages more effectively, they are now some of the most popular and commonly used forms of content in digital marketing. That is the real reason for their great popularity among marketers. If your video content is quite interesting and appealing, it manages to get across to more people thereby getting more views particularly when shared across different popular social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many others. These channels help to get it across to a wider audience in no time at all. Good leads follow as a result.

Use Email Marketing Extensively

Even though some marketers now doubt its efficacy, email marketing still remains one of the best ways to generate more leads for your business. It works by offering prospects with discounted rates, freebies or giveaways asking them to take action. These massages arrive in the emails of prospects which they access in their spare times and mostly in the comfort of their homes/offices. A good response rate enhances leads generation.

Be Active in Social Media

A smart marketer always tries to get an account in different popular social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many others. These days, nearly everyone is on social media. The real reason you can easily find your target audience on social media. With ease of interactions, feedback and sharing of content, social media engagement remains a very powerful tool for marketers to effectively and efficiently reach their target audience freely or at very low cost. By providing your social media followers with problem-solving content and useful information, you always stand the best chance to turn them into valuable leads and customers.

Mind which Promotional Methods you Use

Effective promotional methods always vary depending on the product/service being promoted. Deciding on a promotional method therefore requires a great care. You need a workable promotional plan in order to get your products/services in front of the target audience efficiently. To get good results, be sure you use the most effective promotional methods for your brand to generate more leads at little or no costs at all. Good results from good leads are all you want, and the methods you choose to use must guarantee these leads.

Participate in Guest Blogging 

Guest blogging may be fairly tedious, but it is very effective in generating leads. Guest blogging is a very effective way to gain exposure to many potential customers apart from the products or services you offer. This happens if you manage to get a foothold at guest blogging in very popular and authoritative sites. If you are not very good at guest blogging yourself, you may choose to hire a digital marketing company or other persons to write guest posts on highly authority and relevant blogs on your behalf. That gives good results too if you hire persons who know their trade and are very good in it. Writing of guest blog posts is one of the best and cheapest ways to reach a target audience. For best results, such guest posts must be of high quality and informative enough, posted on the most relevant and famous blogs in your industry/product niche. Good leads usually follow as a result of such efforts.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What is Digital Marketing?

Blue digital marketing sign projected from the screen of a black computer with pink flowers and a newspaper on the work table.
 At times, business marketers interchange digital marketing with online marketing in their business nomenclatures. Digital marketing is simply a marketing model which covers a wide range of tools and tactics designed to create brand awareness and name recognition for brands. The introduction and widespread proliferation personal computers, and other digital devices like tablets and smart phones gave rise to the digital age phenomenon. Most of these devices are so popular and easy to use for online marketing business that nearly every marketer currently keys in to them as very handy tools for the business. The real reason nearly every marketer is now involved in digital marketing.
Popular digital marketing practices among marketers include:

1.    Personal/Business Websites
2.    Other Online Advertising
3.    Email Marketing
4.    Video Marketing
5.    Influencer Marketing
6.    Search Engine Optimization, SEO
7.    Search Engine Marketing
8.    Social Media Marketing
9.    Social Media Advertising
10.    Infographics Creation and Promotion
11.    Podcasting
12.    Webinars
13.    Blogging
14.    Guest Blogging
15.    Content Marketing

Many digital marketers are online daily doing any of or a combination of all the above to get their businesses going. What works well for one person may not necessarily work well for another person because of our individual differences as human beings. What matters is to determine what works best for you in your own chosen line of business. What works well for you is what you should very well do to get the desired results every marketer craves for. That is what expert digital marketers recommend.


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why Use Digital Technology for Marketing

Digital marketing work station with a silver pen, computer and pie-chart report sheets.
 If you are Internet savvy, it is no longer news that advancements in technology over the years have made a huge difference in both our personal and our business lives. Proven fact! Many online business persons have discovered that it has become much easier to start, run, and manage their businesses effectively because of modern technology. And, these technologies and the devices used to run them get smarter by the day. This advancement has made a very huge difference in terms of business success, as well as in the number of people starting up their own businesses. Many thanks to the Internet!

With Internet technology, all sorts of things and even unimaginable things have become possible online. Now, that is really very exciting for many consumers as well as marketers. When consumers get online daily, it is always for many and varied reasons all of which tend towards ease of doing business and getting what they want very easily. Many others go online just for fun, for entertainment, to socialize with others and even for research purposes.

So, why exactly do so many businesses use digital technology to market their brands, goods and services these days? Having already established that many business users usually go online for many different reasons, the “why” has to do mostly with the ease of use and cost effectiveness of the method. Most marketers know too well that the so called traditional marketing methods such as TV and radio advertising can be very costly and a real strain on the marketing budget which for small businesses, is always very lean. You don’t really need to dedicate huge amounts of resources to your marketing efforts, as digital marketing is by far quicker and more convenient than these so called traditional methods which huge spenders appear to prefer. With digital marketing, costs can be kept at the barest minimum without compromising effectiveness. Now, that’s really great!

Another great reason is its relative popularity. The viral effect is amazing. It is because of it that marketing efforts/methods have become more and more vital these days. This has been made possible by the wide range of digital marketing methods in use out there. Many thanks to social media platforms! With them, it is easy to find and decide on which methods to use that are perfectly suited to your needs and the needs of your business. In addition to social media, you can easily settle for other very popular methods like, email marketing, online blogs, and online promotions, all of which can be very effective when properly used.

In your own business, you may also lack adequate time and resources mostly human resources. Digital marketing comes very handy in these areas as well. With digital marketing, you really don’t need to have a huge work force helping out in your marketing efforts. Digital technology manages to help take care of that.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Effective Online Marketing Channels

Affiliate marketing graphics with a computer and a huge red dollar symbol.
Digital marketing is perhaps the best way for a conventional business to establish and maintain a presence in the current digital world where many people spend a lot of their time on the internet. Even though most channels cost little or nothing at all to deploy, you are best advised to stick to what suits and works best for your own brand of business. Learning on the job is very crucial for the tactics you may have decided to use. As you make progress, you tend to acquire new skills which you really need to engage your online audience effectively. The following are a few of the tactics you may wish to try out in your own business:

Content Marketing

This is very popular with bloggers. It is a marketing channel that focuses on what to publish, the target and when to publish. The most common and easy to use instruments are: Blogs, eBooks, online Courses, info graphics, podcasts and webinars.


Affiliate Marketing

This is a marketing channel where you have to promote products from other people and earn a commission from sales attributed to your marketing efforts. It provides you the means to involve people in any brand you choose, promote, sell and get a commission on the products/services so sold.

Influencer Marketing  

This involves the use of known stars, celebrities, sports personalities and very popular people as influencers to help promote your brand. What the influencer does is simply to assist you to connect with a broad audience. It thus involves the collaboration between brands and social media influencers to market any brand’s products. You can easily find good influencers among fashion and beauty bloggers with many Instagram followers.

Video marketing

This is a marketing tactic relying heavily on visuals to catch attention. Presently, there is some research evidence pointing to the fact that 80% of online users visit a business website after viewing a video. That fact has been quickly latched upon by online marketing professionals. The real reason they now routinely generate videos of people using their services/products or testimonies about their brands/products. Such videos are usually shared easily and very widely on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

If you own a business website, it is useless if it does not attract visitors. SEO is a technical activity with the aim of improving your website for effective search results. The main objective of SEO is to help your website achieve higher ranking by delivering quality results when someone types a query into a Search Engine. Such activity helps to send free and organic traffic to your website. The essence of optimizing your website is to make it user-friendly and technically strong.  This you can do by utilizing pertinent keywords deployed appropriately Off-Page, Technically and On-Page.

Highlights of Digital Marketing Advantages

Engagement of large audiences: Marketing campaigns can be targeted at individuals who are looking for your products and services online thus enhancing and increasing conversion rates.

Highly targeted communications: Social media advertising platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram enable you to set your target audience based on their interests, locations and demographics.

High Flexibility: It provides you a platform for quickly sharing product updates and new features.

Overcoming geographical barriers: The World Wide Web, WWW, audience has no geographical barriers. You can market to the entire world from the comfort of your home or office anywhere in the world with internet services.

Extremely low cost: You can reach large audiences quickly and economically and in many instances even free of charge.


Monday, March 11, 2019

Simple Digital Marketing Strategies

A green strategy sign with compass arrow indicator.
The term Digital marketing now appears to be a wide phrase which tends to sum up all promotion channels and techniques that online marketers utilize to market services or products on the web and on electronic devices such as mobile phones, television and electronic billboards. Presently, if you are about to launch a product or business, then digital marketing is an indispensable tool especially if your target market encompasses the millennial. To do so successfully, you need a comprehensive digital marketing policy with a grasp of social media, blogs, SEO (search engine optimization), email lists and much more. Here’s some of what experts recommend.

Website Marketing

Try to design and market your website real good. Let it be the focal point of your marketing campaigns. A good website must be user friendly and fast to load. It must represent your brand, services and products effectively otherwise it is useless.

Email Marketing

First you must build your email list. After getting a go ahead to contact your customers via email, you can proceed to send emails such as: newsletters, sales, product releases and useful guides. Email marketing serves efficiently as a direct communication with your customers because most people prefer messages delivered by email which they can read at their own time and space.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is where nearly every online marketer is at the moment. It is very popular and simple to use. Highly effective too! Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are the most popular platforms. They enable you to promote your services/products very easily. They provide a two-way communication and inquiry channel making it easy to connect with your clients/customers and establish relationships fairly smoothly.

Important Tips:

Before creating a marketing strategy, endeavor to carry out a feasibility study. You will never regret doing so. Try to study your main competitors from their websites: their sales process and marketing strategies. Understand their past and current strategies so that you know how to maneuver and direct your market niche effectively.

Develop your image and brand name with utmost care. This is very important if you want to survive in a highly competitive field which online marketing happens to belong.

Study your market very well and use the information to select your customers with a view to centering your digital marketing efforts on your perfect demographic.

Imitate any strategies you believe have made your competitors succeed.

Improve on these strategies with the help of the info you have on your demographic.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Importance of Audience Targeting in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing work station with a computer and a white mug of beverage.
To target your audience effectively, first you must correctly identify who exactly they are and collect as much information about them as you can find. Doing so involves a considerable amount of time and resources which most marketers can least afford. Audience targeting is not only all-important, it is the foundation of every marketing component most marketers ever implement. If you are able to target your audience correctly, it is almost a given that your messaging, content and effectiveness will attract, convert and retain connections to customers more effectively and efficiently.


Here are some credible ways to check costs and save some time in digital marketing using audience targeting.

Content Creation:

When you know exactly who your target audience is, it is fairly easy for you to determine correctly, their interests, needs, concerns and desires. This information helps you to create content that speaks to and on those issues intelligently. Doing so helps you to attract traffic efficiently to your message, your content, your website or blog.

Content Sharing:

You can’t share content effectively without knowing the interests of your target audience. If you know their interest, that information allows you to share content that focuses pointedly on them. Sharing content that interests your audience readily creates affinity and connection with them. That somehow manages to open the much desired door into the world of your prospects. By targeting the correct audience with the correct shared content, somehow, you get to open to them the many opportunities your business provides.

Paid Media Targeting:

Since this involves some costs, you must be sure of what you are doing before you get involved. To use paid search marketing or paid social media marketing efficiently, be sure that your audience targeting is accurate. If not, you will be dissipating valuable energy and resources needlessly. If you spend money on digital media advertising that is not specific to your proper audience target, it is akin to blindly throwing money away. A real waste no doubt! Proper audience targeting is what makes paid media advertising effective. Anything contrary is a clear waste of time and resources which you can least afford.

Website Ads/Messaging:

Experts always say, “Know your customers well enough before you can successfully sell to them.” If you don’t know who your target audience is, how will you know the specific solution that your product or service can address for them? If the messages on your website or blog are untargeted, that will make it ineffective. Most internet surfers always have “the attention span of a crazy gnat.” For that reason, your website or blog always manages to get a few seconds of their attention if they drop by. If your messaging is targeting the wrong audience, that time span may not be enough for you to retain their attention long enough to notice your message and be influenced by it. So, if you fail to retain their attention long enough, it adversely affects your ability to earn their business. Meaning, you are needlessly wasting your time and resources without results.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Why Your Small Business Needs Digital Marketing

Two persons working from white notesheets with two computers and pens on the table.
 No matter the size of your business, to reach out quickly and efficiently to customers, you need digital marketing. That is because, digital marketing is one great way to enhance or increase the branding of your product in digital technologies on the internet along with smartphones and screening devices. You need digital marketing to boost or advertise your products/services in the electronic world by using different platforms on the internet.  It is one very good platform to connect with customers as well as for the company to sell its products and services. Digital marketing is getting increasingly popular among many small businesses nowadays. For that reason, the future of digital marketing is very bright. It is one good and very reliable platform new businesses can depend on to show their products and services to their target markets. The ease and convenience of operations in digital marketing in another boost since it makes uploading of pictures and videos, writing blogs and offering online services very easy chores to carry out daily if you know what you are doing.

If you run a small business, just push it out there via digital media marketing and the business will get the following advantages amongst others:

Faster and Better than Traditional marketing

No doubt digital marketing is faster and easier than the traditional option to market your products and services. It is also more convenient to use by way of banners and e-cards.  It is more advantageous than traditional billboards and more physical stuff which are costlier to install and maintain. It gets out the message faster, better and wider via the internet than traditional methods.

Narrows Gap in Communication

Operationally, digital marketing helps to bridge communication gap which usually exists between customers and organizations. With the use of the internet, you can quickly bridge communication gaps thereby making it easier and more reliable for the both; customer and company to engage positively. Internet has greatly enabled the rise of the smart consumer. Through social media channels, rating and review boards, and forums, consumers are now able to connect with other consumers easily. That connectivity empowers them to give their approval or disapproval of a product or service thereby influencing and directing the buying decisions of potential customers. Digital marketing enables consumers to easily connect directly with organizations and vice versa. By keeping in touch with customers through follow-up emails, personalized offers, and thank you letters, organizations now build relationships and establish a sense of community around their brands fairly easily. That helps to build good businesses no doubt.

Helps Boost Company Visibility

To enhance real visibility for your business, you need digital marketing. An increase in visibility on the internet market automatically helps to boost sales through technology. An organization can be visible to a large number of individuals through different social media platforms. Many of such platforms can promote your business even for free. Setting up a strong presence on the Internet through a website, a blog, paid marketing and web-based social networking is good for business.

Enables more Detailed Marketing Research

You can’t operate a business in isolation and expect to make it good. It pays to know what your competitors are up and what they are doing. Same goes for customers particularly customer behavior. Information is king and research on the internet is faster and more reliable for any business. With the touch of a button, the Internet makes available to you, a wealth of resource portals and tools that allow marketers to more accurately gather data on consumers and track their activities and preferences. Google is one good source and a sure bet for these resources and tools.

Highly Cost-Effective

The bottomline always matters when it comes to marketing. To compete favorably, any small business with an eye on profits needs to push up more money and other resources to market their products/services. Digital marketing easily helps such businesses with more resources to boost the business up and engage more customers even on a very cheap budget. Depending on what you want, you can choose your budget plans and make strategies to market your product with cost-effectiveness dictating the pace.

Better Returns on Investments

Aha!! Everyone who is in business always wants good returns on their investments. Easy and smart use of Google and other social media websites are another great opportunity for good returns on investment because they are largely free to use. You also have cheap access to tools for choosing your own location where you can engage the relevant peoples to which you want to market your services or products. A good use of web analytics helps many business owners to know whether their websites are providing optimal ROI. With that information, they can conveniently allocate their budgets efficiently by deciding on the investments to plan on every day. Very smart no doubt if you also have an eye on your own company’s ROI.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Expert Blogger Marketing Tip: Grow and Evolve

Online business work station with a computer, smartphones, eye glasses, notepads, pens and pencils, calculator and flowers.
Digital marketing is a highly technical and very competitive business. In digital marketing, there are always innovations and new methods of reaching your audience as we all learn what works and what doesn’t at least for today. The growth horizon is unlimited. What works tomorrow may be different, and you have to be willing to pivot, adapt and make changes as needed. Successful bloggers know this and will adjust their strategy, not at the whim of new trends, but because they keep their thumb on the pulse of their audience. If you are just starting out, you must be willing to make adjustments in your marketing strategy as you go through the phases of your business’s growth. You must explore credible ways to learn more about your audience, its needs, and the best methods to reach the audience.

So, if you are just starting out, you have a lot to learn from successful bloggers. Most successful bloggers use all kinds of tactics and many of them love to speak very proudly about these tactics. These tactics are not difficult to replicate in your own business. Be sure to start with a clear vision of your purpose and mission and a deep understanding of your prospective buyers. That done, you can consistently create and promote content with your buyer’s needs in mind. If you use Analytics and data to inform your marketing strategies and make adjustments when necessary, you’ll notice your audience grow exponentially over time. That is what successful bloggers know and do consistently, the real reason they are successful. 

Digital Marketing Tip: Learn from Expert Bloggers

White on brown work table top digital marketing graphics, with a calculator, eye glasses, a mug of beverage, golden cup trophy, smatphone, notepad and pen.
 Are you into digital marketing? Do you blog for business? Great if you do. You are simply doing what most expert marketers recommend and also do. What really matters is how successful you are in your blogging for business. Many expert bloggers know how to reach their audience with valuable content and nurture relationships with their readers. But, without digital marketing, no matter how good you think you are as a blogger, you wouldn’t have a business. Expert digital marketing pros always have intriguing stories to tell about their exploits online. Blogging newbies can always rely on many of these stories to learn the trade too.

Expert bloggers are very innovative and competitive trying to get their massages out there online. In doing this, many have perfected digital marketing and the inbound marketing methodology to get the results they want. They attract their specific target audience, convert them into subscribers and followers, and they delight them with consistently high-value content and messaging. Now that sounds really interesting, isn’t it? Depending on whether or not they sell courses or coaching, bloggers may or may not have devoted followers. Nevertheless, they know the value of serving their audience by building relationships and trust with their audience and creating content that meets the needs of their readers. That takes some doing and some expertise to achieve, the real reason they are expert bloggers in the first place.

Unarguably, what is however common among expert bloggers and internet start-ups is that both use the Internet to reach their target market. What that means is that you can’t hope to succeed as a blogger if you are not familiar with and you can’t effectively use the Internet. That is one of the valuable lessons top players in the blogging world happily teach start-ups. By following their lead, you can save the time and frustration of figuring everything out all by yourself. As the saying goes in the sports world, if you want to be a pro, you must think and act like a pro. In many cases, successful bloggers readily spend years building their brand. They and everyone else as a matter of course started at zero, the same place you are starting at now. If you follow their lead, you too can become an expert in no time at all.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Great Benefits of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing work station with a computer, flowers and work tools.
 It is an interesting world out there in cyberspace says online marketing experts. Marketing online is a very easy and inexpensive way to do business in cyberspace. As an inexpensive way of reaching your target market, internet marketing takes many forms in the digital world. These methods include but are not limited to tactics like Search Engine Marketing, SEM, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, blogging, social media marketing and banners among many others. These methods characteristically pack immense benefits, some of which are:

Numerous and Easy to Deploy Tactics

Even wannabe marketers easily get involved because of the abundance of tactics. Many of these tactics include but not limited to PPC, SEO, blogging, and other equally productive ways of online advertising. These different formats characteristically offer businesses the opportunity to select the one that is ideal and a perfect match to their advertising needs.


Internet marketing is generally low-cost when compared to the traditional forms of marketing. It requires a very small initial investment if any to deploy. The real reason they are ideal for both startups and established businesses.

Easily Develops Loyalty

With Internet marketing, it is fairly easy to quickly develop loyalty because of its very nature. It helps to build two-way communication with prospective customers very quickly. With a two-way communication element, internet marketing comes off as subtle and yet effective way of marketing. Characteristically, target customers are presented with engaging content about products and services and an opportunity to learn from online reviews. That helps to quickly develop trust and customer loyalty to the business brand.

Quick, Rapid and Time-Efficient

Digital marketing is characterized by its rapid nature. With it, you can quickly present your products and services to the target customers thereby saving you and your business valuable time that would have otherwise been lost on traditional forms of marketing. This also means that the benefits are achieved sooner rather than later. A great attraction indeed!


Friday, January 27, 2017

How to Distribute SFI TCards by Email

TripleClicks decal at the back screen of a car.

Gift cards are very effective marketing tools in SFI. They are a very effective way to introduce SFI and TripleClicks to other people. They are cute, beautiful and easily appreciated as simple gifts. Many people relish getting a gift card and most are always very appreciative of the cards.

Currently in SFI, there are two types of gift cards, the Physical and the Digital gift cards with a common feature of 12 characters redemption code which is the most important marketing feature in the cards. If you want to distribute these cards by email, all you need are Digital gift cards with the appropriate codes already inscribed by SFI. Bear in mind that SFI regulates the use of these cards by very strict rules. For best results, you must familiarize yourself with these rules before you use gift cards.

SFI also provides sample messages which you can adapt for your own use.


“Dear friend,

I have some gifts cards that I'd like you to have as a token of my love and appreciation of our friendship.

You can redeem the cards at SFI TripleClicks which is a very popular e-commerce platform like Amazon or eBay.

The card has a $12 value, redeemable in TripleClicks products and merchandises

The gift card redemption code is:
xxxxxxxxxxxx “

The card itself tells you how it can be redeemed so stick with that. Best wishes.