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Thursday, May 06, 2021

How Content Strategy Influences Your Internet Marketing Business

White on blue digital marketing sign projected from tablet screen on a table and surrounded by a smartphone on top of a notepad, pens and pencils, paper clips, ruler, notepads and a white mug of coffee.

Content strategy is your ability to create unique and engaging content and effectively promote it to your audience through various web and social media channels to grow your internet marketing business. In digital marketing terms, content includes written text, images/graphics, video, sound, and even links. Digital marketers deliberately create good content for the sole purpose of reaching out to their audience to deliver something of value to them. That something of value is expected to encourage the audience to take some desired action. If well crafted, good content should be clear, easy to read/watch/use, educational, compelling, informative, and even entertaining. 

If you are a business owner, content marketing is hugely important to the success of your marketing campaigns. You need it to promote your image and grow your brand reputation. To achieve this, you must decide on a specific content at the outset of your marketing campaigns. It is important to develop a detailed plan for it early on. That will enable you to set clear goals and milestones for your content strategy project. Measuring your progress alongside these set goals enables you to determine how much progress your business is making as your marketing campaigns progress.

For your content strategy to deliver good results, it requires creativity and originality. It takes diligence and thoroughly researched information to write unique and engaging content that gets results. Next is to organize and optimize the content for search engine rankings through which it gets organic traffic that benefits your business. As a business owner, if you habitually craft content articles that are relevant to your target audience, they read well, and are well written in a way that compellingly engages readers; you get some of the best results that help to grow your online business.

Granted, content marketing may not be entirely about engaging readers alone. There is much more to it. Smart marketers can use good content to establish and maintain positive relationships and also provide reliable feedback to their audience. For this reason, marketers must always be very sensitive to the concerns of their customers, what they say and what content they are responding to. Because it is very important to stay connected with your audience as a direct benefit to your business, you cannot afford to ignore audience feedback. This feedback gives you the all-important opportunity to regularly fine-tune your marketing strategies with a view to engaging better through web multi-channel including social media platforms. If you do so, your business benefits from more attention, more traffic and more clicks.

Getting your content on social media hugely benefits your business. Social media allows unfettered and mutually beneficial interactions between businesses and their audiences/customers/followers. Through that, businesses get to know not only their audiences but also those who are outside of their target demographic. When content marketers connect with followers on social media, they can develop meaningful relationships that translate into increased patronage and sales. You can use social media platforms to gauge how satisfied your customers are with the products/services your business is offering. If you allow your content strategy to effectively serve as your online sales tool, your business benefits from pulling in more sales from social media.

Businesses can also use social media effectively to build or grow their brands through engagements. Social media engagement is one of the most important components of a content strategy. It makes available to marketers veritable platforms to interact and work with friends/followers. This allows marketers to get the most from their content marketing efforts while simultaneously exposing the content to potential customers who also use and regularly visit the social media platforms. That helps to build your brand by way of viral effects.

Your content strategy can only be successful if you know your customers well enough. If you do, you can easily determine what content they want and how best to deliver it to them and through what marketing channels to deliver it to make it appeal to them. If marketers know their customers well enough, they can craft good content that is both compelling and informative and promote it multi-media and multi-channel online. That is what makes it effective. If it is effective enough, it helps online businesses to attract web traffic, build their brands, get leads, make more sales and grow their revenue base.

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Benefits of Sharing Content on Social Media

Social media signs and symbols with handles projecting from a computer mouse.
 It may not be out of place to assert that nearly everyone appears to be on social media these days. For online marketers, many have since discovered the awesome power of social media as it affects marketing online. That power derives mostly from the ease of use and ability to share content widely and quickly. Marketing experts appear to agree that the single most powerful feature of social media is the power of sharing. When users post quality content which is in alignment with the interests of their friends/followers, many of these friends/followers may resolve to share that content with their own connections as well. That scenario helps to give the content a “viral effect” which directly benefits the business of marketers. Such benefits come mostly by way of attracting the much needed traffic to where such businesses are located online.

As a marketer, sharing your content helps to accomplish a number of goals in your business, the most obvious being the ability of your content to reach and be seen by a large number of readers. Effective sharing of content manages to do so much more. It is potentially exponential and the multiplier effect is enormous. Depending on the number of friends/followers at each level who in turn take on the sharing, a viral process is triggered as a result. The more quality content you post, the higher the chances that it will in turn be shared by others at each level.


The ability to share good content somehow reinforces your connection with the friends/followers who share the post. When a fellow marketer agrees to and actually shares your content, it simply means he/she is vouching for the quality of the content. Such friends/followers are actually chesting out directly affirming that your content is a good one by sharing it. If their own friends/followers like and appreciate the content as well, they also share it. What that means is that you have contributed value that has helped others to bond with their friends/followers. This relationship when appreciated with gratitude somehow helps to reinforce your connection with others.

Many marketers have found out that sharing somehow helps to create more links to your content. Here is how it works. For example, if you have a link on any content of your blog posts, each subsequent sharing creates another link to your blog. If that post is also shared on social media it also creates a link to your social media profile. Each share creates more backlinks to you or your blog. More sharing increases and enhances more ways you and your business can be found. That translates to exposure. So, the more ways other people can find their way to your content, the more popular that content becomes. In online parlance, popularity simply means more traffic to your business.

If you make a good post and it gets shared more and is “liked” by many more people, the search engines usually give it a higher rating since they see a clear proof that it is good content. Therefore, the more your posts get shared, the more exposure you get on the search engines. The more exposure you get from search engines, the more traffic they send to your site. Social media sites do love real activity on their platforms as well. That is why sharing on their platforms also increases the rank of your social media profile on the sites.  That no doubt is good for any online business.


Ease of sharing within and with other social media sites is another great benefit. As people are different so also are social media sites. Everyone, depending on their preferences and the nature of their businesses always has a preferred social media site. That you are not on the same platform with me does not mean I can’t help share your content. If for example I am your friend on Facebook and you share your blog post, I can easily have your good content therein shared to my own friends/followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many others. Other persons in those other platforms can also share the content within their own platforms. Here is the benefit. Even if you the original content “owner” may not be active on all the social media sites, further sharing by your friends/followers on these other sites helps to spread your content farther and more widely. That is much better than what you can do on your own within the one site you are active on. More and wider sharing of your content greatly expands your reach exponentially. Your business gets to benefit directly from that.  

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Why Your Small Business Needs Digital Marketing

Two persons working from white notesheets with two computers and pens on the table.
 No matter the size of your business, to reach out quickly and efficiently to customers, you need digital marketing. That is because, digital marketing is one great way to enhance or increase the branding of your product in digital technologies on the internet along with smartphones and screening devices. You need digital marketing to boost or advertise your products/services in the electronic world by using different platforms on the internet.  It is one very good platform to connect with customers as well as for the company to sell its products and services. Digital marketing is getting increasingly popular among many small businesses nowadays. For that reason, the future of digital marketing is very bright. It is one good and very reliable platform new businesses can depend on to show their products and services to their target markets. The ease and convenience of operations in digital marketing in another boost since it makes uploading of pictures and videos, writing blogs and offering online services very easy chores to carry out daily if you know what you are doing.

If you run a small business, just push it out there via digital media marketing and the business will get the following advantages amongst others:

Faster and Better than Traditional marketing

No doubt digital marketing is faster and easier than the traditional option to market your products and services. It is also more convenient to use by way of banners and e-cards.  It is more advantageous than traditional billboards and more physical stuff which are costlier to install and maintain. It gets out the message faster, better and wider via the internet than traditional methods.

Narrows Gap in Communication

Operationally, digital marketing helps to bridge communication gap which usually exists between customers and organizations. With the use of the internet, you can quickly bridge communication gaps thereby making it easier and more reliable for the both; customer and company to engage positively. Internet has greatly enabled the rise of the smart consumer. Through social media channels, rating and review boards, and forums, consumers are now able to connect with other consumers easily. That connectivity empowers them to give their approval or disapproval of a product or service thereby influencing and directing the buying decisions of potential customers. Digital marketing enables consumers to easily connect directly with organizations and vice versa. By keeping in touch with customers through follow-up emails, personalized offers, and thank you letters, organizations now build relationships and establish a sense of community around their brands fairly easily. That helps to build good businesses no doubt.

Helps Boost Company Visibility

To enhance real visibility for your business, you need digital marketing. An increase in visibility on the internet market automatically helps to boost sales through technology. An organization can be visible to a large number of individuals through different social media platforms. Many of such platforms can promote your business even for free. Setting up a strong presence on the Internet through a website, a blog, paid marketing and web-based social networking is good for business.

Enables more Detailed Marketing Research

You can’t operate a business in isolation and expect to make it good. It pays to know what your competitors are up and what they are doing. Same goes for customers particularly customer behavior. Information is king and research on the internet is faster and more reliable for any business. With the touch of a button, the Internet makes available to you, a wealth of resource portals and tools that allow marketers to more accurately gather data on consumers and track their activities and preferences. Google is one good source and a sure bet for these resources and tools.

Highly Cost-Effective

The bottomline always matters when it comes to marketing. To compete favorably, any small business with an eye on profits needs to push up more money and other resources to market their products/services. Digital marketing easily helps such businesses with more resources to boost the business up and engage more customers even on a very cheap budget. Depending on what you want, you can choose your budget plans and make strategies to market your product with cost-effectiveness dictating the pace.

Better Returns on Investments

Aha!! Everyone who is in business always wants good returns on their investments. Easy and smart use of Google and other social media websites are another great opportunity for good returns on investment because they are largely free to use. You also have cheap access to tools for choosing your own location where you can engage the relevant peoples to which you want to market your services or products. A good use of web analytics helps many business owners to know whether their websites are providing optimal ROI. With that information, they can conveniently allocate their budgets efficiently by deciding on the investments to plan on every day. Very smart no doubt if you also have an eye on your own company’s ROI.