As a marketer, sharing your content helps to accomplish a number of goals in your business, the most obvious being the ability of your content to reach and be seen by a large number of readers. Effective sharing of content manages to do so much more. It is potentially exponential and the multiplier effect is enormous. Depending on the number of friends/followers at each level who in turn take on the sharing, a viral process is triggered as a result. The more quality content you post, the higher the chances that it will in turn be shared by others at each level.
The ability to share good content somehow reinforces your connection with the friends/followers who share the post. When a fellow marketer agrees to and actually shares your content, it simply means he/she is vouching for the quality of the content. Such friends/followers are actually chesting out directly affirming that your content is a good one by sharing it. If their own friends/followers like and appreciate the content as well, they also share it. What that means is that you have contributed value that has helped others to bond with their friends/followers. This relationship when appreciated with gratitude somehow helps to reinforce your connection with others.
Many marketers have found out that sharing somehow helps to create more links to your content. Here is how it works. For example, if you have a link on any content of your blog posts, each subsequent sharing creates another link to your blog. If that post is also shared on social media it also creates a link to your social media profile. Each share creates more backlinks to you or your blog. More sharing increases and enhances more ways you and your business can be found. That translates to exposure. So, the more ways other people can find their way to your content, the more popular that content becomes. In online parlance, popularity simply means more traffic to your business.
If you make a good post and it gets shared more and is “liked” by many more people, the search engines usually give it a higher rating since they see a clear proof that it is good content. Therefore, the more your posts get shared, the more exposure you get on the search engines. The more exposure you get from search engines, the more traffic they send to your site. Social media sites do love real activity on their platforms as well. That is why sharing on their platforms also increases the rank of your social media profile on the sites. That no doubt is good for any online business.
Ease of sharing within and with other social media sites is another great benefit. As people are different so also are social media sites. Everyone, depending on their preferences and the nature of their businesses always has a preferred social media site. That you are not on the same platform with me does not mean I can’t help share your content. If for example I am your friend on Facebook and you share your blog post, I can easily have your good content therein shared to my own friends/followers on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many others. Other persons in those other platforms can also share the content within their own platforms. Here is the benefit. Even if you the original content “owner” may not be active on all the social media sites, further sharing by your friends/followers on these other sites helps to spread your content farther and more widely. That is much better than what you can do on your own within the one site you are active on. More and wider sharing of your content greatly expands your reach exponentially. Your business gets to benefit directly from that.