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Friday, January 27, 2017

How to Distribute SFI TCards by Email

TripleClicks decal at the back screen of a car.

Gift cards are very effective marketing tools in SFI. They are a very effective way to introduce SFI and TripleClicks to other people. They are cute, beautiful and easily appreciated as simple gifts. Many people relish getting a gift card and most are always very appreciative of the cards.

Currently in SFI, there are two types of gift cards, the Physical and the Digital gift cards with a common feature of 12 characters redemption code which is the most important marketing feature in the cards. If you want to distribute these cards by email, all you need are Digital gift cards with the appropriate codes already inscribed by SFI. Bear in mind that SFI regulates the use of these cards by very strict rules. For best results, you must familiarize yourself with these rules before you use gift cards.

SFI also provides sample messages which you can adapt for your own use.


“Dear friend,

I have some gifts cards that I'd like you to have as a token of my love and appreciation of our friendship.

You can redeem the cards at SFI TripleClicks which is a very popular e-commerce platform like Amazon or eBay.

The card has a $12 value, redeemable in TripleClicks products and merchandises

The gift card redemption code is:
xxxxxxxxxxxx “

The card itself tells you how it can be redeemed so stick with that. Best wishes.

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