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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For

Digital Marketing Trends on red road signs.
Emerging evolution in internet business now compels digital marketers to use content marketing to do far more than just marketing. This is the real reason for evolving trends in the use of content to do more than create awareness and personalize customer experience. It is generally accepted by digital marketers that content marketing comes in many forms such as blogs, newsletters, videos, podcasts and infographics because they find them as the most creative and effective tools in their marketing efforts. Every smart digital marketer must keep up with trends to remain relevant. Keeping up with the latest trends in digital marketing is one great way to determine which form is most effective for certain campaigns and specific seasons. As a marketer, whichever trends you decide to follow and implement, be sure you have a content marketing strategy in place that will keep you and your business on the right track in the ever-changing cyberspace business world.


Here are some of the top content marketing trends currently engaging the attention of digital marketers.

Content Selling

There is now a shift in emphasis from general content marketing to content selling. Any content created which does not drive sales is presently perceived as useless. This is why traditional marketing teams and content as all marketers used to know them are gradually going away. There is presently no clear line of demarcation between sales and marketing. It is only the content which drives sales that is now worth creating.

Artificial Intelligence, AI 

With new apps and plugins finding more creative uses in digital marketing, AI is gradually replacing some content marketing agencies and marketers are really excited. With more development and advancement in AI, content marketing agencies which are unable to strategize to be extra creative are inevitably falling far behind in competition.

Targeted Content

Digital marketers very well know that customers are only interested in what matters to them. This is the truism that targeted content strives to exploit. Customers find a business useful to them if what they get from it matters to them.  Businesses that deliberately create targeted content around the things that matter to their customers get better business. This is why deliberately creating targeted content is now trending.

Specialized Content Creation Teams

Hitherto, in many businesses, creating content was assigned to the entire marketing team, many of whom may not be exactly skilled in content creation. That is changing as many businesses now appreciate more the value that good content brings to their businesses. Most marketing teams are now assembled to focus specifically on content creation and the teams made up entirely of people who are skilled at content creation as well as marketing and communications.

Blogging Brevity 

The era of voluminous blogs appears to be over. This is why the popularity of blogs appears to be declining. In actual fact, things are fast going the way of very brief blogs. These days, if businesses want their blogs to be widely read, they will need to be brief in their presentations. More and better integration of video contents with text contents tends to take attention away from text contents. That is why text brevity is now on.

More Live Videos

These videos are not only very brief, they are highly attention arresting. Presently, live videos dominate many contents because digital marketers have found out that live videos are becoming one of the Internet’s most popular forms of content. That is why live videos are poised for higher demands and in more content places in the digital marketing world.

More Personalized Customer Experiences

The more targeted content in use, the more personalized customer experience will become. Marketers are increasingly striving to make content a personalized experience for customers. As content marketing continues to evolve, turning content into something that is experienced and not just consumed will become one of the biggest and rewarding trends to follow. 


Writing Skills
There is now less emphasis on writing skills alone. What is trending is a combination of writing skills plus video and audio production and graphic design skills. This combination now delivers the most potent content for digital marketers in cyberspace.

More Optimized Content

Search engine algorithms are changing very frequently. Aside text and video content optimization, there is now an added need to optimize content for voice search. Researchers in the UK have discovered a remarkable upward trend in online searches for voice content, a brand new trend indeed. What this means is that to stay relevant, businesses will have to do much more to start optimizing more of their content for voice search.

More of Interactive Content 

This is now made popular by social media. Interactive content is simply “content that requires the participants’ active engagement.” More interactive content enables participating businesses to receive real-time and hyper-relevant results which help to enhance their businesses. Somehow, interactive content helps businesses to easily reach and positively engage a wider audience at little or no costs at all. This is the reason, it is now trending.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Great Benefits of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing work station with a computer, flowers and work tools.
 It is an interesting world out there in cyberspace says online marketing experts. Marketing online is a very easy and inexpensive way to do business in cyberspace. As an inexpensive way of reaching your target market, internet marketing takes many forms in the digital world. These methods include but are not limited to tactics like Search Engine Marketing, SEM, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, blogging, social media marketing and banners among many others. These methods characteristically pack immense benefits, some of which are:

Numerous and Easy to Deploy Tactics

Even wannabe marketers easily get involved because of the abundance of tactics. Many of these tactics include but not limited to PPC, SEO, blogging, and other equally productive ways of online advertising. These different formats characteristically offer businesses the opportunity to select the one that is ideal and a perfect match to their advertising needs.


Internet marketing is generally low-cost when compared to the traditional forms of marketing. It requires a very small initial investment if any to deploy. The real reason they are ideal for both startups and established businesses.

Easily Develops Loyalty

With Internet marketing, it is fairly easy to quickly develop loyalty because of its very nature. It helps to build two-way communication with prospective customers very quickly. With a two-way communication element, internet marketing comes off as subtle and yet effective way of marketing. Characteristically, target customers are presented with engaging content about products and services and an opportunity to learn from online reviews. That helps to quickly develop trust and customer loyalty to the business brand.

Quick, Rapid and Time-Efficient

Digital marketing is characterized by its rapid nature. With it, you can quickly present your products and services to the target customers thereby saving you and your business valuable time that would have otherwise been lost on traditional forms of marketing. This also means that the benefits are achieved sooner rather than later. A great attraction indeed!


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How to Convince Prospects to Try SFI Business

Currency notes held and spread out in a fan shape.

If anyone has had pretty bad experiences on the Internet, you will have to be very tactful to be able to convince them to try SFI business. Start by admitting to the fellow that the internet world or cyberspace is full of good businesses and bad businesses. That there are also plenty of scams masquerading as businesses on the internet. Remind the fellow that as the saying goes, you do understand that “once bitten, twice shy.” Assert firmly that inspite of the abundance of scams, there are still very legitimate, good and profitable businesses online foremost of which is SFI. Real out the following facts about SFI business to support your arguments:

-You can participate in SFI free for as long as you want, with no obligation.
- It is in its 19th successful year as an online business.
- It is a 14-year Bronze member of American Better Business Bureau.
- It has over 1.5 million real time affiliates.
- It has over 2.4 million TripleClicks members.
- It has over 118,000+ commissionable products.
- It has over 7,072 E-Commerce Affiliates around the world.
- It has over 230 LocalPay Merchants around the world.
- It has over 1,694 - TripleClicks.com's global popularity rank (source: Alexa.com)
- It has paid out millions in commissions (in US Dollars) to its affiliates over the years.

That done, I have no doubt that the fellow you are talking to will start to nurse some positive thoughts about SFI. That to my mind is a very good pep talk and I believe it will work to convince even skeptic.

Good luck!!