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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

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Showing posts with label campaigns. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2021

8 Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes in Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing work station with a laptop computer, smartphone and a mug of beverage.
Affiliate marketing is a specialized business and one of the most interesting and lucrative industries on the Internet. It hinges strictly on commissions earning by affiliates depending on how well they are able to help drive sales for products merchants. It presents as one great opportunity for marketers and advertisers to partner with others to promote their products, services, brands or affiliate programs. As an affiliate, the more time and effort you invest into learning and testing everything first, the more likely that you’ll make it real good in the business. Hereunder are some tips that can help you to avoid many common mistakes most affiliate marketers tend to make when they are starting out.

#1. Never Stop Learning

Just as the internet grows and changes, so are internet marketing techniques. To be on top of your game in affiliate marketing, you must be open to continuous learning. For every good affiliate marketer therefore, there is no end to learning or knowledge sharing. It is a continuous process because the industry tends to change very rapidly. New trends appear all the time just as old ones die out quickly. For this reason, you must be ready to take full advantage of new changes and to spend some time and resources on learning new trends and techniques of the business.

#2. Don’t Overvalue your Products

It is inevitable that you must have to promote products/services in affiliate marketing. In most cases, this promotion is directly out of your own affiliate website/blog. However, you must make sure you don’t overvalue the products/services you are promoting. If you do, it could backfire on your business in the long run. Your main consideration as an affiliate marketer is to curt and service a loyal audience by providing valuable resources, information and insights that will help them to solve their problems. Doing so consistently helps you to build traffic. As soon as good traffic starts coming to your website, you then create an offer that's closely related to what you consistently share on your website/blog to your audience. That helps your marketing efforts a great deal.

#3. Never Fail to Track your Marketing Metrics

Without consistent tracking, it is virtually impossible to know how well your affiliate marketing campaigns are doing. It is therefore quite critical to track analytics and determine which marketing channels are bringing in the most traffic. The insights from such metrics help you to know where to focus more efforts and where to de-emphasize when it comes to promoting affiliate offers. Important metrics to track are unique daily visits and repeat visits, daily and weekly sales volume, where and through what channels visitors come to your website, which content attracts more visitors’ attention and so on and so forth.

#4. Don't Expect Sudden Huge Earnings

When starting out in affiliate marketing, you’ll be hugely disappointed if you expect to earn huge commissions quickly. It is always a gradual process and as you learn the ropes. The competition is huge as well. One reason you should lower your revenue expectations is that there are literally thousands of web publishers doing same things you are doing and they’ve been at it sometimes for years and still struggle to find good revenue. It is the nature of the business. What is important is to be patient and to work diligently hard before you can get appreciable results. So, your earned income will depend largely on how much time, effort and patience you're willing to invest in the business particularly at the outset.

#5. Don't be Afraid to Give Up if you Must

Always have an eye for what is not working and be ready to discard it at the earliest opportunity. It may be hard to walk away from an affiliate campaign or website that is not yielding desired results. What is best however is to do so to free up your resources, time and efforts for something else that has a better chance of getting the results you want. The watchword is to always do what makes good business sense at any point in time.


#6. Never Sell your Visitors Short

It is unethical to sell your website visitors short. It is one huge marketing mistake to sell visitors short. What you should be doing is to always provide them high-quality offers that match well with what they want and need. Website visitors are not just aimless web surfers. Many are on the web actively searching for what they want. You do better business if you help them to meet their needs. So, before trying to sell your visitors something, make sure that you've done your research well. That is the only way you can better arrive at offers that closely match what your audience is looking for.

#7. Never Fail to Embrace Testing

You cannot succeed in affiliate marketing if you are unable to thoroughly test ideas and techniques to know how they work and how you can take advantage of them in your marketing efforts. It is a no, no to rely on guess works. You must be ready to test ideas and be sure of what works before investing more time, effort and money. Most marketers rely on A/B testing tools for many of their campaigns. These tools help to give very valuable insights into what's working and at what risks if any.

#8. Don't Shutout your Earnings

If you are relatively new in affiliate marketing, there are some things you may choose to do which are capable of shutting out some of your earnings. For instance, many affiliate marketers may be quick to start promoting a new offer the moment it goes live even before fully optimizing and promoting it before making it available. If this happens, you may be missing out of some of your earnings for failing to run the right tests before promoting the offer widely. When you do the right testing, it gives you a better chance of converting more visitors into subscribers or buyers, because you've taken adequate time to work on optimizing your entire marketing from start to finish. Affiliate marketers tend to get the best results particularly from new campaigns and they earn more if they test and optimize their marketing well enough.

Saturday, March 27, 2021

5 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies that Get Quick Results

Digital Marketing work station with a computer, smartphone, pencil and a white mug of beverage.
Digital marketing appears to be growing and deepening in tandem with the internet. For digital marketers to get quick results and remain relevant it is of huge importance for them to make sure they plan their inbound digital marketing strategy very well. What they really need is a budget-friendly digital marketing strategy that works for their customers. If well designed and effective, digital marketing can be relatively low cost to implement even while offering high returns on investment. For this reason, marketers must always try to understand exactly where their businesses fit in the market. That is key to the success of any digital marketing strategy they may choose to adopt. For your own digital marketing journey, I like to recommend you try the following strategies if you want quick results.


1. Market with Captivating Online Ads

This is a given. The more captivating your ads, the more traffic they attract and the more clicks they get. If you want to succeed as a digital marketer, it is very important for you to ensure your online ads stand out from the hugely competitive crowd. This is in addition to ensuring your ads are at all times relevant to your audience. This you can do by making sure your ad texts are optimized for your chosen keywords in addition to their aesthetic and attractive designs, particularly banners. Using the right language and vocabulary that your audience understands adds to the appeal and effectiveness of your ads. For best results, marketers must always have a good understanding of the audience they are targeting, why they are targeting them, the stage they are in the buying cycle and exactly what type of message that can affect them the most.

2. Consistently Write Engaging Blog Content

Blogging is one of the cheapest and most effective forms of content marketing available to digital marketers online. If your blog is authoritative, informative and educational, it easily attracts loyal readers. That translates to regular traffic to your website. Marketers use their informative blogs to enhance the knowledge that customers have about the products they are marketing. That knowledge helps to build brand authority and popularity for marketers. The more and consistent a marketer writes good content, the more popular his brand becomes. If the content a marketer consistently writes is SEO-friendly, search engines help people searching for related information to that website. That translates to very valuable organic traffic.

3. Market with Social Media

Social media is increasingly becoming indispensable to digital marketers because of the huge popularity of the platforms. With nearly 4 billion users around the world, social media is now the ideal place to market for most digital marketers. Now without a doubt, that is quite a huge market. Depending on the product/service you are marketing, marketers have a host of social media platforms available to them. They always have available to them many different social media platforms from which to choose. What matters most is to be sure to choose and work with such platforms where your targeted audience hangs out. That is the right place to engage them. This engagement can be very crucial in building brand recognition and loyalty. Brand recognition results from your marketing messages getting the desired results and more. Social media platforms most popular with marketers are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok. They all have their individual peculiarities, advantages and restrictions though. Marketers always choose which is best suitable for their type of business and which helps them to get the best results.

4. Engage with Email Marketing

Effective communication is inseparable from digital marketing. Marketers use good communication to push products, engage with customers, prospect new customers, get leads and make sales. Communicating by email is usually a preferred choice for marketers who genuinely want to build engagement. This is because email is cost-effective, super quick and quite convenient for marketers to reach out easily to a very large audience that can even be in the range of hundreds of thousands just by pressing a computer button. Once a marketer builds up a credible email-marketing list over time, periodically reaching out to everyone on this list with all forms of marketing messages becomes relatively easy.

5. Efficiently Track and Measure Inbound Traffic

It is very difficult for marketers to gauge the performance of their marketing campaigns without efficient tracking and measurements. That is where online analytics tools become very handy. With these tools, particularly free Google Analytics tools, marketers can easily find out what sources are driving visitors and the webpages that are most popular with searchers. Marketers get insights into what sources web searchers used to find their websites. They get information about how long they stayed where on the site and what they looked at while there. They get information about what kind/types of smart devices through which visitors accessed their webpages. This information helps marketers to rejig or redesign their marketing strategies and provides lots of historic information against which to benchmark the future performance of their marketing campaigns.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

How to Optimize Your Digital Marketing Budget

Digital marketing graphics on work station with computers, notepads, pens and pencils calculators and other work tools.
In any business, operating expense account always has many competing sub-heads, one of which is marketing. Weighed against what needs to be done particularly in digital marketing campaigns, marketing budgets are usually thinly stretched and never enough. Therefore, you need efficient and effective allocation of every cent of your marketing budget to maximize profits. What helps that process is the use of some tested and practical strategies to help your digital marketing campaigns.

These here strategies if implemented diligently can help your business to get the most out of your marketing budgets.

Align and Streamline Your Marketing Efforts

Avoid dissipating energy and time online daily without commensurate results. You may think you are not directly spending money so it is ok. Your time has value and it is money. Streamlining and aligning your marketing efforts online helps to reduce the time spent in your promotional efforts and that means some savings in costs. Huge social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter have their own peculiarities. Depending on the product you are marketing, you cannot get the same results across all the platforms. So, find out what works best for your product and work with that instead of spreading your campaigns in all the platforms when some are obviously not giving you encouraging results.


Keep a Tight Rein on Your Ads Budget

Clearly, this is inevitable if you want to save costs. Expert marketers always advise that instead of spreading your budget thin on a large variety of platforms, it is best to focus only on the ones where you can take full control of both targeting and cost. That enables you to keep a very tight rein on your ads budget. If you habitually use online advertising giants like Google, Bing and Facebook, you can target your ads properly at minimally controlled costs. The more control you have on what you can spend your ads budget on, the easier it is for you to keep costs low within your limited resources.

Use Only Ads that Work

Well, if ads don’t work, they can’t be correctly referred to ads anyway. Ads that work are what you work with to save costs. With Google Analytics, you can effectively measure the source and quantity of leads or sales. That allows you to compare several ads sources such as paid campaigns, organic traffic and the like with a view to deciding on what gets the best results. Working only with ads that get the best results is the best way to save costs in online advertising.

Remarketing Ads

Remarketing or retargeting simply means deliberate efforts to target website visitors in some other platform who did not convert in another platform. This works when potential buyers who clicked on an ad in say Google but did not convert are for example targeted again on Google with the same or different ads. A more complicated marketing than that is cross-channel remarketing which works by simply retargeting users on a different platform. This works by way of some potential customers who click on an ad in say Google but did not convert but now see such ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter which tend to be tailored towards the pages they like to visit. With cross-channel remarketing, advertisers can easily boost their ads effectiveness and save costs in their advertising campaigns.

Scale Only profitable Ads

Expert marketers like to advise that any marketing campaign, be it online or offline should be started on a small scale with narrow targeting. That effort should be continued until the ad becomes profitable. Once it becomes profitable, that is the right time for the campaign to be scaled. Scaling may involve experimenting with different campaign types on the same platform as well as adding other platforms. There are essentially two main reasons justifying why it is good to start small and wait for ads to be profitable before scaling. Firstly, profit from the initial campaign usually creates a buffer for potentially unprofitable additional campaigns or platforms. Secondly, with that, business owners tend to know exactly what works well for them. That allows them to base their other marketing efforts on what they know works well for them. Armed with that information, they can simply put more of their budget into the initial campaign, without significantly increasing the risk of missing out on a return. That is smart marketing no doubt!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Digital Marketing Trends to Look Out For

Digital Marketing Trends on red road signs.
Emerging evolution in internet business now compels digital marketers to use content marketing to do far more than just marketing. This is the real reason for evolving trends in the use of content to do more than create awareness and personalize customer experience. It is generally accepted by digital marketers that content marketing comes in many forms such as blogs, newsletters, videos, podcasts and infographics because they find them as the most creative and effective tools in their marketing efforts. Every smart digital marketer must keep up with trends to remain relevant. Keeping up with the latest trends in digital marketing is one great way to determine which form is most effective for certain campaigns and specific seasons. As a marketer, whichever trends you decide to follow and implement, be sure you have a content marketing strategy in place that will keep you and your business on the right track in the ever-changing cyberspace business world.


Here are some of the top content marketing trends currently engaging the attention of digital marketers.

Content Selling

There is now a shift in emphasis from general content marketing to content selling. Any content created which does not drive sales is presently perceived as useless. This is why traditional marketing teams and content as all marketers used to know them are gradually going away. There is presently no clear line of demarcation between sales and marketing. It is only the content which drives sales that is now worth creating.

Artificial Intelligence, AI 

With new apps and plugins finding more creative uses in digital marketing, AI is gradually replacing some content marketing agencies and marketers are really excited. With more development and advancement in AI, content marketing agencies which are unable to strategize to be extra creative are inevitably falling far behind in competition.

Targeted Content

Digital marketers very well know that customers are only interested in what matters to them. This is the truism that targeted content strives to exploit. Customers find a business useful to them if what they get from it matters to them.  Businesses that deliberately create targeted content around the things that matter to their customers get better business. This is why deliberately creating targeted content is now trending.

Specialized Content Creation Teams

Hitherto, in many businesses, creating content was assigned to the entire marketing team, many of whom may not be exactly skilled in content creation. That is changing as many businesses now appreciate more the value that good content brings to their businesses. Most marketing teams are now assembled to focus specifically on content creation and the teams made up entirely of people who are skilled at content creation as well as marketing and communications.

Blogging Brevity 

The era of voluminous blogs appears to be over. This is why the popularity of blogs appears to be declining. In actual fact, things are fast going the way of very brief blogs. These days, if businesses want their blogs to be widely read, they will need to be brief in their presentations. More and better integration of video contents with text contents tends to take attention away from text contents. That is why text brevity is now on.

More Live Videos

These videos are not only very brief, they are highly attention arresting. Presently, live videos dominate many contents because digital marketers have found out that live videos are becoming one of the Internet’s most popular forms of content. That is why live videos are poised for higher demands and in more content places in the digital marketing world.

More Personalized Customer Experiences

The more targeted content in use, the more personalized customer experience will become. Marketers are increasingly striving to make content a personalized experience for customers. As content marketing continues to evolve, turning content into something that is experienced and not just consumed will become one of the biggest and rewarding trends to follow. 


Writing Skills
There is now less emphasis on writing skills alone. What is trending is a combination of writing skills plus video and audio production and graphic design skills. This combination now delivers the most potent content for digital marketers in cyberspace.

More Optimized Content

Search engine algorithms are changing very frequently. Aside text and video content optimization, there is now an added need to optimize content for voice search. Researchers in the UK have discovered a remarkable upward trend in online searches for voice content, a brand new trend indeed. What this means is that to stay relevant, businesses will have to do much more to start optimizing more of their content for voice search.

More of Interactive Content 

This is now made popular by social media. Interactive content is simply “content that requires the participants’ active engagement.” More interactive content enables participating businesses to receive real-time and hyper-relevant results which help to enhance their businesses. Somehow, interactive content helps businesses to easily reach and positively engage a wider audience at little or no costs at all. This is the reason, it is now trending.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Top Social Media Blunders to Avoid

Grey computer with social media symbols floating out of the screen.
These days, nearly everyone is on social media but not everyone does the right things with social media. You’ve got to do the right things on social media to get the right results. Those right things include social media planning. You’ve got to plan out your social media campaigns to avoid making avoidable mistakes on the platforms. With some patience and a willingness to learn, social media can take you a long way in your marketing campaigns.


To succeed on social media and make it real good, you’ve got to pay particular attention to the following common mistakes.

#1. Not engaging sufficiently with your readers

On social media, the people you interact are the key to your marketing success. If you are not sufficiently engaging with them, your business is the loser. Responding to comments and inquiries in a very prompt manner is highly effective at building engagement with your social media page.

#2. Demanding that your readers share your page

This is a no no! Your readers must have sufficient motivation to share your content on their own volition and not by your asking them to do so. Asking users to share your info without providing relevant motivation for them to do so does not work. If your users don’t have good reasons to share your content, they simply won’t.

#3. Not sufficiently luring engagement

It pays all parties to engage sufficiently on social media. Many users will not act unless you lure them to. You do need to lure users to engage with your profile by offering them incentives and asking them to participate. It is best to give them great ways to do so. Such ways must be motivating enough to wear down resistance.

#4. Not daring and experimenting enough

You may need to experiment a little to find out what works for you on your
profile. Be willing to do this often as you are not alone. Everyone is doing virtually the same things out there on social media. It is not how you do it that matters most. What matters is results and nothing else.

#5. Not attaching high value to your account

Many people do not realize that their social media accounts are very valuable assets for their marketing campaigns. Many see these accounts as mere play stations. If you want to be a great marketer, you must attach very high premiums to your social media accounts.  For good marketers, social media isn’t something to leave to chance or be done half-heartedly. It is best approached with all business seriousness. If you don’t, you lose out big time.

#6. Not detailing your profile

Your social media profile is your main front office attraction. It pays to fill it out in great and attractive details. Failing to do it adequately and professionally can hurt your campaigns. Experts recommend that you’ve got fill-out your profile with needed info about you, photos, keywords, and other posts because they help to get the best results. 


#7. Not posting often

Regular and fresh content is good for SEO in your social media accounts. Periodically updating your profile gives you better algorithm standing and helps users to find you online. The easier it is for them to find you, the better for your marketing campaigns.

#8. Relying only on ads to boost traffic

Experts advise the use of all available means to get traffic to your site not by just great ads alone. It is an error to rely on ads alone to get traffic since there are other traffic boosting methods which can even be much more efficient than ads to get traffic. You’ve got to focus on building better search engine optimization, SEO using the right SEO techniques and keywords to build organic traffic to your profile. That is more reliable on the long run than relying solely on ads to attract traffic.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Effective Email Marketing Techniques

Lone female working on a white computer with a white mug of beverage by her.
Email Marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing techniques. Many marketers now believe it is “old school” but even at that, many still rely on it for their marketing campaigns. The effectiveness of email marketing is directly dependent on the email list of potential customers you have built over time. No doubt such a list takes time, efforts and resources to build. That is why when built, it serves as a very valuable asset at the disposal of digital marketers. Without a credible email list, email marketing is grossly ineffective. A simple marketing message sent to hundreds of thousands of persons in your email list has an uncanny effect of getting some good responses. The more responses you get, the higher your chances of getting good patronage for your business.

When coming up with an email marketing campaign, it pays to consider the following:

#1. Optimize emails for mobile devices. With nearly everyone now going around with mobile smart devices, optimizing emails for mobile devices is highly imperative. They increase use, patronage and effectiveness.

#2. Going straight to the point. Internet users notoriously have very limited attention life span. So, with email marketing, going straight with your marketing pitch is what works best for good results.

#3. The subject line needs to be engaging enough so that it attracts the attention of the reader. Because of limited attention span internet users are notorious for, you can’t afford to beat about the bush to get your message across. The real reason you need to get your message engaging enough with the hope of its being taken seriously at first reading.

#4. The language should be simple and persuasive. The choice of language counts a great deal on its effectiveness. If it is simple and persuasive enough, the positive response to the message appears better enhanced.

#5. Don’t forget to discuss the pros of your product/service. As a marketer, you are not just selling products/services, you are selling solutions. Your business is problem solving. A product which helps to solve real problems gets better patronage than others. Email messages must get that across very vividly even at first glance.

BOTTOM LINE: You don’t just send emails to thousands of recipients. You send emails to recipients offering to solve problems for them. That is what works to get customers through email marketing techniques.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Tips to Give Your Small Business a Boost

A black computer with dollar notes floating out from the screen.
For your small business to succeed, you must take steps to promote the products/services extensively. Even though most traditional marketing methods are expensive and may not be affordable for all type of businesses, there is a way out. That way is digital marketing which is also very effective and less expensive. Digital technology revolves very rapidly but even at that, online marketing techniques are still very effective for most types and sizes of businesses. The reason is, digital marketing techniques are more customizable and easier to track and can easily add more value to a business or brand. In today’s digital landscape, below are some tips about proven ways to market a small business online for good results.

Optimize your Website for Search Engines

It is like a jungle out there on the internet and the competition is very stiff. The reason you must explore technical means to ensure Search Engines notice your website. The power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) cannot be underestimated by digital marketers as it allows a business to appear in more search engine searches with specific keyword(s). Optimization of a website entails the creative use of target keywords in titles, content, responsive design, fast loading pages, and easy to navigate web structure etc. It is a highly technical online field which you can get done with the services of experts if you do not have the knowledge and expertise to do it yourself.


Social Media Ads

Social media is exactly where to be right now if you are a small business owner. Nearly everyone is on social media these days. So, why not explore ways on social media to put your products/services where they can easily be found by the multitude of persons. That place is social media particularly the very popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. That is where you get the most ideal marketing platforms for digital marketers as they allow for easy sharing of information and they are hugely popular to boot. It is helpful to participate/interact on these platforms and to even place cheap ads on them for astonishingly good results.

Guest Blogging

If you are very much at home with the subject matter of your type of business and you are a good content writer, guest blogging is good for your business. There are millions of bloggers and very good blog sites out there on the internet. Many of the sites are already very popular to warrant being associated with because collaboration with expert bloggers in your industry is one of the best ways to give your business a boost online. If you explore ways to reach out to them and convince them with the good content you write how your experience or knowledge can add value to their blogs, they easily take you on. Most of the very popular blogs are open for guest posts with peculiar guest posting rules and guidelines. These you can take good advantage of. If however you are unable to write good content yourself, you can contract guest blogging services from experts to help you reach your target audience by selecting the right blogs/websites to make your posts live on.

Direct Blogging

Blogging is all about content marketing. It is just finding a way to get out your knowledge and expertise which benefits others. Online marketing experts insist that creating a blog for your business website and publishing high quality, problem solving and informative content regularly on it is one of the most effective online marketing tactics to generate good results for any business. When your blog becomes very popular online, it translates to traffic and eventual sales.

Email marketing

These days, some marketers argue that email marketing is obsolete but they do not deny the fact that it still turns in good marketing results. Email marketing campaign is a very effective method to reach and attract target customers but first, you must build a list. When established, email list becomes a very valuable asset for your email campaigns.  It comes very handy for sending out large quantity emails with valuable content, knowledge or product offers. Feedback from these mails can give your business some valuable exposure and even sales.


Video Marketing

Video marketing is visual content marketing which habitually gets better traffic and results than written content marketing. You can easily create product reviews, tutorial videos and some sort of interesting video content that people want to view then get it on YouTube and even Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Getting it on YouTube is more advantageous though. YouTube is the most powerful and free video marketing platform that allows anyone to create and market promotional video content free of cost. That appeal no doubt is to every good marketer’s delight. What is most important in visual content marketing is to be mindful at all times that people always want to watch something interesting and appealing much more than just a promotional content. That is what gets the much needed traffic and sales better.