These here strategies if implemented diligently can help your business to get the most out of your marketing budgets.
Align and Streamline Your Marketing Efforts
Avoid dissipating energy and time online daily without commensurate results. You may think you are not directly spending money so it is ok. Your time has value and it is money. Streamlining and aligning your marketing efforts online helps to reduce the time spent in your promotional efforts and that means some savings in costs. Huge social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter have their own peculiarities. Depending on the product you are marketing, you cannot get the same results across all the platforms. So, find out what works best for your product and work with that instead of spreading your campaigns in all the platforms when some are obviously not giving you encouraging results.
Keep a Tight Rein on Your Ads Budget
Clearly, this is inevitable if you want to save costs. Expert marketers always advise that instead of spreading your budget thin on a large variety of platforms, it is best to focus only on the ones where you can take full control of both targeting and cost. That enables you to keep a very tight rein on your ads budget. If you habitually use online advertising giants like Google, Bing and Facebook, you can target your ads properly at minimally controlled costs. The more control you have on what you can spend your ads budget on, the easier it is for you to keep costs low within your limited resources.
Use Only Ads that Work
Well, if ads don’t work, they can’t be correctly referred to ads anyway. Ads that work are what you work with to save costs. With Google Analytics, you can effectively measure the source and quantity of leads or sales. That allows you to compare several ads sources such as paid campaigns, organic traffic and the like with a view to deciding on what gets the best results. Working only with ads that get the best results is the best way to save costs in online advertising.
Remarketing Ads
Remarketing or retargeting simply means deliberate efforts to target website visitors in some other platform who did not convert in another platform. This works when potential buyers who clicked on an ad in say Google but did not convert are for example targeted again on Google with the same or different ads. A more complicated marketing than that is cross-channel remarketing which works by simply retargeting users on a different platform. This works by way of some potential customers who click on an ad in say Google but did not convert but now see such ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter which tend to be tailored towards the pages they like to visit. With cross-channel remarketing, advertisers can easily boost their ads effectiveness and save costs in their advertising campaigns.
Scale Only profitable Ads
Expert marketers like to advise that any marketing campaign, be it online or offline should be started on a small scale with narrow targeting. That effort should be continued until the ad becomes profitable. Once it becomes profitable, that is the right time for the campaign to be scaled. Scaling may involve experimenting with different campaign types on the same platform as well as adding other platforms. There are essentially two main reasons justifying why it is good to start small and wait for ads to be profitable before scaling. Firstly, profit from the initial campaign usually creates a buffer for potentially unprofitable additional campaigns or platforms. Secondly, with that, business owners tend to know exactly what works well for them. That allows them to base their other marketing efforts on what they know works well for them. Armed with that information, they can simply put more of their budget into the initial campaign, without significantly increasing the risk of missing out on a return. That is smart marketing no doubt!