This article will discuss some on-page and off-page SEO strategies/techniques to see if you can master them well enough for the benefit of your eCommerce business.
On-Page SEO Strategies
The technical details of optimizing the content of your website to be search engine and user friendly are collectively known as on-page SEO. On-page SEO focuses directly on website content and how it performs to attract traffic to the website. The following techniques are very helpful for on-page SEO.
1. Keyword Research
SEO on content works with keywords. Depending on the products you are marketing and the niche of your business, you can research keywords to determine which will be suitable to help search engines locate your products or website. It is best to use on your content, long-tail keywords/phrases with high search volume and lower keyword difficulty. For marketing purposes, long-tail keywords generally have a high conversion rate. When your conversion rate is high, you can get better leads through such keywords.
2. On-Page Planning
To get good results with on-page planning, you will need to be very precise and accurate. Part of this planning is to make sure you use different keywords for different pages depending on the products or message on the pages. Be sure the keywords targeted on one page are not conflicting in any way with the keywords on another page and all the website pages are interlinked with suitable internal linking. Give the pages a clear hierarchy and proper categorization. Carefully insert images and videos with the right spacing and with alt tags on all the pages. All these greatly help your on-page plan to deliver good results.
3. Search Intent Analyzation
Detecting the search intent of your website visitors helps to bring them over to your website through the right keywords related to that intent. You must therefore be able to analyze the intent of your visitors in tandem with your goals. Next is to focus on each set of visitors based on their search intent then direct your marketing appropriately using the keywords related to the intentions of each set and the objective of your website. That helps organic traffic a great deal.
4. Optimize for Mobile Devices
Google reports now indicate that a very large percentage of search data is attributable to mobile devices. If you do not want to miss out on this search data, it is best to optimize your website for mobile devices particularly smartphones. Google greatly values websites that are optimized for mobile devices because most of searchers are now using mobile phones to search for their queries. This is why it is hugely important to optimize your website design to make it mobile-friendly.
5. Leveraging LSI Keywords
Your marketing content gets better results if you add some keywords in the content related to your focused keyword. It is such keywords/phrases that Google considers related that are known as LSI Keywords. You get better results with your content if you add LSI keywords inside the content, its headings and subheadings as well. Be careful to space the keywords sparsely in your content to avoid penalties from Google for keywords stuffing.
6. Page Loading Speed
You can always tinker with your website design and content to improve on its loading speed. If a website loads fast, it is more customer-friendly than slow loading websites. This is the reason why low-speed loading increases bounce rate on a website. Besides, if your website is slow loading, Google will not rank it high in its SERPs. To tinker with the loading speed of your website, you can use lazy loading, compressed images, low-size scripts, and proper coding to increase its loading speed.
7. Content Optimization
For good organic traffic purposes, the content on your web page should be well optimized against the focused keyword of the site. Sparsely populating the content with such keyword is always very helpful. This keyword should be in the introductory paragraph, last paragraph, headings and subheadings and a bit here and there in the main body of the content. Adequate care must however be taken at all times to avoid keywords stuffing.
8. Page Optimization
Search engines usually like websites with good page optimization and they reward such websites with high ranking. To get this done, your page title must be suitable to the content and with appropriate length say around 50 characters. It should contain your focus keyword particularly at the beginning. You can boost its chances with search engines if you add an intuitive meta description that is about 150 characters long. The meta description should contain the focus keyword and one LSI keyword if convenient. Make sure your meta titles are engaging well by adding appropriate questions to lure your readers to click through.
Off-Page SEO Techniques
Off-page strategies are basically off-site techniques you can perform outside your website to improve the ranking of your website in the SERPs of search engines. Next are some of the most important off-page SEO strategies most marketers find useful. They are practically all about backlinks really.
1. Guest-Post Articles
Marketers usually guest post articles as a way to create contextual backlinks for their web pages. Such guest articles are usually submitted to other websites of the same niche as the marketer’s website. When marketers create niche-based content they insert their links into it in a natural manner. When these articles are published on other websites, the marketer gets backlinks from those websites to his own web page. This is one of the most authentic link-building techniques that help website ranking. When Google finds the links to your website to be genuine and from reputable websites in your niche, it helps the ranking of your own website. If you are guest posting articles, you must take adequate care to avoid penalties from search engines for spamming.
2. Strategic Link Building Techniques
Anywhere an online marketer can post content and he earns a backlink from the content is a strategic link-building location. Such places are quite many on the web but the most popular with marketers are: blog commenting, web 2.0, forum submission, document submission, articles directory listing and so on. This link-building strategy requires adequate care and great caution to avoid spamming penalties from search engines.
3. Social Media Platforms
These days, smart marketers have found ways to leverage the power of social media to market content on various social media platforms. If your content is good and your social media following is high, you can continuously market your web pages on social media and invite your readers to visit your website. You need a bit of ingenuity though to get good results from social media marketing. What really matters is quality, good quality and engaging content on social media to get attention. Generally, you can use video content, images, live streaming and leverage the many in-house features available on many social media platforms to effectively market your content.
4. Shareable Content
If your content is of high quality and engaging, it will be easily shareable. It is thus hugely essential that you should always endeavor to continuously create shareable content on your webpage. Make sure your shareable content is complimented with the right social media icons that can easily facilitate its sharing throughout the internet. That will directly help the ranking of the content. Why because Google in particular always has high value for a web page that is more widely shared on different digital media platforms.
It takes quite a while and a great deal of efforts to optimize your website for search engines. Even at that, SEO on a website is a highly technical business which is best left for professional webmasters to do on your website if you are unable to do it yourself. Doing it and getting it done right is hugely important for the success or otherwise of any eCommerce business. If you try the foregoing on-page and off-page techniques and you are not getting satisfactory results, hire the services of SEO experts to help you out. It is essential however for you to know some of these basic techniques that can help improve your own SEO skills. If you do, your eCommerce business will be a lot better for it.