Create Compatible Strategies
Now than never before, marketers need to locate and follow consumers better wherever they are in the world. Thanks to the internet, this is achievable without much stress. If marketers place consumer experience at the center piece of their marketing strategies, they can take advantage of the differences in digital advertising channels to reach them better. That calls for real compatibility in marketing strategies. Marketers thus require different but compatible strategies to effectively advertise across multichannel. These strategies involve how to be found by consumers already in shopping mindset and searching online and direct promos to segmented audiences to attract sales or a combination of both.
Match Branding with Performance
Promoting a brand to have a better brand authority online and growing sales are both desirable for any e-commerce business. Depending on the circumstances, some brands may even choose to prioritize one over the other. Some marketers at times prefer to focus more on performance or direct sales results while others may choose to focus on building the brand first. Both scenarios benefit the business but in different ways. When there is less competition, it is better to build the brand first and expect to reap the rewards much later. To cope with the transformations in e-commerce business worldwide, it is advisable to match branding with performance. Marketers can blend branding and performance strategies to reap the dual benefits of both.
Create Multichannel Roles for Your Team
If you have a marketing team, it is not enough to train them well. Giving them a good focus in addition is also desirable. It is better to have multichannel roles for your marketing team than to have them focused only on mini roles of the entire marketing infrastructure. Now that e-commerce businesses are transforming rapidly, it is the right time for marketers to rethink their digital marketing methods and media choices. In addition to rethinking their internal organizations, they can effectively work with traditional multichannel retailers, online marketplaces and delivery partners in order to cope with the emerging e-commerce environment. Brands that can do this well in the emerging e-commerce market will be able to build valuable lifelong customer relationships and grow their brands as a result.
Focus on ROI
In any marketing campaign, the bottom line is always the Return on Investment, ROI. Even with the transformations in e-commerce business, this remains true. It is only through good ROI that brands can conclusively prove the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. It is smart marketing therefore for marketers to focus on and tie every ad spend to sales outcomes and measure ROI instead of merely relying on softer metrics. However, Key Performance Indicators, KPIs can also be looked at differently to get the overall performance picture of the business.
Be Nimble in Your Marketing Strategy
When things are changing rapidly in e-commerce business environment, it is good to adjust and change your marketing strategies too. That enables your business to cope well. It calls for brands to have nimbler marketing strategies by making necessary adjustments to their marketing plans on the go. It allows brands to easily move advertising resources from offline channels to online channels and vice versa depending on the circumstances they find themselves at any material time. Business communication channels, messaging methods, marketing methods, supply chains, products handling and delivery methods, all require real flexibility to cope with any times and circumstances no matter how they turn out.
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