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Trends that Currently Define E-Commerce Retail Marketing

E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

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Showing posts with label costs. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why Use Digital Technology for Marketing

Digital marketing work station with a silver pen, computer and pie-chart report sheets.
 If you are Internet savvy, it is no longer news that advancements in technology over the years have made a huge difference in both our personal and our business lives. Proven fact! Many online business persons have discovered that it has become much easier to start, run, and manage their businesses effectively because of modern technology. And, these technologies and the devices used to run them get smarter by the day. This advancement has made a very huge difference in terms of business success, as well as in the number of people starting up their own businesses. Many thanks to the Internet!

With Internet technology, all sorts of things and even unimaginable things have become possible online. Now, that is really very exciting for many consumers as well as marketers. When consumers get online daily, it is always for many and varied reasons all of which tend towards ease of doing business and getting what they want very easily. Many others go online just for fun, for entertainment, to socialize with others and even for research purposes.

So, why exactly do so many businesses use digital technology to market their brands, goods and services these days? Having already established that many business users usually go online for many different reasons, the “why” has to do mostly with the ease of use and cost effectiveness of the method. Most marketers know too well that the so called traditional marketing methods such as TV and radio advertising can be very costly and a real strain on the marketing budget which for small businesses, is always very lean. You don’t really need to dedicate huge amounts of resources to your marketing efforts, as digital marketing is by far quicker and more convenient than these so called traditional methods which huge spenders appear to prefer. With digital marketing, costs can be kept at the barest minimum without compromising effectiveness. Now, that’s really great!

Another great reason is its relative popularity. The viral effect is amazing. It is because of it that marketing efforts/methods have become more and more vital these days. This has been made possible by the wide range of digital marketing methods in use out there. Many thanks to social media platforms! With them, it is easy to find and decide on which methods to use that are perfectly suited to your needs and the needs of your business. In addition to social media, you can easily settle for other very popular methods like, email marketing, online blogs, and online promotions, all of which can be very effective when properly used.

In your own business, you may also lack adequate time and resources mostly human resources. Digital marketing comes very handy in these areas as well. With digital marketing, you really don’t need to have a huge work force helping out in your marketing efforts. Digital technology manages to help take care of that.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Best Cheap Products to Buy at TripleClicks Store

Lone worker in E-commerce work station with two computers.

SFI is a worldwide business platform. Where ever you are in the world, so long as you have Internet access, you can do business in SFI. All products in SFI are great for international members provided the cost of shipping is not excessive. That is why most international members prefer to buy products with zero or low shipping costs. Even though they may want other products, shipping costs do discourage many from buying such products. It is for same reason that electronic products are very attractive to international members. 


Aside from the three best value items which are directly sold by SFI-TripleClicks which you mentioned yourself, there are still some more products that you can buy with ease as an international member. Listed below are some of such products.

1. Wave 3 Starter kit for W 3 membership.
2. New Member Pack (NMP).
3. TC Gift Certificates.
4. E-Books covering various topics.
5. Music downloads.
6. TC Gift Cards.

As you can see, all these listed items are electronic based. As such they have zero cost of shipping. That is largely what makes them cheap and very attractive to international members.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Best Shipping Strategy for New ECAs

White calculator, a silver pen on top of a stack of digital business reports sheets.
Shipping costs are always a very important cost consideration for ECAs. In some cases, shipping costs can even be higher than the actual cost of goods depending on where in the world the ECA is operating from. For a fairly new ECA, since you want to sell your products and in a very competitive market, you must watch your shipping costs very closely.

Generally speaking, the farther you ship your goods, the higher your shipping costs. For that reason, I am inclined to recommend to fairly new ECAs to limit their shipping to their geographical regions of the world at first to “test the waters” of international commerce. By the time you get known in the business and your customer base is encouraging, you can decide to expand further afield. That to me is what makes good commercial sense.