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Showing posts with label TripleClicks store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TripleClicks store. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2017

Best Cheap Products to Buy at TripleClicks Store

Lone worker in E-commerce work station with two computers.

SFI is a worldwide business platform. Where ever you are in the world, so long as you have Internet access, you can do business in SFI. All products in SFI are great for international members provided the cost of shipping is not excessive. That is why most international members prefer to buy products with zero or low shipping costs. Even though they may want other products, shipping costs do discourage many from buying such products. It is for same reason that electronic products are very attractive to international members. 


Aside from the three best value items which are directly sold by SFI-TripleClicks which you mentioned yourself, there are still some more products that you can buy with ease as an international member. Listed below are some of such products.

1. Wave 3 Starter kit for W 3 membership.
2. New Member Pack (NMP).
3. TC Gift Certificates.
4. E-Books covering various topics.
5. Music downloads.
6. TC Gift Cards.

As you can see, all these listed items are electronic based. As such they have zero cost of shipping. That is largely what makes them cheap and very attractive to international members.

I hope you find this information helpful.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Build a Successful SFI Business Even with Inactive Affiliates

Dollar notes on graphical arrangement.

Yes indeed! You can build a successful SFI business even with inactive affiliates and doubtful customers for your TripleClicks store. This is because “success” in SFI is a relative term. What constitutes success for me may not be what constitutes success for you. Besides, inactive affiliates and doubtful customers may be temporary setbacks which can change with time and experience in the business. 


Having said that, I tend to believe that people at times think like the farmer who blames his farming tools when he experiences poor crop performance. That is about why I strongly recommend that if you have problems of inactive affiliates, you just have to look inwards to yourself first and the way you are running your SFI business second. Try to identify what you are doing right and what you are doing wrongly then make amends. That done, there is no doubt that things are bound to improve in terms of more active affiliates and dutiful customers.

As an affiliate, you are no doubt aware that when people visit any SFI Gateway, what they see is an invitation to join a “very strange” affiliates’ program FREE. Many of these sign-ups may be new to Internet business while others may just be “scammers” looking for how to make tons of money on the Internet. After getting involved with SFI and to start off on the launchpad, many may be disappointed that SFI is a legitimate online business with slow but steady results. That could put off quick-bucks hunters who many of us affiliates do refer to as inactive affiliates. There may also be hundreds of other reasons for their inactivity which your business acumen as their sponsor can help you to get around.

Now consider these questions:
What did you promise new affiliates before they signed up?
How excited and energetic are you in your first contacts with new sign-ups?
How supportive are you when they eventually signed up?
How promptly and honestly do you respond to their fears and concerns?

I believe that if you can answer the above questions very honestly, you may discover that your inactive affiliates and doubtful customers may not take all the blame for the poor performance of your business. Even with the best SFI marketing tools and efforts, you will be lucky if you get up to 5% of your affiliates active. That is why you need just this 3-step plan to succeed in SFI. 


1. Become an Executive Affiliate, EA and remain an EA every month.
2. Recruit 5 Affiliates using every convenient marketing method.
3. Teach your 5 Affiliates to do these same 3 steps.

That’s it! You can earn a full-time income or more with this 3-step plan. To me, that is SUCCESS even with hundreds of other inactive affiliates and doubtful customers in your team.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

How MRP Member Reward Points Benefit SFI Business

Red vintage workman typewriter in back garden work station.
The good news here is that Member Reward Points, MRP form part of the acceptable “currencies” in TripleClicks store. As you earn them as rewards in many of your other transactions including participation in Trivia Games and auctions, you can use them to trade in TripleClicks store where MRP are accepted. There is no other use for MRP in SFI business or TripleClicks store except using them to trade. Specifically, you can get the most out of your earned MRP by using them the following ways.

1. Buy anything in TripleClicks where MRP is accepted.
2. Buy Gold and Silver products.
3. Use them for digital downloads.
4. Use them as alternative currency to Cash, T-Credits and T-Currency.
5. Use them to buy T-Credits to advance your rank monthly.
6. Use them to trade when you have no access to any other acceptable payment method.
7. Store them up as your treasury “hoards” to accumulate for you to use to acquire bigger and more expensive items but making sure you use them up before they expire after one year.

The foregoing are about the best ways I believe you can get the most from the MRP you earn from your normal/regular business transactions in TripleClicks.

Hope you find this information helpful. Have a nice day!!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

How to Explain Fast-Track Membership to New SFI Affiliates

Calculator, purple flowers, glass of water, black pen on white notepad.

Fast-Track is a special program designed for new, motivated SFI Affiliates wanting to get started building their businesses right away. Any honest and ambitious business person is always looking for business boosters to enhance his/her business. That is exactly what becoming a Fast-Track member represents in SFI. If you let new affiliates know about that, their curiosity will be sufficiently aroused to want to know more. That is when you have the chance to explain to them what they stand to gain by becoming Fast-Track members. Give them the following facts. 


When you purchase New Member Pack, NMP within your first week of joining SFI, you get the following benefits.

1. You purchase the New Member Pack, NMP valued $61.90 for just $20 making a saving of $41.90.
2. On purchase you get 200 Member Reward Points, MRP.
3. You get 50 TCredits.
4. You get 10 EZ Express tokens.
5. You get 3 CSAs added to your team.
6. You get 500 VP to use in TripleClicks store.

On becoming a member, you get the following additional benefits.

1. 250 VP monthly.
2. 30 free entries in Daily Grand monthly.
3. 10% fast-Track bonus shares.
4. Exclusive Fast-track Member Badge for your home page.
5. Your name and photo included in SFI Fast-Track Wall of Fame.
6. Exclusive Fast-Track Member Certificate suitable for framing.
7. Exclusive Fast-Track Member Lapel Pin. 


Taking a closer look at the above, you will see that they are all SFI business-booster benefits. It is therefore easy to explain to new affiliates the exclusive benefits they stand to gain by becoming Fast-Track Members within their first week of joining SFI.