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Trends that Currently Define E-Commerce Retail Marketing

E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

Showing posts with label MRP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MRP. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How to Build and Bid Your Downline Free

Internet business work station with a desktop computer, books, pen and a mobile phone.
Have you heard of our PriceBuilders Bid & Build program? If not, take a moment NOW to check it out! This easy, free bonus tool allows you to build your team of PSAs while simply bidding at Pricebenders. Just choose an auction you'd like to win from the Pricebenders schedule at: 

For every 10 bids you make at Pricebenders, you'll earn a spin of the Bid & Build prize wheel! Every spin is a guaranteed win of a full PSA or a partial PSA (minimum 10%). So, even if you don't win a full PSA with one spin, you could win a 20% share, a 30% share or a 50% share of a free PSA. You can view your progress toward a full PSA from the main auction page as illustrated below. A brand new, freshly-generated PSA will then be added to your Genealogy and you can begin working with them!

NOTE: The recap bar above (which appears on your Pricebenders index page) also provides you with a count of your MRP and VP earned with your bidding today. It also lets you know if you've earned today's Bonus VP from your PB Tab at the Affiliate Center.

PLUS...each time you win a full PSA, you also receive a FREE bonus entry in the Daily Grand, where you can win additional valuable business-building prizes including CSAs, TCredits, VersaPoints, and more! Limit: 2 Daily Grand bonus entries per day.

If you are familiar with Bid & Build, are you getting all the benefits you can out of this cost-effective way to add PSAs to your downline and grow your business? If you haven't participated in Bid & Build in a while, now might be the time to revisit Pricebenders auctions and make some bids!
The Bid & Build program also has these benefits:

* There's no limit on how many spins and PSAs you can earn each day.

* All bids carry over--both from auction to auction and day to day.

* All spins carry over until you earn a full PSA.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Hurray! Bitcoin is Back at TripleClicks

Bitcoin gold coin.
We are very excited to announce that, effective immediately, we're accepting Bitcoin again at TripleClicks.com!

Yes, we're excited indeed to join thousands of other forward-thinking businesses already accepting Bitcoin, such as:

* Microsoft
* WordPress
* Overstock.com
* Subway
* Reddit
* Virgin Galatic
* Intuit
* Dish Network
* Whole Foods
* Expedia
* Dell
* Tiger Direct

Yes, like these companies and many more, we believe that there is a major transition underway. The Internet has dramatically changed the world...and digital, decentralized currency like Bitcoin appears to be the next revolution. SFI intends to be an active participant in this revolution (both with Bitcoin and potentially other cryptocurrencies as well)!

Nicholas Cary, CEO of Blockchain.info, describes the power of Bitcoin like this:

"People everyday of their lives use email, they probably have no idea how it works under the covers, but they use it because it's simple, free, easy, and allows them to send messages anywhere in the world for free. It's the same thing with Bitcoin, send money anywhere in the world for free."

And especially for SFI and its million+ affiliates all over the world, Bitcoin has the potential to be a real game-changer. Right now, billions of people around the world cannot get a bank account and cannot make international transactions. Bitcoin changes all this. If you have access to the Internet, you no longer need a bank account, credit card, or other legacy payment method. Indeed, armed with just a basic smart phone and a free Bitcoin wallet app, you've got everything you need to start sending and receiving money right now. And, yes, we'll be looking at paying out commissions in Bitcoin, too--paid instantly to your Bitcoin wallet!

Using Bitcoin at TripleClicks is EASY

To spend your Bitcoin at TripleClicks, when checking out, simply choose Bitcoin as your method of payment and follow the simple directions provided.  That's it!

Don't have any Bitcoin? Learn how to get Bitcoin here:

Note: Using Bitcoin is 100% optional. Just think of it as another payment option offered by TripleClicks to give our customers as many choices as possible.
FREE BONUS TCredits when you use Bitcoin!

Yes, we're pretty excited about making some waves with Bitcoin this year! And that's why we're also introducing today a new BONUS TCredits program for when you use Bitcoin.
Here's how it works:

On any purchase of a TCD (TripleClicks Direct product) paid with Bitcoin, we will automatically deposit FREE BONUS TCredits into your TripleClicks account:

* Receive 10 FREE TCredits ($5.90 value) with any $20 order
* Receive 20 FREE TCredits ($9.80 value) with any $35 order
* Receive 25 FREE TCredits ($12.25 value) with any $50 order
* Receive 40 FREE TCredits ($19.60 value) with any $75 order
* Receive 60 FREE TCredits ($15.20 value) with any $100 order
* Receive 100 FREE TCredits ($32.00 value) with any $150 order

AND for any order of $200 or more, you'll receive 1 FREE TCredit for every dollar spent! Example: Place an order for $262 and you'll receive 262 FREE TCredits ($83.84 value).


The bonus TCredits you receive will be based on the amount of your order paid with Bitcoin. Example: If you pay part of your order with MRP, you will not earn Bonus TCredits on the portion paid with MRP.

At this time, Bitcoin is not eligible as a payment option for Auto-Delivery orders (though we hope to add this in the future).

Again, remember, ONLY orders for TripleClicks Direct products qualify for the Bonus TCredits.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

4 Great Ways to Use Auction Bidding to Build Your SFI Business

One bundle of Dollar notes.
How can you parlay the fun and excitement of Pricebenders auctions into a money-saving way to build your SFI business?


1. Bid on money-saving auctions for PSAs, CSAs, TCredits, custom prestige domains, and TCards for marketing. You can also bid on silver and gold items to build an invaluable portfolio that can become more valuable every year.

But even if you don't win a Pricebenders auction...you STILL win!

2. You get 5 Member Rewards Points (MRP) every time you place a bid--10 MRP per bid on DP (double MRP) auctions. Use these MRP to redeem for any product at TripleClicks!

3. You'll also get 1 VP per bid--up to 1,000 VP a month--a GREAT way to help Team Leaders and aspiring TLs maintain their rank of the accompanying benefits.

4. Build your downline with the free Pricebenders Bid & Build tool. You can win up to one brand new PSA for every 10 bids. PLUS: Each time you win a full PSA, you'll also receive a FREE bonus entry in the Daily Grand, where you can win additional business-building prizes, including CSAs, TCredits, VersaPoints, and more!

Find out more about Bid & Build HERE => http://www.tripleclicks.com/12177280/pbgw

Monday, February 20, 2017

How Games and Auctions Help Your SFI Business

Internet business work station with a computer and a mobile phone.

At a glance, both playing the Eager Zebra games and bidding on auctions are ancillary services to your main SFI business. Both are helpful to your business but on balance, I believe bidding at the auctions helps your SFI business better for the following reasons: 


1. Each bid gives you a reward of 1 VP and 5 MRP.
2. You may win the auctions and buy very valuable products at up to 90% off shelf price.
3. Your bidding username gives unlimited popularity and exposure to your business linking through to your TConnect page.
4. You can buy and resell great products at the auctions with substantial profits to the bargain.
5. With every 50 bids you make, you get awarded one PSA which helps to deepen your downline.
6. Having active PSAs from bids helps to grow your commissions volume at 45% on each PSA in perpetuity.
7. Bidding at the auctions helps to toughen you as a business person in competition with other equally very tough business persons.
8. You also learn resilience and the staying power which every business owner needs.
9. You learn to accept losses with equanimity when you lose at the auctions.
10. Your competitive spirit is brought to the fore when you bid at the auctions.

All these are good and very helpful to your SFI business. Even though I accept because of the above facts that bidding at the Auctions helps your SFI business more than playing the Eager Zebra games, doing both can bring about a combined set of benefits to your SFI business. That scenario can help to grow your SFI business real time and in perpetuity. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Good Benefits for Promoting SFI Business Auctions

Internet marketing work station with a calculator and some dollar notes.
Here are some benefits of SFI Business auctions I think you can promote to prospects.

1. It creates fun and competitive spirit.

2. It helps affiliates to pass time online doing something useful, rewarding and competitive.

3. You can win unlimited TCredits to use for your SFI business. TCredits are acceptable currencies in SFI business.

4. You earn Member Reward Points, MRP with each bid. You can trade in SFI with MRPs.

5. Your can also earn Personally Sponsored Affiliates, PSAs as rewards for bidding.

6. You can win Personally Sponsored Affiliates, PSAs and Co-Sponsored Affiliates, CSAs in bids which are a boost to your duplication efforts.

7. You earn VersaPoints, VPs with each bid. VPs help to boost your earnings in SFI.

8. You have a chance to win very valuable products at up to 95% off shelf price.

Bidding at Pricebenders is a very lucrative business in SFI. If promoted to prospects with the above facts/benefits, the results could be amazing.