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Showing posts with label PSA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSA. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Meet the New SFI Share-Tech Profit Sharing System

SFI affiliates working together symbol.
Message to all SFI Affiliates, from Gery Carson, SFI President & Founder


I know everyone is anxious to learn about what we've been working on for the last several weeks. So let's get right into it...

Through Share-Tech™, we've dramatically simplified almost everything about SFI. Layers of complexity have been removed in favor of a highly-focused and streamlined system.

A big part of that simplicity and focus comes from the fact that there are now just two primary ranks...Affiliate and Executive Affiliate. Yes, there are some additional "VIP" ranks for go-getters, but let's focus on the rank of Executive Affiliate (EA) right now.

"Going Executive" requires ONE thing—the purchase or sale of something new we call the Executive Pack (E-Pack). That's it! And the price of an E-Pack is just $19.95 and comes with a 100% guarantee of satisfaction or your money back! More on E-Packs in a moment.

"Going Executive" also means you've staked out a position in SFI's major new profit-sharing program...which, for the first time ever, includes a guaranteed monthly income! You heard right! If you're EA, you're now earning money with SFI...every month!

And that's just the first of several amazing benefits that Share-Tech™ deliverers. Let's explore another one of the juiciest...

Share-Tech™ is built around a network structure that limits every person's first level to just 5 affiliates. That means that if anyone in your upline recruits more than 5 PSAs, they'll get pushed down the network to the first available open slot in the network—which could of course be under YOU—which can add to YOUR monthly earnings!

Some call this feature "spillover," and that's an accurate description because you can now directly benefit from the efforts of your upline as it "waterfalls down the network." As your upline members build...YOU can automatically share in their results!

Of course, it works both ways. They're helping you and you're helping them. This is business synergy at it's best! Learn more about how this amazing feature of Share-Tech™ HERE.

Here are four more great features you immediately avail yourself to as an Executive Affiliate:

1. Earn up to $15 on every EA on your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels...even if you didn't directly refer them to SFI (i.e. "spillover")!
2. Earn up to $30 each month on every PSA!
3. Earn up to $18.75 each month on every CSA!
4. Full access to our pro business optimization tools like Hit Tracking, Key Codes, and more!

Going EA gets you all of that! And as noted above, to qualify as an EA and get all the Share-Tech™ benefits, you just need to buy or sell a minimum of one Executive Pack (E-Pack for short).


An E-Pack comes with 50 of our most popular product...TCredits. But we've also gloriously enhanced each E-Pack with a minimum of 3 PSAs and 4 CSAs—plus 250 Rewardicals and 250 Bitcoin Satoshi (Sats)! 507 free bonuses in all!

Check out the E-Pack here: https://www.tripleclicks.com/detail.php?item=613846

Here's how it works: Each time you use a TCredit at Jolt (http://jolt.auction/) or at any Eager Zebra game (https://www.eagerzebra.com), you'll automatically earn a partial PSA, a partial CSA, 5 Rewardicals, and 5 Sats. And upon using your E-Pack's 50th TCredit, you will have collected a total of 3 PSAs, 4 CSAs, 250 Rewardicals, and 250 Bitcoin Satoshi!

Of course, while using your TCredits, you may have ALSO won valuable products at Jolt and/or some great prizes playing Eager Zebra games.

Note: Look for the new "dashboard" on the SFI homepage which will track your progress on all your "TCredit Transformations."

So, as many of you are already realizing, we've just made SFI a true "plug and play" platform. Just by being an EA, you'll now automatically be part of a huge, global co-operative advertising system. You can automatically be growing your network and your income...AND...simultaneously building the networks of your upline...AND...winning games and auctions...AND...picking up other great perks and bonuses! WOW!

And what's really, really powerful is that no experience is necessary! Anyone can now join SFI, go EA (for just $19.95), and be actively building their business through the E-Pack's built-in advertising co-op!

The E-Pack also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee of satisfaction—so there's also NO RISK! That all by itself could be a game-changer. This wasn't feasible in ANY of our old systems. But now it is!

And, of course, with thousands of affiliates going EA with the E-Pack every month, the potential for synergistic growth, success, and great incomes in SFI is, well—let's just say it's got me so excited I can barely sleep!

By they way, this is pretty awesome too: You can also earn EA status by winning an E-Pack at Jolt (which, by the way, can often come at a sizable discount off the retail price)!

And yet there's still MORE—more ways to earn, more ways to build a successful business, and more lucrative opportunities!

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum Time-Tested Tips

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Gifting to Build Your Team & Increase Activity

SFI affiliate marketing symbols on balloons.
Looking for an easy way to encourage your team members to get active in SFI? Consider gifting TCredits, ECommergy Passes, LaunchPacks, or TripleClicks Gift Certificates to your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs).

A great method to help grow your business and strengthen your team, gifting can convey a warm welcome from you to a promising new affiliate. You can give rewards to your PSAs who achieve specific goals (CV earnings, rank advancement, sponsoring a new affiliate, completing a sale, etc.). You can even give a gift that satisfies an affiliate's sales quota level requirement to a hard-working affiliate struggling this month with lackluster sales.

Over time and when used smartly, gifts can also help nudge many "fence sitters" in your downline to take action they may otherwise not have. What's more, by introducing your team to various aspects of the SFI Program, you're encouraging your affiliates to become active in their own businesses, strengthening your entire downline and substantially growing your own commission checks!

PLUS...any TC Gift Certificates not redeemed by your recipients are re-deposited back to your Gift Fund balance (TC Account), making these gifts an especially budget friendly, NO-RISK option!

Issuing gifts is easy:

1. Add funds your account (TC Account), using the Gift Fund Manager.

2. At your Genealogy Report, click the GIFT tab, and select the BUY NOW link next to your chosen affiliate(s).

3. Select the gift you want to give and click the green ISSUE button.

The SFI system automatically deducts the amount of your gift from your TC Account balance, and sends your affiliate a special e-mail notifying them of the gift you've offered, along with instructions on what they should do next to claim it.

NOTE: You can also issue Gift Certificates to your Personally Referred Members (PRMs) to encourage them to explore their Zing Membership. You can issue Gift Certificates to your PRMs via your Gift Fund Manager.

*You must be at least a Level 10 SFI Affiliate to use the gifting feature.

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum Time-Tested Tips

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Super Sats: A Versatile Tool for Finding New PSAs

Gold bitcoin chips.
Super Sats Bitcoin Vouchers are a powerful way to entice new sign-ups for your SFI team. Best of all, this versatile, budget-friendly marketing tool is super simple to set up and extremely easy to use.

Here are a few ideas anyone can use to get Super Sats vouchers into the hands of prospects:

1. Make a pact with local restaurant owners. For every voucher they distribute for you that results in a new PSA, you could reimburse them with a small bounty. Every table could have a little table card about Super Sats. And for businesses that deliver food, have them include a voucher with every order for you. You just need to supply them with the vouchers. That's what you call a win/win/win!

2. Make a pact with local store owners. For every voucher they distribute for you that results in a new PSA, you could reimburse them with a small bounty. Here’s a great way to do it: When their customers check out, the clerk can simply drop one of your vouchers in the bag. All you have to do is provide the vouchers…and then watch your team grow! THEN...once you’re up and running with several stores, help your new PSAs grow THEIR teams by having them provide the vouchers. Remember, creating successful PSAs is crucial to your success, so always be working on things that help your PSAs get established! Their success is your success!

3. Leave a voucher whenever you tip someone (perfect for when you dine out, get your hair cut, get a pedicure, etc.). Just keep a small stock of vouchers with you and use them whenever you can.

4. Whenever you take a taxi, “forget” a voucher in the back seat. Same goes for rides with Uber, Lyft, etc. This same method could also be used with public transportation (e.g. bus, train, subway). IMPORTANT! Do not put vouchers under car windshield wipers in parking lots as this is illegal in many jurisdictions.

These are just a few ideas. There are hundreds of other ways to successfully distribute vouchers. Just get creative and start looking for opportunities!

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum Time-Tested Tips 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Earn Bitcoin for Simple Everyday Actions in SFI

Gold plated Bitcoins on display.
Every day, as an SFI Affiliate, you can automatically earn Bitcoin satoshi just for completing the following actions:

1. Unlock all of your accessible Building Blocks...earn 5 sats (5 sats max/day).

2. Use a TCredit playing any Eager Zebra game...earn 10 sats (10 sats max/day).

3. Refer a PSA, PRM, or PRV...earn 20 sats (20 sats max/day).

4. Participate in an Astro Auction...earn 20 sats (20 sats max/day).

5. Participate in a Pricebenders Auction...earn 20 sats (20 sats max/day).

That's a total of 75 sats every day—2,200+ total sats for the month...WOW!


PLUS...you can also win even MORE satoshi in SFI's BIG daily drawing, in which we give away over 1.5 million satoshi monthly! (54,750 a day!)

Entries in the daily drawing are based on the five actions listed above. So, each day, you can earn UP TO FIVE entries in the daily drawing!

From the entries, 500 winners will be drawn each day:

• 325 affiliates will win 10 sats
• 100 affiliates will win 25 sats
• 40 affiliates will win 100 sats
• 20 affiliates will win 500 sats
• 10 affiliates will win 1000 sats
• 5 affiliates will win 5000 sats

Limit: One drawing win per affiliate per day

Make sure you log into the Affiliate Center EVERY DAY and earn up to 75 daily sats! Then be ready for the big drawing each day to potentially win thousands more! Remember: The more entries you have each day, the greater your chances of winning large amounts of sats in the drawing!

Learn more about SFI's Sat Stacks.

NOTE: You can check your earned satoshi balance at any time at your Bit Bank Ledger.

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum Time-Tested Tips 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Do Something to Grow Your SFI Business Every Day

E-commerce word processor machine on a garden table.
Let me share with you, SFI's latest weekly time-tested tip. You will not create a successful business by thinking about it. You will create a successful business ONLY by DOING...by TAKING ACTION every day. Every day, no matter what, make sure you're doing SOMETHING to further your business. If you're not, you're not even in the game, you're kidding yourself. No business becomes successful without daily focus and action.

What can you do daily? Here are just a few ideas:
• Follow up with recent prospective members.
• Review your SFI Building Blocks every day (see your SFI homepage).
• Send out some E-Cards.
• Try out a new SFI Marketing Aid.
• Send out some postcards.
• Review the LaunchPad Lessons.
• Read the latest ecommerce articles at ECommergy.com.
• Send out a newsletter to your PSAs.
• Read an SFI training article you haven't read yet (or review one you have).

• Contact your sponsor, and let him or her know what you're doing.
• Go to Google and search for articles on how to become a better marketer.
• Browse the Zing Network for new products and services you can recommend to your customers.
• Review the latest posts on the SFI Forum.
• Review your Genealogy and Member List.
• Review the Hit Tracker page to maximize your marketing efforts.
• Start a co-op and invite your PSAs to join.
• Add some prospects to your Rewardical ECA database.
• Review your "My Movers" report (on your BUILD Building Block).

TIP: Don't forget to use your SFI Power Tools! Put the power of key codes, hit tracking, your own advertising co-op, the PSA Mailer, the CSA Mailer, reassignments, and more to work for your business. To not use these best-of-the-best tools is to operate your SFI business with two arms tied behind your back!

Article Source: SFI Weekly Forum Tips

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How to Build and Bid Your Downline Free

Internet business work station with a desktop computer, books, pen and a mobile phone.
Have you heard of our PriceBuilders Bid & Build program? If not, take a moment NOW to check it out! This easy, free bonus tool allows you to build your team of PSAs while simply bidding at Pricebenders. Just choose an auction you'd like to win from the Pricebenders schedule at: 

For every 10 bids you make at Pricebenders, you'll earn a spin of the Bid & Build prize wheel! Every spin is a guaranteed win of a full PSA or a partial PSA (minimum 10%). So, even if you don't win a full PSA with one spin, you could win a 20% share, a 30% share or a 50% share of a free PSA. You can view your progress toward a full PSA from the main auction page as illustrated below. A brand new, freshly-generated PSA will then be added to your Genealogy and you can begin working with them!

NOTE: The recap bar above (which appears on your Pricebenders index page) also provides you with a count of your MRP and VP earned with your bidding today. It also lets you know if you've earned today's Bonus VP from your PB Tab at the Affiliate Center.

PLUS...each time you win a full PSA, you also receive a FREE bonus entry in the Daily Grand, where you can win additional valuable business-building prizes including CSAs, TCredits, VersaPoints, and more! Limit: 2 Daily Grand bonus entries per day.

If you are familiar with Bid & Build, are you getting all the benefits you can out of this cost-effective way to add PSAs to your downline and grow your business? If you haven't participated in Bid & Build in a while, now might be the time to revisit Pricebenders auctions and make some bids!
The Bid & Build program also has these benefits:

* There's no limit on how many spins and PSAs you can earn each day.

* All bids carry over--both from auction to auction and day to day.

* All spins carry over until you earn a full PSA.

Monday, February 20, 2017

How Games and Auctions Help Your SFI Business

Internet business work station with a computer and a mobile phone.

At a glance, both playing the Eager Zebra games and bidding on auctions are ancillary services to your main SFI business. Both are helpful to your business but on balance, I believe bidding at the auctions helps your SFI business better for the following reasons: 


1. Each bid gives you a reward of 1 VP and 5 MRP.
2. You may win the auctions and buy very valuable products at up to 90% off shelf price.
3. Your bidding username gives unlimited popularity and exposure to your business linking through to your TConnect page.
4. You can buy and resell great products at the auctions with substantial profits to the bargain.
5. With every 50 bids you make, you get awarded one PSA which helps to deepen your downline.
6. Having active PSAs from bids helps to grow your commissions volume at 45% on each PSA in perpetuity.
7. Bidding at the auctions helps to toughen you as a business person in competition with other equally very tough business persons.
8. You also learn resilience and the staying power which every business owner needs.
9. You learn to accept losses with equanimity when you lose at the auctions.
10. Your competitive spirit is brought to the fore when you bid at the auctions.

All these are good and very helpful to your SFI business. Even though I accept because of the above facts that bidding at the Auctions helps your SFI business more than playing the Eager Zebra games, doing both can bring about a combined set of benefits to your SFI business. That scenario can help to grow your SFI business real time and in perpetuity. 

How to Become a Platinum Team Leader in SFI Business

Internet business work station with three workers and three computers.

I am not there yet but I know the way there. To become a Platinum Team Leader, PTL, all you need is a simple/workable plan. This simple 3-step plan can get you there with time.

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA)
2. Remain EA every month
3. Teach your Affiliates to do this same 3-step plan. That’s it. 


To become a Platinum Team Leader, all you need is 2000 Sales VP + 4000 Action VP making a total of 6000 VP for the month. Every affiliate knows how to earn 2000 Sales VP very easily. Earning 4000 Action VP is a very huge challenge for many affiliates but it can be done through a combination of the following actions.

1. Earning VersaPoints by Daily/Weekly/Monthly Action Points.
2. Winning unlimited VersaPoints, VP at the Daily Grand.
3. Earning unlimited VP from the Ask SC answers you submitted.
4. Earning many VP from Eager Zebra Games.
5. Earning 100 VP from each PSA you help to be EA.
6. Earning 150 VP from each PSA you help to be BTL.
7. Earning 200 VP from each PSA you help to be STL.
8. Earning 250 VP from each PSA you help to be GTL.
9. Earning 300 VP from each PSA you help to be PTL.

The key to become PTL is a deep and very active downline. From the above figures, you can see that if you have 60 very active PSAs who simple make EA each month that earns you 6000 Action VPs straightaway. You become PTL even without lifting a finger of your own to earn VP.

If you want to become PTL, just work to deepen your downline making sure that a very large number of them are very active in the business.