Whatever business you are in, wherever you do the business from, be sure you do it in such a way as to avoid regrets. Regretting is sad, it is sorrowful, it is painful and above all, it solves no problem. If I had known is the regular companion of Mr. Late and that is unhelpful to anyone who wants to succeed in any calling. If you have to do anything for the sake of your business, just do it. You can never know if it will be helpful or not until you do it. Getting things done adequately, appropriately and timely enough is the way to go, irrespective of the fears of failure. Everyone has some measure of fear at any time but the people who get things done inspite of their fears are the ones who really succeed to make worthwhile achievements.
If you try your hands on anything, you may or may not succeed at getting good results. What is certain is that with each try you must learn something either good or bad. If you don’t try at all, you learn nothing and you gain nothing. That is pathetic no matter which way you look at it. There is a tendency to be disappointment and thereby regret more about the things you didn’t do than the things you actually did. The losses are more, largely unknown, unquantified and even unquantifiable hence the huge regrets down the road. Pathetic no doubt! So, it is best to try your hands and do as many things in favor of your business than to do nothing. If you do nothing, you achieve nothing, leading to bigger disappointments and regrets.
Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”