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Showing posts with label online advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online advertising. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Why Safelists are better for Your Ads than Text Ad Exchanges

E-marketing graphics.

According to Wikipedia, an ad exchange is a technology platform that facilitates the bidded buying and selling of online media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. The approach is technology-driven as opposed to the historical approach of negotiating price on media inventory. Ad exchanges can be useful to both buyers (advertisers and agencies) and sellers (online publishers) because of the efficiencies they provide. The most prominent platforms of ad exchanges online are, AppNexus, RightMedia and DoubleClick. Only professional and experienced marketers can use ad exchanges with good results and on more structured and bigger businesses too.

Whereas Safelists have to do with E-mail advertising which are easier to use and less technical for most online advertisers. They are also very suitable for small businesses to advertise very widely online particularly when you factor in that many Safelists have very large Directories with a very wide reach. Many are also very free for marketers to use. For a business like SFI, I believe Safelists are better and more effective to use because of the peculiar nature of the business.


Monday, February 20, 2017

How to Determine Good Spots to Advertise SFI Business

Home business work station with a computer, open book and pen, smart phone and eye glasses.

I believe from experience that there is no exact way to determine beforehand good spots to advertise SFI business. Everything is all about trial and error. You take your own decisions on where to advertise based on your own experience or the experience of others.

Firstly, what works is what you use and you will not know what works until you have tried it.

Secondly, you can get recommendations from people who used some spots earlier and they do testify that those spots are good.

Thirdly, you can use the recommendations of professional online marketers.

Best wishes!!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to Link Your Ads Online

Backlink on magnifying glass over a lush-green field.

As a rule in online advertising, your ads links must link to the place you want your site visitors to see. Usually that “place” is where the product you are selling or marketing can be found. It does not really matter whether the place is in your webpage/blog or in your SFI Gateway.

A link is just like a pathway which leads to somewhere. That somewhere is where you want your online visitors to get to. Whether the link is in form of text ads, banner ads or any other type of ad, so long as it takes visitors to wherever you want them to go when they click on it, it is a perfect link. That is the type of link that yields the desired results. What counts therefore, is not as much as where the ad link is placed but where it leads to when clicked.

You can place your ads links in your webpage/blog as well to an SFI Gateway provided the links take visitors to what you want them to see. That is what matters.

Good luck in your marketing!!!