If you are marketing online, you may be aware of the very
simple fact that link building is a slow process. No matter how authoritative
and experienced you are in link building, you must have to take deliberate
steps to build links naturally and systematically. Have you ever heard of
relationship building? Great if you have! Relationship building is simply the
new link building process in town. What you need to start doing is build
relationships with websites and the people who are their driving force. This
you can do by searching and finding reputable websites within the domain you
are operating from and the people (influencers) who are behind these websites.
That done, you can then identify a goal which you and these websites share in
common. It is that common goal which can act as a catalyst for a meaningful and
mutually beneficial relationship with these websites. That in a nutshell is a
highly beneficial relationship building which is good for your backlink
When established, relationships must be nurtured. That is
where outreaching becomes very important. To do it right, you need to be
personal in what you are bringing to the table that will benefit others you are
cultivating a relationship with. It becomes a win, win situation for all parties
involved if they easily see how the relationships will benefit them and their
businesses. Guest blogging easily comes to mind in such relationships. If for
instance you guest-blog high authority content that attracts more readers to
the host blog, you get quality backlinks readily. Your host blog will be glad
to have you because of the steady traffic your quality blog brings to it. That
kind of arrangement makes for a great relationship. It is the nature of your
relationship with the host website and the people behind it that usually sets
the stage for natural link building. That scenario is what impresses major
search engines particularly Google to index your site favorably. Great for your
backlink building strategy no doubt!
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