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Showing posts with label Marketing online. Show all posts

Saturday, April 04, 2020

7 Affiliate Marketing Tips for Aggressive Marketers

Dollar notes floating out of a computer screen.
There are very many advantages in affiliate marketing for persons who want to make money online. Apart from the real opportunity to make money part time or even full time, there are thousands of job possibilities and products to promote. Affiliate marketing typically has several challenges faced by marketers, such as increasing competition and frequent changes in the digital environment. It is a worthwhile venture if like any other job, it is approached with knowledge, dedication, some bit of aggression and sustained research and studies. That is what allows marketers to stay attuned to the latest market trends and understanding the profiles of their target audiences which enables such marketers to get good results.

Like everyone else irrespective of whether you are just starting out or you are already a pro, everyone needs tips to go along with affiliate marketing business. Here are 7 tips which tend to be common with marketers who stand out in this hugely competitive business.


#1: Study and Understand Your Chosen Product

Every good marketer will tell you that it is pretty difficult to market a product you neither know well nor even understand. Because the diversity of digital products is usually very large, many Affiliates find it difficult and hugely challenging to identify which option is best suited to the needs of their target audience. As a result, many of such affiliates encounter very huge difficulties deciding on a good product to join and market. A background check and full understanding about what it entails to market such a product including anticipated commissions becomes imperative. A detailed knowledge about available promotional materials for the product, affiliate links, sales pages, buyers’ testimonials and product support services are very important information affiliate marketers must have about a product before they decide on it. Such information helps the Affiliate marketer to evaluate whether or not the product will deliver the promised offer and whether it matches the needs of his target audience.

# 2: Be Well Informed About Your Market

On the internet, information is real power. With adequate information, it is easy to anticipate market changes and to quickly make adjustments in your marketing campaigns. Affiliate marketers who manage to anticipate changes better tend to do better in the business. Therefore, information is not only key, timely information is a better key. The internet is awash with information but you must know how to search for it and to find it. You can rely on major Search Engines like Google to get relevant information about niche markets, keywords searches and audience behaviour. YouTube comes in very handy when marketing videos are at issue.

# 3: Study and Research Your Niche Market

No marketer can afford to serve all audiences. Success largely depends on how closely you can target an audience niche market. The snag here is that many marketers still face huge challenges defining a niche correctly. A conscientious study and research helps to reduce this problem drastically. This requires diligent hard work anyway! Armed with such information, it is possible to accurately profile the audience you are targeting. With that profile, you can then design much more efficient marketing and sales strategies which will have the desired impact on the audience. Therefore, the choice of a niche is best done when you base your decision on market research, competition analysis, demand and trends of the niche market.

# 4: Acquire Professional Tools

Tools, tools, effective online tools are very important in affiliate marketing. Even though there are very many free online tools to aid the business, some are not as efficient as paid tools for obvious reasons. It is therefore advisable to make some investment in more robust and paid tools for better results. Paid professional tools perform much better and you get faster results. That is what justifies the little investment in them.

# 5: Gather Detailed Information about Your Target Audience

Any product an Affiliate chooses to sell must help provide a solution to some problem people face. The only way to know about peoples’ problems is to gather enough information about them to find out. Next is to find products that provide solutions for such problems. It is such products that are more likely to attract real patronage from the target audience. If you do content marketing as a publisher, getting to know your target audience well is the best way to generate valuable content which they will appreciate. As a problem solver, an affiliate succeeds if he/she is able to provide answers to questions and solutions to problems. Only the knowledge of detailed information about the target audience makes that possible.


# 6: Learn from Your First Sales

Your first sale is really where your affiliate business actually takes off. Typically, it may be very little but it helps your marketing efforts if you study and understand how and why it came about. Having that information enables you to work better on what works well for your ads campaigns and to discard what doesn’t. Your first sales hugely depend on the potency of your campaign ads and the value your offer delivers. These are the indices you can juggle around with a bit to improve on your results. Thus, when your target audience realizes that as an Affiliate, you have authority and manages to deliver real solutions to their problems, it is only then they are more likely to close a deal with you on your offers.

# 7: Incorporate Video Marketing Early

Videos characteristically guarantee higher click-through rates on most ads, the reason smart marketers incorporate them early enough in their campaigns. Affiliate marketers rely on online videos for well over 80% of their inbound traffic because videos appear to be favorite content of most internet users. Incorporating them early enough in affiliate marketing efforts tends to yield very good results. Online marketing videos are easy to make, short, direct and tend to deliver marketing messages with huge impacts. You can’t afford to ignore them if you want to make real impact in affiliate marketing.


Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Stimulate Digital Marketing Environment for Your Business

Digital marketing with IPAD around potted flowers, folded eye glasses and a pencil.
If you are marketing online, you can use digital marketing to effectively stimulate a great business environment for your business. That is exactly what expert marketers do, the reason they appear to market like pros. You too can position your business online through digital marketing and also promote and market like the pros. Here is what experts recommend.

Create and Post Good Content Regularly

In the business of digital marketing, content is king. Creating and posting good content regularly is what helps to stimulate a great business environment for your business to thrive. Once you’ve settled for a target audience, a brand image, and the platforms you’re going to focus your promos on, next is to keep churning out good content to get the attention of your target audience. It is the good content that acts as a stimulant to get your target audience to act.


Provide a Lasting Value for Your Customers

Habitually, most people always buy stuff from people/businesses they know, like, and trust. That is one relationship that is built over time. When potential customers get to know your business well mainly through the good content you’ve been providing for them over time, they get to like and trust you with time. That is why when you establish a relationship by making a sale to a customer, it helps your business a great deal if you continue to nurture that relationship by sustained communication. Always remember that a sale is not all about getting a customer’s money in exchange for some goods/services. It is much more than that. A relationship sustained is much more valuable that a one-time sale. For this reason, you must have a goal of staying in touch with customers not only through posting content but through occasional emails and other forms of social relationship-sustaining communication methods. The ultimate goal is to attract repeat buying over time from customers you’ve maintained relationship with after the first buying encounter.

Build Brand Excitement and Referrals

Building brand excitement is one great way to stimulate a digital marketing environment around your business. Brand excitement helps to generate valuable referrals. When you generate digital marketing activities which propel ordinary people through your sales conversion to become customers/clients, you’ve established a valuable relationship. If you can sufficiently nurture that relationship, such persons can become great fans of your business that you can depend on to help promote the business to their associates, friends and family without any prompting from you. That is what helps immensely to generate invaluable referrals for your business.

Create More Paying Customers

This is exactly what you can use good content to do. Only paying customers keep your business concern active, growing and worthwhile. Once you have a lot of content on the platforms you’re focusing on to reflect your brand image, it is the time to set up a system to convert your audience into paying customers/clients. The more paying customers you have, the better for your business. When you keep posting content regularly and consistently, you inevitably generate good traffic and engagement. Through good traffic and engagement, with some incentives thrown in the mix, more paying customers are created.

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Digital Marketing Tips to Grow Your Business

Mobile digital marketing from smart phone.
 If you want to run a successful small business at these times, the best place to be is the Internet. Most small businesses are now making the best use of the internet to successfully promote their products/services. Even though the internet field appears crowded with stiff competition, you can still make it if you know what you are doing. There is no place like the internet and its huge opportunities for gaining more customers relatively easily. This is because lots of people now do most of their shopping online. It is therefore smart to place your products/services exactly where customers can best be found. That is on the internet. There are many tips and tricks for successful marketing online, but individual knowledge and skills play a huge role in successful outings.

Here are some of such tips as recommended by experienced and successful digital marketers.

#1. Set up a functional website/blog.
#2. Get trained to master digital marketing.
#3. Optimize your website for mobile apps.
#4. Put pictures/videos on your website to grab visitors’ attention easily.
#5. Integrate a blog on your website and post regularly.
#6. Ensure you update your website regularly in tandem with the latest 



These tips are by no means exhaustive but with practice, you can decide what works best for you and what doesn’t. It is what works best for you that can help you grow your business rapidly online. You may choose to spy on your competitors to find out what they do that works for them which can help you to fine tune yours.

First thing you do is to design and deploy a user-friendly website or blog for your business. Be sure it is attractive enough to get visitors and retain then long enough for them to notice what your business has on display.

The internet is a very crowded and highly competitive environment for business. The real reason you must know what you are doing if you are desirous to make any impact out there. One great way to do so is to get some training in Search Engine Optimization, SEO, and its importance in online marketing campaigns. It is a highly technical field on the internet which you must know how to take advantage of to enable Search Engines help to send traffic to your site. You need some training to master how SEO works and how you can use it to promote your business.

Going with the trends, many people now do business on the go. Mobile phones are now everywhere around the world. Presently, many more people use mobile phones to access websites and do business online. It is important to make sure your website/blog is easy to access by mobile users after optimizing it for mobile browser. Many more people can then access the site on the go leading to an increase in its conversion rate.

Visual content tends to convert better than written content. That is why you must know how to use pictures and videos on your website to captivate your site visitors. Reading gets people bored faster than looking at pictures and videos. The real reason visual content converts better.

Expert marketers now advise that everyone in digital marketing business should run a blog on their websites. With regular important information updates on the blog, visitors tend to keep coming back to check things out. That helps conversion. If you regularly update your blog with good content, you are going to make it authoritative and viral much faster. That translates to traffic and conversion. Either on your website or blog, be sure you add fresh and highly informative content regularly. In blogging world, content remains king if you want Search Engines to take you seriously. The more and better content you post, the more Search Engines like it and the more traffic they send to your site.


The very big and popular Search Engines like Google tend to be really finicky when it comes to determining what good content is. They rely on their own algorithms to select the content they prefer and these algorithms change fairly regularly based on the challenges the Search Engines are facing as regards to users search habits. That is why you must take pains to update your site regularly in line with the latest algorithms of the Search Engines. Doing so helps your SEO ranking and consequently good traffic.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why Hosted Website and Blog are Effective for Advertising SFI

Blog graphics on dark banner.
A regular website and a blog when properly used are very effective channels for advertising SFI business online. This is because both regularly attract online traffic in form of “hits” which every online marketer badly needs to expose the “wares” he/she is marketing online. The higher the traffic, the higher the chances of hits, conversions and sales! Sometimes, you can even combine both by hosting your blog in your website.

However, what really matters here is the volume of traffic either the regular website or the blog attracts. You can use Google Hits Tracking Tools to detect accurately how many unique visitors come to your site hourly/daily. If it is your website or your blog which manages to attract more traffic, that should be preferable to the other. That is the one which can be classified as “most effective” for advertising SFI in line with the demands of your question.

If however you are hosting your blog in your website, it is like using one stone to kill two birds. The regular blog posts on the site can help to keep the contents fresh to the delight of Search Engines. If the Engines rank your site very highly, it helps with higher traffic volume which is very good for your advertising. You can also hyperlink very unique terms and phrases in your content which lead to your SFI Gateways and TripleClicks shop. That is another very effective way to advertise SFI business online.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

How to Build Links by Thinking Convergence

Build Links banner displayed by man on dark jacket.

Are you marketing online? Then you must have use for credible ways to successfully link-build to increase your website traffic. Thinking convergence is one such credible ways. Once you are able to get your content and social-media tactics right, high quality link building will follow, and it will happen naturally. Doing so requires some kind of convergence in all your digital-marketing activities which include content marketing and social-media marketing. All these activities have inevitably intricately woven themselves into link-building processes for good SEO results and ultimately good traffic to your website.

If you are a keen online marketer and a good observer, you must have noticed that the way SEOs look at link building has changed dramatically in recent times. That is understandable because of the characteristic rapid changes in the way people do business on the Internet. You need good search visibility for a wider target audience. That is why search engines particularly Google habitually and always want to fetch only the most relevant results for searchers, and the evolution in link building falls in line with this aim.

Once your content manages to go viral on social media, it will lead to the creation of natural links. In addition to that, great content acts like a link magnet. Experience shows that more and more people are always willing to link to content that offers tremendous value to its audience. This is the reason why contemporary link building is actually a convergence of various tactics that are a part of the brand’s overall marketing strategy. What that means is that in link building business, you can’t afford to leave out any strategy that works. You must explore ways to converge your strategies for optimal results. Smart marketers know that content marketing complements link-building efforts and vice versa. It is much the same thing for social-media marketing.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How to Build Links by Building Relationships

Links building graphics, mobile phone and man on white shirt.
If you are marketing online, you may be aware of the very simple fact that link building is a slow process. No matter how authoritative and experienced you are in link building, you must have to take deliberate steps to build links naturally and systematically. Have you ever heard of relationship building? Great if you have! Relationship building is simply the new link building process in town. What you need to start doing is build relationships with websites and the people who are their driving force. This you can do by searching and finding reputable websites within the domain you are operating from and the people (influencers) who are behind these websites. That done, you can then identify a goal which you and these websites share in common. It is that common goal which can act as a catalyst for a meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship with these websites. That in a nutshell is a highly beneficial relationship building which is good for your backlink strategy.

When established, relationships must be nurtured. That is where outreaching becomes very important. To do it right, you need to be personal in what you are bringing to the table that will benefit others you are cultivating a relationship with. It becomes a win, win situation for all parties involved if they easily see how the relationships will benefit them and their businesses. Guest blogging easily comes to mind in such relationships. If for instance you guest-blog high authority content that attracts more readers to the host blog, you get quality backlinks readily. Your host blog will be glad to have you because of the steady traffic your quality blog brings to it. That kind of arrangement makes for a great relationship. It is the nature of your relationship with the host website and the people behind it that usually sets the stage for natural link building. That scenario is what impresses major search engines particularly Google to index your site favorably. Great for your backlink building strategy no doubt!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Leveraging on Infographics to Market Online

inforgraphics currencies, landscape and computer pad
You may want to ask, what exactly are infographics? Marketing experts say, Infographics are simply “graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge” that “present complex information quickly and clearly.” What makes infographics really effective in the presentation of a message is actually their ability to present complex information quickly and clearly. That helps to easily catch the attention of potential customers even within the short attention span of their exposure to the marketing message. That is really the trick behind the effectiveness of infographics in getting across a marketing message.  They allow people to see the true meaning of the data easily and quickly. As marketing tools, infographics derive their effectiveness from the fact that they include SEO-friendly terms in their messages. That is how they are able to drive new users to a website through increased search visibility. In addition, they can easily be shared on Social Media sites such as LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook and Twitter. On Social Media, if such messages manage to go viral, it helps to get your brand to a wider and largely untapped audience without any additional promotional efforts on your part. That naturally engenders a major boost in your marketing efforts.


Everyone marketing online is always desperately seeking the attention of very inattentive  people. That is always a very big challenge to all online marketing efforts. Marketers have since discovered that the attention span of many online surfers is always very limited. It is these same surfers who are notoriously and grossly inattentive that marketers always strive to catch their attention with a view to getting them to buy products/services. This no doubt is always a very tough task. What to do then to get around this problem. Welcome infographics! Whether it is connecting with customers, closing a deal with prospective clients or promoting efficiency within your own operation, you just have to device ways to get your message across quickly, efficiently and effectively. Only infographics can make that possible with impressive results.