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Showing posts with label Online marketer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online marketer. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How to Revamp Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Eye glasses, a black pen on a notepad on top of a newspaper with a red flower vase and calculator nearby.
Are you an online marketer? Is the traffic inflow to your website dwindling? Are you experiencing any drop in leads and sales? If your answer is yes to any of these three questions, all you need is to re-energize and revamp your marketing strategy. First place to look is the internet and the growing trends in it. The internet is one great phenomenon that dominates consumer shopping behavior. If you can shape your digital marketing strategies to take full advantage of the internet, you can easily revamp such strategies. Digital marketing is a gateway of the future for online marketers. If you want to join the train of successful digital marketers, developing and implementing a robust strategy for your marketing campaigns is the way to go. If you already have an ongoing marketing campaign, but it isn’t performing as expected, there is a good chance the strategies you are using are flawed.

To solidify your plans and revamp your strategies in your digital marketing efforts, follow these tips.

Make Research a Priority

Every digital marketer needs a lot of research to help maintain a correct marketing course and to be able to make sales. Granted, research may involve some tedious and grueling process, but, it is very vital for the success of your marketing campaign efforts. It helps marketers to predict marketing trends which they greatly need to save time and money, stay one step ahead competitors and assist marketers to avoid some of the most common pitfalls of digital marketing. Every digital marketer needs to devote some time to data-backed research. Even if your gut-feelings have been helpful in the past, it is best to always back up your strategies with good research. Good research helps you to know your target audience and your competitors better. With that knowledge, you can easily revamp your marketing strategies for better results.

Diversify Your Communications

On the internet, a virtual community enjoys a very wide world of its own. That world is of immense depth and diversity. To make any impact in such environment, it helps to diversify your communication efforts and presence in the virtual communities. The best way to go is to have multiple outlets of your brand using all feasible communication channels effective in the virtual world. For introduction to new brands and promotion of older brands, many consumers now rely hugely on many social media channels for information. You can easily open accounts and run your marketing campaigns on many social media platforms. So, by diversifying your communications, you can strengthen your digital marketing strategy and solidify your online presence.

Hire a Digital Marketing Expert

As most digital marketers very well know, digital marketing is a science. Every move requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the strategy is foolproof. No matter how experienced you are in digital marketing, at times, you may not have all the answers to many online challenges. For instance, if SEO or Search Engine algorithms are not your specialties, it is where expert services become imperative. Hiring the services of digital experts is the easiest way to spot and fix digital problems. You may be required to pay some fees for the expert/professional services but that is always a great investment to make in your online business. Investing in digital marketing somehow helps to empower businesses and ensures their financial security, with good returns to boot.

Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Boost Your Website for Creative Marketing

A creative marketer working from a computer with a notepad, mobile phone, potted plant on a white pot, mousepad and blue notebook on the work table.
As an online marketer, you must be aware that your website is your functional business window in the internet world. It is probably your most important online marketing asset. If your website is well-designed and internet-friendly, with some creative strategies, it can help your business to do well on the internet. Creatively using your website to its full potential is like having a 24/7 sales and marketing team that never takes a break nor sleeps.

Here are some proven ways to boost your website for creative marketing.

Simple Website Design: A simple/practical website design helps to give your website a good loading speed to satisfy web surfers who habitually are always in a hurry. It must be easy to navigate and with a landing page that tells the whole story about your business at a quick glance. Its aesthetics, content fonts and display colors must be such that help to arrest the attention of web visitors.

Use Simple Language: Avoid industry jargon which may not be universal in usage. Remember always that your website represents your business around the world, cutting across cultures and linguistics lines. For that reason, it is good to write your content simply just as you speak. Apart from the simple easy-to-understand language needed in your content, it should read in some kind of conversational way which your reading public and target audience will love.

Optimize Your Content: Optimizing your website content for SEO purposes is to make it search engine friendly. On-page SEO best practices help to make sure each page on your website is optimized for searches and that your content is focused on specific keywords with which it was optimized. Doing so somehow helps to induce search engines to rate your material high on their SERPs. A consequence of which the organic traffic to your website is greatly enhanced!

Carefully Choose Your Website Colors: Carefully choosing your website colors helps its aesthetics and attractiveness to a reading public. Somehow, everything tends to communicate some message in a unique way. By carefully choosing and using colors that really attract and engage your audience, their user experience is helped a great deal. You can effectively use colors for branding and marketing if you take quality time to ponder what colors mean and how they make people feel, before choosing to use them.

Use on-page CTA strategically: It is advisable to use Call-To-Action, CTA buttons above the fold of your webpages preferably on the top right corner, making sure you don’t install too many per page. In that strategic location, it is difficult for visitors to miss a CTA button no matter how brief their visit to the website is. An effective CTA can be as simple as hyper-linked text asking your website visitors to take some sort of action.

Optimize Your Images: Since search engines found ways to index web images, it became necessary to optimize them for easy search and ranking on SERPs. You can optimize images by Adding Titles and ALT text tags making them universal for searches even for people with sight impairments. Optimizing web images also enables a text to be displayed in place of an image if an image file cannot be loaded. In addition, there are also SEO benefits when you add keywords to your image alt text. These tags tell web crawler bots what your image actually is and help the image to appear in image search results of search engines.

Regularly Audit Your Own Content: Changes in business addresses, telephone numbers, poor spellings, obsolete info/data etc. necessitate the periodic auditing of a website. By running an audit of the current content on your site, you can easily see what needs to be changed, what is working and what isn’t. After that, you can then write, reformat or remove any stuff that just doesn’t jell with your audience.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices: According to Google reports, over 60% of web searches these days are attributable to mobile devices. Meaning? More people now search on mobiles than on any other devices. Now, that’s one huge chunk of search information.  For this reason, having a mobile-responsive website has become very essential.

Use Forms to Capture Leads: Your creativity and ingenuity come very handy here. You can design and use your own on-page forms to capture leads. Avoid asking for too much information from your visitors. Ask for just the barest essential info you need. Designing and adding your own forms on your website is a cheap and very easy way to add conversion elements to the site. You must however endeavor to keep things very simple while making sure to always have a mandatory email field. Capturing emails allows you to nurture and market to your new leads with ease.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

How to Treat your Blog as a Business

A blogger working from a computer with a mobile phone, pencils, cup of beverage, notepads, a pen on a notepad on top of the work table.
If you are an online marketer, you must be aware that if you blog, you can make money online. Now that nearly everyone is forced to work at home because of the covid-19 pandemic ravaging the world, if you have a blog, you can generate some extra income right from the comfort of your home. You may even choose to blog full-time, meaning you can generate enough income to live on from your blogging activities. That is how to make blogging a full-time business and you can actually treat your blog as such.

To make blogging a lucrative income-generating business, you must be actively and professionally involved in blogging. To get going, you must follow these here some simple steps to bring it about.

Get some Training to Blog Professionally: This is a given. You can hardly make it in any business without the requisite training and knowledge. You can acquire hands-on learning by blogging and acquiring knowledge and experience as you blog along. Alternatively, you can enroll in any of the training programs available online or you diligently read and follow successful blogs online. Doing all these will help you to acquire the needed blogging skills and the tips and tricks of the business. There are also books you can buy and read to get relevant blogging materials and skills. As much as convenient, you can elect to attend offline blogging events to mix with bloggers and to acquire information.

Dedicate Quality Time to Blog: Just like any other business, blogging requires quality time and attention to gather your thoughts and to write them down. Blogging as a content marketing business remains a very serious business if you want readers to take you seriously. While making sure you give regular and dedicated time to blogging, be sure to blog only about content which is really informative, educating and entertaining enough to get readers to read and follow you.

Procure and Use the Right Blogging Tools: Every business requires the right tools to succeed. So is blogging. If you want to blog as a business, you must be ready to invest some money to acquire the right blogging tools. Some of these tools include but not limited to premium web hosting, premium blog templates, plugins, computer equipment, access to the internet, blogging resources, etc, etc.

Connect/Relate with like-minded Bloggers: You need this to be able to learn from the masters. In addition, you can hardly have a successful business without profitable partnerships. You need others to succeed the way they too will need you because cannot succeed as a one-man army or as an Island. In any meaningful business relationship, everyone needs real collaboration with other businesses in many areas of business endeavors in order to succeed.

Actively Promote your Blog: No matter how good your blog is, if you don’t actively promote it, it may appear mediocre for much of the time. No one lights a lamp and puts it under the table. Getting your blog out there on the internet for many readers to notice helps it to acquire the much needed readership soon enough. There are very many ways you can promote your blog to get good results. Some of these ways may be by way free promos on social media and even with paid ads if you have the resources to do so. The more you promote your blog, the faster it acquires readership which helps to grow your income from the blog.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

6 Ways to Convert Your Website Visitors to Customers

Online work table with a computer, notepads, folded eye glasses and a glass of water.
  The first significant aim of any online marketer is to drive traffic to his/her website. Bearing in mind that your website visitors are just getting to know you the first time they land on your website, it’s not enough to simply drive traffic. You must ensure that their first impression is a good one, and that what you offer is attractive enough to keep bringing them back. If visitors simply come to your site without taking any further action on your website and indeed making a purchase, what you have are mere visitors instead of customers which you really need. What you can do is some quick optimization on your website to transform visitors into repeat buying customers. That takes some efforts which you must be ready to make to put your website in the right shape to convert visitors to customers. Note carefully that none of these ways must stand alone if you want good results. To be effective, they need to be used strategically together to match your customer journey from introduction to sale. That requires some marketing skills because in reality, it takes dedication and time to build worthwhile, long-term relationships.

Here are some 6 tested and proven ways to convert visitors with relative ease.

01. Making Your Website Attractive

First, be sure your website is easy to use and user-friendly thereby making it very attractive to users. You must therefore invest in its design and deployment. Since quality design starts with the user experience, you’ve got to make sure your website is easy to navigate and user-friendly. You can add smart search functionality, streamlining the checkout process, and optimizing the mobile experience to make it attractive to all classes of users. That is the main reason you need quality website design because it generally takes a few seconds for users to form an opinion about your website. The design plays some role in helping them to decide whether or not they are staying or leaving. 


02. Improving Your Website Loading Speed

 Loading speed is also very important. Having settled for a good design, you can then boost the performance of the site. The faster the site loads, the better it is at increasing your sales. A professional website developer can help increase the loading speed of your site if you are unable to do it yourself by working on reducing the sizes of the images on the site, porting to a good Web Host and tinkering with your CDN, Content Delivery Network.

03. Improving Your Customer Support

This is rather obvious. The better you treat your customers, the more patronage you get from them. Quick and timely response to customer concerns helps keep customers. The use of auto-responders on your website can be very helpful for your customer support efforts. Anytime your site visitors have questions and concerns, it somehow gets in the way of their buying decisions. The quicker and faster you address these concerns, the faster they make their buying decisions. If it habitually takes you too long to address customer concerns, many simply move elsewhere in search of their needs.

04. Having a Captivating Landing Page

What your site needs is not just a landing page, but a “call-to-action” landing page. That is what helps in the conversion process. No doubt you are aware that Landing Pages are single, direct pages that encourage users to take a specific action. They help provide the “bait” and when the visitor “bites”, you simply get yourself a new customer. Landing pages are really useful to increase email lists, signups, social sharing, giving out gifts and eBooks, discount coupons and so many other token items which help to arrest the attention of visitors getting them to act in a predictable way.

05. Working on Your Click-Through-Rates, CTR

A CTR is a very smart way to measure your site users’ activities on your website. It usually results from a very clear invitation to some form of benefit or reward tucked away somewhere in your website. An effective CTR occurs when users know what exactly is in it for them if they honour your Call-To-Action, CTA. If they know before hand, they are more likely to take real action to get it. Hyper-specific Call-To-Actions, CTAs like “Click here for your discount code” have been known to work wonders in landing pages and even blog posts to generate high CTRs.

06. Integrating a Blog

These days, nearly every online marketer is into content marketing or direct blogging. Everyone out there online is looking for information and people get attracted to where they get information which helps them to take informed decisions. Integrating a blog in your website can serve that purpose. When people trust and respect the information your blog provides, that helps to convey some form of authority. That is the attraction which keeps people coming back for more. That way, with a smart call to action, CTA, you can convert such visitors to customers.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Why Hosted Website and Blog are Effective for Advertising SFI

Blog graphics on dark banner.
A regular website and a blog when properly used are very effective channels for advertising SFI business online. This is because both regularly attract online traffic in form of “hits” which every online marketer badly needs to expose the “wares” he/she is marketing online. The higher the traffic, the higher the chances of hits, conversions and sales! Sometimes, you can even combine both by hosting your blog in your website.

However, what really matters here is the volume of traffic either the regular website or the blog attracts. You can use Google Hits Tracking Tools to detect accurately how many unique visitors come to your site hourly/daily. If it is your website or your blog which manages to attract more traffic, that should be preferable to the other. That is the one which can be classified as “most effective” for advertising SFI in line with the demands of your question.

If however you are hosting your blog in your website, it is like using one stone to kill two birds. The regular blog posts on the site can help to keep the contents fresh to the delight of Search Engines. If the Engines rank your site very highly, it helps with higher traffic volume which is very good for your advertising. You can also hyperlink very unique terms and phrases in your content which lead to your SFI Gateways and TripleClicks shop. That is another very effective way to advertise SFI business online.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Why Banners are Best Marketing Tools to Build SFI business

Red and blue HomeBiz sign on computer screen.

Of all the marketing tools SFI offers free to all Affiliates to build their business, I believe banners are best and most effective for the following reasons.

01. Banners come in different shapes, colors and sizes to fit how and where you want to use them.
02. Banner messages also come differently so you have freedom of choice to fit what you need.
03. Banner visuals and messages are more captivating than many other forms of ads.
04. The click rate percentage of banners is higher than many other ads messages.
05. Banner conversion rates are also higher.
06. Banners are very easy to deploy and to use online, thanks to SFI.
07. Next to videos and pictures, banners attract next best attention online.
08. Most Websites have specially designated locations for banner ads.
09. Offline, banners can be displayed in many public places with high human traffic including moving vehicles.
10. Above all, every online marketer I know loves banners.

From the foregoing, I have no doubt that using SFI/TripleClicks banners correctly can help any Affiliate build her SFI business very rapidly. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Real Benefits of Member Listings in SFI Business

Folded dollars notes in a stack.

Every SFI affiliate is in it to do business. The business of SFI is mostly buying and selling in TripleClicks stores with VersaPoints and Commissions earned in the process. Member listings entail what each SFI member lists as products and or services he/she is selling either as an E-Commerce Associate, ECA, or in your member T-Connect page.


Here are some benefits of member listings.
1. Your products are listed in Tripleclicks online stores highly ranked by Search Engines.
2. The products are accessible to buyers in all corners of the globe.
3. They can be promoted and sold by over 1.2 million affiliates in over 20,000 cities in over 203 countries of the world.
4. They form part of the over 100,000 products TripleClicks routinely promotes in its stores.
5. The stores are open 24/7 and your products are so available to prospective buyers.
6. Trading is safe and secure online and you get paid by SFI when you supply a product and it is confirmed.
7. The major transactions are online in the safety and security of your home/office.
8. Every affiliate is in business to work with other affiliates and everyone benefits from this magnificent synergy.
9. You do not have to make a sale face-to-face which is why you can sell your products even if you are not a professional online marketer.
10. Your products earn immediate customer trust because of the excellent reputation of TripleClicks stores.

Here are my best tips for successful listings.
1. Display only very good pictures of the products you are listing.
2. Give a good description of what the products are and what they do.
3. Give reasonable discounts on the products you sell.
4. Give FREE shipping as much as is practicable.
5. Charge competitive prices for your products.
6. Do not promote inferior or contraband goods.
7. Respond promptly to complaints from your buyers.
8. Give quick refunds for damaged or returned goods.
9. Offer follow-up services on any product you sell.
10. Attend to your ECA store 24/7.
11. Maintain very good customer relations with your buyers.
12. Ensure you do nothing to undercut any affiliate or customer.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

7 Smart Ways to Generate Income Online

Make money with a laptop on work table with a splash of dollar bills.
As at today, there is statistical evidence that 95% of people who do business online are not making money. Of the 5% making money, only 1% is making good money. Yet, many more people are going online daily with the intention to make money. If you run a small business, taking it online is usually a great adventure and a lot of fun. What most small business owners think about when they take their small business online is the sales business model because it is fairly straight forward and easy to adopt. You simply become an online merchant by advertising your goods/services on your Website with a view to making sales. This appears to be what everybody does but there are other viable strategies smart online small business owners also use to generate income. If you really want to make money online, whatsoever you are currently doing online must tally with at least one of these seven ways to generate income.

01. Sell your own products.
02. Sell your own services.
03. Drop ship products.
04. Recommend affiliate products.
05. Sell ad space.
06. Create a joint venture with like-minded businesses.
07. Start an affiliate program.

By the time you master your online business very well, it is possible to combine two or more of these ways to increase your income and profits online. Some of these business models are most effective when you combine their revenues to maximize profits. For example, if you wanted to work with your sales model site to diversify your profit streams, you could sell your own product, while also recommending affiliate or joint venture products that would appeal to your audience and complement your offer. You could investigate drop-shipping options to even further diversify your product line. When your Website is up and running, a bit of creative thinking and experimentation on your part will reveal to you what works and what doesn’t. That is when you have to think of diversification. Diversification gives you all kinds of options when it comes to back-end and follow-up offers. And remember, if you have great offers, the customers who have bought from you once are likely to buy from you again. Repeat orders are highly indispensable to your profit margins by the time you command a respectable presence as an online marketer.