Here are some proven ways to boost your website for creative marketing.
Simple Website Design: A simple/practical website design helps to give your website a good loading speed to satisfy web surfers who habitually are always in a hurry. It must be easy to navigate and with a landing page that tells the whole story about your business at a quick glance. Its aesthetics, content fonts and display colors must be such that help to arrest the attention of web visitors.
Use Simple Language: Avoid industry jargon which may not be universal in usage. Remember always that your website represents your business around the world, cutting across cultures and linguistics lines. For that reason, it is good to write your content simply just as you speak. Apart from the simple easy-to-understand language needed in your content, it should read in some kind of conversational way which your reading public and target audience will love.
Optimize Your Content: Optimizing your website content for SEO purposes is to make it search engine friendly. On-page SEO best practices help to make sure each page on your website is optimized for searches and that your content is focused on specific keywords with which it was optimized. Doing so somehow helps to induce search engines to rate your material high on their SERPs. A consequence of which the organic traffic to your website is greatly enhanced!
Carefully Choose Your Website Colors: Carefully choosing your website colors helps its aesthetics and attractiveness to a reading public. Somehow, everything tends to communicate some message in a unique way. By carefully choosing and using colors that really attract and engage your audience, their user experience is helped a great deal. You can effectively use colors for branding and marketing if you take quality time to ponder what colors mean and how they make people feel, before choosing to use them.
Use on-page CTA strategically: It is advisable to use Call-To-Action, CTA buttons above the fold of your webpages preferably on the top right corner, making sure you don’t install too many per page. In that strategic location, it is difficult for visitors to miss a CTA button no matter how brief their visit to the website is. An effective CTA can be as simple as hyper-linked text asking your website visitors to take some sort of action.
Optimize Your Images: Since search engines found ways to index web images, it became necessary to optimize them for easy search and ranking on SERPs. You can optimize images by Adding Titles and ALT text tags making them universal for searches even for people with sight impairments. Optimizing web images also enables a text to be displayed in place of an image if an image file cannot be loaded. In addition, there are also SEO benefits when you add keywords to your image alt text. These tags tell web crawler bots what your image actually is and help the image to appear in image search results of search engines.
Regularly Audit Your Own Content: Changes in business addresses, telephone numbers, poor spellings, obsolete info/data etc. necessitate the periodic auditing of a website. By running an audit of the current content on your site, you can easily see what needs to be changed, what is working and what isn’t. After that, you can then write, reformat or remove any stuff that just doesn’t jell with your audience.
Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices: According to Google reports, over 60% of web searches these days are attributable to mobile devices. Meaning? More people now search on mobiles than on any other devices. Now, that’s one huge chunk of search information. For this reason, having a mobile-responsive website has become very essential.
Use Forms to Capture Leads: Your creativity and ingenuity come very handy here. You can design and use your own on-page forms to capture leads. Avoid asking for too much information from your visitors. Ask for just the barest essential info you need. Designing and adding your own forms on your website is a cheap and very easy way to add conversion elements to the site. You must however endeavor to keep things very simple while making sure to always have a mandatory email field. Capturing emails allows you to nurture and market to your new leads with ease.