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Monday, September 24, 2018

Creative Influencer Marketing Tactic: Plan a Social Takeover

Lone computer on a white top work station with a white coffee mug.
 These days, there is a real and sometimes very aggressive crowd in the digital marketing world. To survive therein, you need some creativity because if everyone is doing the same things, they inevitably get the same results. To succeed as an influencer marketer, hunting with the Joneses is just not good enough. That is where creativity comes into the mix. One such highly creative move is to plan a social takeover which is somehow becoming popular.

Such move is for a brand to have an influencer temporarily take over their social accounts, which can coincide with a promotion (driving sales) or designed to boost engagement in brand follows and shares. That tactic is what many experienced influencers are really very good at. How do they do it to get results? Simple! They typically hype the takeover from their own social accounts, building trust by association. Both influencer and brand can benefit from this type of collaboration. How? The brand gets exposed to new audiences while the influencer gets the credibility of being publicly valued by the brand. In both scenarios, it is a win, win situation. The brand owners and the brand influencers are the happier for it.

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