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Showing posts with label Creative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2019

4 Creative Digital Marketing Campaign Ideas

Digital Marketing Campaign graphics and impressions around a yellow work table.
Digital marketing campaigns help to bring down the cost of advertising worldwide. Recent studies show that global spending on advertising is nearing $100 billion and there are indications that the figures will keep going up. Businesses spend this whopping sum on advertising annually because they get results. That said, some businesses also annually spend some good money on marketing campaigns which won’t yield good results. Such businesses tend to find a way around that by relying more on digital marketing strategies which are more cost effective.


To save costs in your campaigns, you can get these 4 digital marketing strategies into your own marketing plan.

#1. Get Your Business on Social Media

Social media is relatively free, cost effective and easy to use. It helps to make things easy and simple for good results. Just get your business to be active on the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others. Placing ads on their walls is in most cases free of cost and very effective as well. If your business is active on social media, it helps to make it more transparent to people, making it more likely to get business done. Most customers habitually like any business that is easily accessible with very free interaction. That is what most social media platforms guarantee. The reason they are very effective in digital marketing campaigns.

#2. Write a Quality Blog

Every serious digital marketer has got to have a blog for better marketing results. That’s content marketing because content remains king in digital marketing world. If you are a marketer and you aren’t writing blog content for your website yet, you’re way behind your competition. That is a very cold truth. Digital marketers have since found out that blog content is what improves your site’s SEO by way of driving organic traffic to your website. Better traffic generates quality leads and eventual sales. If you are not writing a blog yet, not to worry, you can get started right now. Successful blog posts directly translate to good traffic.

#3. Create Digital Business Flyers

By design, these flyers should be able to reach hundreds of thousands of potential customers and the message succinct enough to get positive actions. That is what works in digital marketing world. If you are deficient at designing flyers, with some professional help, you can get out highly magnetic and effective flyers on the internet to get you leads and sales.

#4. Deploy Video Marketing for Effects

There is research evidence that 65% of people learn mostly through visuals. That is why video marketing has become a very effective visual content marketing tool. Video marketing comes in many and varied forms. Most digital advertisers are choosing video over text more and more as a preferred option to capture people’s attention because of the good results. Depending on your background and expertise, you can choose to put together a webinar or create how-to videos to attract traffic. You may even decide to open a YouTube channel for effective advertising of your products/services. The resultant effect is good leads, traffic and ultimately, good sales.


Friday, June 07, 2019

4 Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas to Promote Your Business

Digital marketing sign projected from the screen of a black computer.
Periodically, good marketers create marketing plans for their businesses. These plans they incorporate into their overall marketing strategies. Many do roll over and fine tune the strategies they’ve discovered over time really work for them. Even though marketers may all be doing the same things, those who get the best results tend to do many of these things differently. That is the trick. In the ever-changing digital world, it’s more important than ever to update your marketing strategy at least yearly, failing which your competitors can easily take advantage of your laxity. It is that serious. 


Here are some very potent marketing tactics many experts recommend to promote your business.

#1. Be Active on Social Media

Social media now appears to be the most popular marketing platform on the web. It is here with us all and has come to stay. If you want to put your business out there in front of millions of potential customers, just get it on social media. Be sure it is active on some of the most popular platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Being active on social media makes the business more transparent and accessible to people who are most likely to do business with you. People generally like a business that is easily accessible and easy to interact with. Social media guarantees these as well as being a very good platform for advertising the business.

#2. Create Attention Grabbing Business Marketing Tools

Irrespective of whether you are advertising online/offline, it is still very important to use physical marketing tools, such as flyers and brochures designed in such a way as to easily grab attention. Flyers, business cards and brochures can be professionally produced and handed out conveniently in large numbers at gatherings of potential customers. When used online, these materials are best deployed at locations on the sites where they catch attention easily.

#3. Write Quality Blog Content

Do you write a blog? Trite question! There is hardly any marketer who doesn’t write a blog these days. If you do, be sure to write quality content and regularly too! In the blogging world, content remains king. If you aren’t writing blog content for your website yet, I have a bit of bad news for you. You’re way behind your competition. No good marketer likes that. Blog content is what improves your site’s SEO and drives people to your website. That means traffic which translates to sales as bottom line.

#4. Deploy Video Marketing

Video marketing is a way of visual content marketing which is about the most effective traffic-attracting idea currently online. It is becoming increasingly popular and essential for many small businesses online. Many marketers are now choosing video over text more and more because of its effectiveness at capturing people’s attention fairly easily. For best results from visual content marketing, you can put together a webinar for your cyber-audience. In addition, you can create how-to videos for your products/services or you can even choose to open a YouTube channel for your videos.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Creative Influencer Marketing Tactic: Boost a Newsletter

Lone computer in a brown top work station with white notesheets and a silver pen.
 Every active digital marketer knows or should know what a Newsletter is. When properly used, they are a very useful marketing tool. Marketers have since discovered that Newsletter services are an interesting (and more private) alternative to public blogging and social media. This is the real reason some influencers are using them on their own or as a supplement to their web presence. With Newsletters, promotion opportunities are similar to blogs, with branded content naturally woven into the influencer’s images and copy. That is the catch, using them to effectively get your product or service out there.

Just like public blogging, there are also many options with Newsletters. Aside from all of the options, it is very important not to be overly rigid in your marketing requirements. Influencer marketing works best when brands can be mentioned and promoted organically. This is the view of many experts in digital marketing. For real effects, it is best to establish permissions, goals and brand assets, then allow influencers to work their magic, whatever the medium. In the end, there are plenty of ways to go beyond the blog to hit your specific key performance indicators. Newsletters come in very handy as one of those very effective ways.

Creative Influencer Marketing Tactic: Engage a Brand Ambassador

Employer branding banner over a sea-blue background.
 In these days of Internet, Social Media and Television, news travels extraordinarily very fast and celebrities are easily created and promoted or at times even hyped around the world. Sports and entertainment industries somehow get to provide the bulk of the celebrities we see around us. For some fee or even pro bono depending on the product you want to promote, you can engage brand ambassadors to help push the product using their celebrity status. Engaging Brand Ambassadors can really be some very good influencer marketing tactics if expertly matched with a product or service.

Field experience has shown that Influencers can make perfect brand ambassadors at events like trade shows or conferences. They can participate in trade show booth appearances, host branded parties or receptions or simply attend with the goal of boosting brand engagement by posting photos, videos and commentaries about the event. Brand Ambassadors seen publicly using or endorsing a product is really good as influencer marketing and the results are quite good for most brands.


Creative Influencer Marketing Tactic: Plan a Social Takeover

Lone computer on a white top work station with a white coffee mug.
 These days, there is a real and sometimes very aggressive crowd in the digital marketing world. To survive therein, you need some creativity because if everyone is doing the same things, they inevitably get the same results. To succeed as an influencer marketer, hunting with the Joneses is just not good enough. That is where creativity comes into the mix. One such highly creative move is to plan a social takeover which is somehow becoming popular.

Such move is for a brand to have an influencer temporarily take over their social accounts, which can coincide with a promotion (driving sales) or designed to boost engagement in brand follows and shares. That tactic is what many experienced influencers are really very good at. How do they do it to get results? Simple! They typically hype the takeover from their own social accounts, building trust by association. Both influencer and brand can benefit from this type of collaboration. How? The brand gets exposed to new audiences while the influencer gets the credibility of being publicly valued by the brand. In both scenarios, it is a win, win situation. The brand owners and the brand influencers are the happier for it.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Creative Influencer Marketing Tactic: Contract Content

IPAD held over a white top work station with a potted plant and a glass of beverage.
 As an influencer marketer, you may not be a good content creator yourself but you can get others to do it for it. Blogging is all about content, good, current and relevant content and that takes some work. If you can’t do a good job of it yourself, not to worry, there are many professionals out there ready and available to do it for you. Many influencers are available to hire on a freelance basis to produce signature digital content on a brand’s behalf. Keeping up with the constant need for new, engaging branded content is sometimes not achievable with internal resources. 

That makes it imperative to bring in influencers to help with photography, writing and videos. The more the merrier and the sky’s the limit. If you hire a good influencer with credible online reputation, they can cross promote any resulting material from their working for you in their own platforms. That becomes an added bonus which inevitably helps to greatly increase your own reach. That scenario to me looks very exciting if you factor in the resultant effects.

Creative Influencer Marketing Tactic: Go live

Mobile digital marketing with smartphone held over pink flowers.
 Even though blogging is still a very popular influencer marketing technique, many marketers go creative nowadays.  Many of them decide to go live these days as an additional very effective influencer marketing technique. That is the real reason many brands are embracing it. That is why Brands now sponsor an influencer’s live feed on social platforms, including Instagram or Facebook. Livestream collaborations can take many forms -- real-time product unboxing, Q&As, fashion haul try-ons, cooking, activity and destination promotions, behind-the-scenes footage at events. In all these and for effects, brand mentions are creatively included throughout the broadcast. This option can be particularly well-suited for brands with initiatives they're not always associated with. Take for example, a food brand that has a charity they want to promote. The charity promotion draws a sympathetic and curious audience while the audience inevitably gets to see the brand promotions. It works well and the results are very good.

Great Insight into Creative Influencer Marketing Tactics

Office work station with a female working from a grey computer and a white mug of beverage by her side.
 Blogging is all about influencer marketing. These days, nearly everyone is out there blogging. Some people are getting good results from their blogging efforts while many others aren’t. That leads to the question in many quarters, “Is blogging dead?” According to Google’s search results a while back, there are over 34 million answers to this question, all of which vary by author opinion.
Many bloggers report from experience that blogging is alive and well. For some reasons, it sure looks different these days. This is because blogs have evolved and changed over the years from static, text-centric web pages to an incredibly diverse variety of content including copy, imagery, photography, videography and

Historically, today’s thriving influencer marketing industry started with banner ad-driven blogs, and just as blogs have changed, so have content creators. That development is understandable when viewed against the rapid changes in technology and in some cases, ways of doing business. Influencers now produce complex marketing campaigns via various forms of media, seamlessly weaving brand messaging into their own opinions and recommendations. Therefore, sponsoring a traditional blog post is still a great influencer marketing activity, but if you’re looking for creative alternatives, you’ll get to find very many out there on the wide, wide web. Just search, you’ll find them because they are out there.


Saturday, May 19, 2018

How to Unleash Your Creative Instincts

“A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.” ~ Richard Branson

Yes indeed! If you don’t love what you are doing, just don’t do it anymore. When your business becomes fun, it no longer presents itself as work but you earn money all the same. Doing what you love doing and you are having fun doing gets you ahead very quickly to the astonishment of onlookers. When your business is involving and it is fun, all your creative energies get unleashed without too much effort. You do better and achieve more doing what you love to do thereby succeeding faster and better. According to Wayne Dyer, "There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen."

Many ordinary folks do like to try their hands at doing things but many are always afraid of failure. Don't be afraid to fail. It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. It is fruitless doing so. What matters is to learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. If you love what you do and you do it with fun, things flow along smoothly whether you are failing or succeeding matters very little. As Richard M. DeVos likes to say, "The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible." And with faith, all things are possible.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”