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Showing posts with label Visual content. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Visual content. Show all posts

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why Your Business Needs Visual Content Marketing

Visual content marketing with smart phone and pictures of flowers.
Visual content marketing simply means marketing online with pictures/images. It is a very powerful content marketing tool which incites the human mind to deliver information and tell the brand story in a more compelling and captivating way. For compelling results, most marketers prefer packaging their visual content messages using images, videos, infographics and memes. These are the means needed to deliver valuable and relevant information in an engaging visual format compelling favourable responses. In comparison with written content, visual content always has a higher impact on a human’s mind and a combination of both gives fantastic results. The real reason digital marketers and business owners are making use of them as a real potent marketing strategy.

These here are the main direct benefits of visual content marketing for any online marketing business. 

Better Customer Engagement
The reason most social media sites are very popular is because of ease of use and engagement. They manage to combine visual content and written content for best results. Most marketers are aware that visual content is more engaging and powerful than written content. They take advantage of that by adding pictures and graphics to their written content. That combination helps to make marketing campaigns more interesting and effective. It enhances better customer engagement, leads and sales. 

Increased Inbound Website Traffic
Every online marketer always wants traffic and more traffic. Anything that helps to increase inbound traffic is always welcome. If you are able to deploy visual content effectively, it gives a unique touch to your website and helps to grab the reader’s attention much more readily. That is good for traffic. It is smart to play around with words to show the value of your products and services. It is smarter still to make use of visuals as well or you can use both to have a greater impact on your audience. That helps to generate inbound traffic for your business. 

Boosts Conversion Rates
Many marketers are beginning to realize the importance of visual content marketing strategy to increase conversion rates. Visual contents can even be more effective especially when added to landing pages of websites. It is no longer secret that when marketers implement a successful visual content marketing strategy, it greatly helps to generate leads and increase sales. It is now known also that Brand’s videos are responsible for influencing 80-90% of viewers to get to know about a product/service and even to make a buying decision by simply watching a video.

Easy Brand Recognition
There is credible research evidence that 65% of people learn more through visuals. “Seeing is believing” that is! Most people tend to comprehend better with images, videos, and other visuals than with written words. Because of that, if you want to raise brand awareness among your target audience, it is smart to incorporate visual content marketing strategy in your overall marketing plans. With time, such strategy helps to gradually increase your brand recognition. You can get the best results by making good use of infographics and banner images in your website/blogs to attract readers. For sustained results, expert marketers advise that you check your business website/blog and landing pages always. Update them with compelling graphics, icons, photos, videos and other visuals as regularly and routinely as every month.

Friday, September 27, 2019

4 Creative Digital Marketing Campaign Ideas

Digital Marketing Campaign graphics and impressions around a yellow work table.
Digital marketing campaigns help to bring down the cost of advertising worldwide. Recent studies show that global spending on advertising is nearing $100 billion and there are indications that the figures will keep going up. Businesses spend this whopping sum on advertising annually because they get results. That said, some businesses also annually spend some good money on marketing campaigns which won’t yield good results. Such businesses tend to find a way around that by relying more on digital marketing strategies which are more cost effective.


To save costs in your campaigns, you can get these 4 digital marketing strategies into your own marketing plan.

#1. Get Your Business on Social Media

Social media is relatively free, cost effective and easy to use. It helps to make things easy and simple for good results. Just get your business to be active on the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others. Placing ads on their walls is in most cases free of cost and very effective as well. If your business is active on social media, it helps to make it more transparent to people, making it more likely to get business done. Most customers habitually like any business that is easily accessible with very free interaction. That is what most social media platforms guarantee. The reason they are very effective in digital marketing campaigns.

#2. Write a Quality Blog

Every serious digital marketer has got to have a blog for better marketing results. That’s content marketing because content remains king in digital marketing world. If you are a marketer and you aren’t writing blog content for your website yet, you’re way behind your competition. That is a very cold truth. Digital marketers have since found out that blog content is what improves your site’s SEO by way of driving organic traffic to your website. Better traffic generates quality leads and eventual sales. If you are not writing a blog yet, not to worry, you can get started right now. Successful blog posts directly translate to good traffic.

#3. Create Digital Business Flyers

By design, these flyers should be able to reach hundreds of thousands of potential customers and the message succinct enough to get positive actions. That is what works in digital marketing world. If you are deficient at designing flyers, with some professional help, you can get out highly magnetic and effective flyers on the internet to get you leads and sales.

#4. Deploy Video Marketing for Effects

There is research evidence that 65% of people learn mostly through visuals. That is why video marketing has become a very effective visual content marketing tool. Video marketing comes in many and varied forms. Most digital advertisers are choosing video over text more and more as a preferred option to capture people’s attention because of the good results. Depending on your background and expertise, you can choose to put together a webinar or create how-to videos to attract traffic. You may even decide to open a YouTube channel for effective advertising of your products/services. The resultant effect is good leads, traffic and ultimately, good sales.


Wednesday, July 03, 2019

How Some Digital Marketing Trends are Fading Out

Kitchen work station with working tools and a brown coffee mug.
In digital marketing world, what is trending today may not be trending by tomorrow. The fast pace of these trends can at times be quite amazing. That is primarily due to the fact that the world of digital marketing is constantly evolving.  As a marketer, you must be conversant with this trend if you want to stay relevant in the business. You must routinely re-examine your current strategies and evaluate them in terms of their future relevance. Intensify what works well and discard what doesn’t. That is one great way to stay relevant in the highly competitive world of digital marketing.

Expert marketers have identified some notable trends which may be phased out due to less effectiveness. These are:

Marketing Automation

Customers now recognize that marketing automation lacks human touch and they find that unattractive. Not many people like dealing with programmed machines like autoresponders which are not as smart as chatbots. Personally, I don’t. It helps a great deal to make your customers feel that they are highly valued and each one of them matters. Wholesale marketing automation denies them that. The reason it is fast losing appeal.

Texts Optimization

Texts optimization used to be mostly for SEO purposes only. Now, Search Engines are becoming smarter and their algorithms keep changing very frequently. Because of this, the rules of optimization keep changing across the board. If you get caught in their web, the punitive actions could be very devastating for your business. The reason it has become extremely risky to just be playing around with texts optimization. It is fast losing appeal particularly with newbies in digital marketing. 


Shallow Blogging 

A good blog is expected to have great content which is informative, educating and even entertaining. If your blog lacks this, it can hardly make impact in the highly competitive business of blogging. It is no longer any blog but blogs with enough depth in the subject matter to help readers solve problems. Without enough depth, a blog reader may not go beyond a few seconds on your blog post to see if there is something different on offer. The world is now moving towards more innovative digital marketing ideas which bank high on quality. Shallow blogs now don’t stand any chance at all. The real reason they are losing out of appeal.

Long Video Ads

As things stand today, shorter videos have taken precedence over the longer ones because marketers have since discovered that shorter videos are more marketable. Popular video giants like YouTube have quickly latched on to that. They now have a preference for hyper-short video ads particularly the ones which adhere to tight time constraints. Experts now recommend ads in the 6-10 seconds bracket for commercials to match the unfolding future digital marketing trends. Exactly why long video ads are fast losing appeal!

Organic Reach on Facebook 

Due to abuse and loss of ads revenue, Facebook has severely limited by way of changes in algorithm the organic search of posts particularly on business pages. Chances are, it could be phased out completely in no distant time. Facebook now prioritizes meaningful conversations or points of interactions between closely related individuals over posts generated from business pages.

From the look of things right now, going forward demands a change in strategy and there is no better time than now to reinvent yourself and your digital marketing business. Get kicking!


Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Effectiveness of Visuals on Blog Posts

Mobile blog posts with smart phone over a white teacup cup of creamy beverage.
 Every blog is designed to attract traffic and eventual leads. The reason it must be informative, educating and even entertaining enough to attract readers. Experienced digital marketers now know that blog posts which contain a lot of visual content are a lot better for generating traffic and leads. The selling point of visual content on blogs is that most people like looking at something attractive and captivating. That is what visuals provide in blogs which helps such blogs with better depth and insight. Many people actually gauge the meaning in blogs through visuals like videos, images and pictures. 


Visual illustrations are vital keys to help blog readers know how to take some important steps at blog sites. These are steps like call to action either to sign up for a special offer, download content or whatever and wherever the blogger wants to lead the reader. Great leads usually come about from such developments and leads are highly needed in marketing efforts.

If you are desirous as most marketers do to keep your readers interested in your content in order to help establish your brand, great visuals usually come in very handy in that quest. What images do in blogs and do really well is to enhance the posts by boosting their appeal and thus make many more people read the entire post as a consequence. Some visuals are also very helpful to expand on the ideas in a blog post. They also serve the very useful purpose of providing an emotional connection and a deep, personal connection with the reading audience of any blog.

Some very interesting visuals in digital marketing are Infographics. These provide an excellent way of getting all of your information across to your readers in a way that’s visually impressive and succinct. If you have a blog and you’re not significantly generating leads from it, you may be missing out on a lot of competitive advantage that other businesses are enjoying with blogging. Most marketers get more leads when they use a blog than when they choose not to. Visual content helps out a great deal to attract the much needed traffic and eventual leads. The real reason they are considered highly effective.

Visual content contributes a great deal to make a blog content great. By the time you have a great content on your blog, such content automatically becomes a resource for both your market and your industry. Such content easily goes viral with time. Over such period of time, more sites will be able to link to your useful posts and attract potential leads towards you. That is actually one of the hassle-free ways of generating good leads. If you blog, your biggest challenge most times is how to ensure that you get good and attractive visuals on your blog content to help attract organic traffic and eventual leads.


Tips to Write a Great Blog Post

Blogging work station with a computer, a wallet, a calculator, a mobile phone, white notepad and two pens and a white mug of creamy beverage.
 Traffic and leads are the real essence of writing blog posts. Your blog could have everything it takes to make it important, but unless you’re significantly generating traffic and leads from it, you may be missing out on a lot of competitive advantage that other businesses are enjoying from blogging. Most marketers very well know that it is much easier to get leads when you blog than when you don’t. When you have a good blog in place, it becomes fairly easy for you to generate traffic and leads. What really matters then is how to write great blog posts capable of generating satisfactory results.

Here are some tips to get things done properly for good results.


Resolve to Write Great Content Always

This is a tested and proven marketing fact. When you have great content on your blog, the content becomes a resource for both your market and your industry. That’s the first step. You must write what people like to read which will benefit them in terms of information, education and even entertainment. When your content is good, it tends to go viral fairy quickly. That is when other sites will be able to link to your useful posts and attract potential leads towards you. Most marketers know this to be one hassle-free way of generating traffic and leads fairly easily.

The Opening of Your Blog Posts must Arouse Curiosity

This helps to pin down readers’ attention. Experts advise that a great way of beginning a blog is to lead with a fact, question or statistic catchy enough to hold attention. You can present the readers a problem and aim to answer it within the first few opening sentences as a way of giving your audience real value straightaway without any rigmarole. If your introduction manages to convince them enough, it could hold them to stay on and look better into your blog for the answers they are looking for. Your biggest challenge therefore is how to create a strong opening with which to win someone over in a very short amount of time to keep them reading on.

Post More Long Form Blogs

Expert bloggers have since discovered that long-form blog posting sometimes generate 10 times more leads than short-form posting. The reasons are not farfetched. Search Engines love long form blog posts more than short ones and they tend to rank them higher in their search results. Experts recommend a minimum of 350 words to as long as 1500 words or even more. These are more likely to cover more subject depths and answer most queries and concerns of readers. Long form blogs always manage to attract better traffic and even leads.

Post More Visual Content

Visual content like images, photos and videos are better at arresting readers’ attention than written content. Blog posts that contain a lot of visual content are a lot better for generating leads. Everybody likes looking at something interesting and attractive so visuals can provide more insight depth than text. More readers really gauge the meaning of any message through visuals than any other method because images really enhance posts. They help boost their appeal thereby making more people read the entire post. Images help to provide an emotional connection and a deep, personal connection with the reading audience.

Always Test Your Content Yourself

You can test your blog yourself by assuming you are a stranger reading what you have posted. You can do this by pretending that you are someone else visiting for the first time then ask yourself the following questions:

How relevant is the post to my needs?
Am I better informed about the subject matter?
Do I feel inspired enough to carry on reading?
Would I rely on this blog for information in future?
Have I seen a clear and better answer to my problem?
Does the blog make for easy reading?

If after this test your answer to all the above questions is in the affirmative, it is a good pointer that you have a good blog post out there which is capable of generating traffic and leads.

Direct Invitation to Act

A call-to-action feature is a must for any blog hoping to generate traffic and leads. It must be visible and strategically displayed on your blog in such a way that it can’t be missed or overlooked by visitors. In addition to your call-to-action, you can also embed links within your content to direct readers to relevant sign-up pages, e-books, gift tokens and even additional relevant pages and or more information.


Friday, June 07, 2019

4 Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas to Promote Your Business

Digital marketing sign projected from the screen of a black computer.
Periodically, good marketers create marketing plans for their businesses. These plans they incorporate into their overall marketing strategies. Many do roll over and fine tune the strategies they’ve discovered over time really work for them. Even though marketers may all be doing the same things, those who get the best results tend to do many of these things differently. That is the trick. In the ever-changing digital world, it’s more important than ever to update your marketing strategy at least yearly, failing which your competitors can easily take advantage of your laxity. It is that serious. 


Here are some very potent marketing tactics many experts recommend to promote your business.

#1. Be Active on Social Media

Social media now appears to be the most popular marketing platform on the web. It is here with us all and has come to stay. If you want to put your business out there in front of millions of potential customers, just get it on social media. Be sure it is active on some of the most popular platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Being active on social media makes the business more transparent and accessible to people who are most likely to do business with you. People generally like a business that is easily accessible and easy to interact with. Social media guarantees these as well as being a very good platform for advertising the business.

#2. Create Attention Grabbing Business Marketing Tools

Irrespective of whether you are advertising online/offline, it is still very important to use physical marketing tools, such as flyers and brochures designed in such a way as to easily grab attention. Flyers, business cards and brochures can be professionally produced and handed out conveniently in large numbers at gatherings of potential customers. When used online, these materials are best deployed at locations on the sites where they catch attention easily.

#3. Write Quality Blog Content

Do you write a blog? Trite question! There is hardly any marketer who doesn’t write a blog these days. If you do, be sure to write quality content and regularly too! In the blogging world, content remains king. If you aren’t writing blog content for your website yet, I have a bit of bad news for you. You’re way behind your competition. No good marketer likes that. Blog content is what improves your site’s SEO and drives people to your website. That means traffic which translates to sales as bottom line.

#4. Deploy Video Marketing

Video marketing is a way of visual content marketing which is about the most effective traffic-attracting idea currently online. It is becoming increasingly popular and essential for many small businesses online. Many marketers are now choosing video over text more and more because of its effectiveness at capturing people’s attention fairly easily. For best results from visual content marketing, you can put together a webinar for your cyber-audience. In addition, you can create how-to videos for your products/services or you can even choose to open a YouTube channel for your videos.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

4 Creative Marketing Campaign Ideas to Promote Your Business

White velvet top creative marketing work table with purple flowers, a calculator, a notepa and pen, a glass of water and a white cup of coffee.
Expert marketers tell us that visual marketing involves using images, videos, infographics and memes to deliver valuable and relevant information in an engaging visual format. It simply means marketing with visuals/pictures. It is highly effective because visual content usually has a higher impact on people’s minds than written content. The real reason it manages to get more people to visit your website, know your brand better and patronize your business much better than with written content. With the increasing use of social media sites like twitter, facebook Pinterest, Instagram and a host of others, visual content marketing is becoming more and more popular by the day. The real reason smart digital marketers and business owners now use these strategies more profoundly for their visual campaigns. 


Here are 4 main benefits of visual content marketing which your own business can take full advantage of.

#1: Increased Website Traffic

Every online marketer wants traffic, traffic and more traffic. What gets this traffic best is what is best for the business. Visual content is uniquely important at giving a unique touch to any website/blog thereby helping to grab the reader’s attention fairly easily. Even though online marketers like playing with words to show the value of their products and services, making use of visuals in addition to words always manages to have a greater impact on readers. That translates to the much needed traffic every online business needs.

#2: Better Customer Engagement

The more customers’ attention is engaged on a site, the higher the chances of their taking positive action. Characteristically, visual content is more engaging and powerful than written content. A combination of both works well to attract better attention from customers. If you add pictures and graphics to your written content, your marketing campaigns become more interesting. That translates to better traffic.

#3: Increased Conversion Rates

There is research evidence that a brand’s video usually influences over 80% of viewers to buy a product or service from the brand. The real reason it is smart business to use visual content as a marketing strategy to generate leads and increase sales. In practical facts, a very high percentage of people usually get to know about a product faster by simply watching a video. Exactly why smart marketers have come to realize the real importance of visual content marketing strategy as it relates to increase in conversion rates particularly when such visuals are incorporated in the landing pages of websites/blogs.

#4: More Brand Recognition

Experienced marketers now know that many more people learn faster mostly by way of visuals. That most people comprehend better with images, videos, and other visuals than with written words. Therefore, you can easily raise brand awareness among your target audience if you incorporate visual content marketing strategy in your marketing plans. A sustained effort at that usually helps to gradually increase the much needed recognition for your brand. Updating your business website and landing pages with compelling graphics, icons, photos, and videos helps brand recognition much better and faster on the long run.