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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Super Sats: A Versatile Tool for Finding New PSAs

A stack of bitcoin symbolizing business growth.
Super Sats Bitcoin Vouchers are a powerful way to entice new sign-ups for your SFI team. Best of all, this versatile, budget-friendly marketing tool is super simple to set up and extremely easy to use.

Here are a few ideas anyone can use to get Super Sats vouchers into the hands of prospects:

1. Make a pact with local restaurant owners. For every voucher they distribute for you that results in a new PSA, you could reimburse them with a small bounty. Every table could have a little table card about Super Sats. And for businesses that deliver food, have them include a voucher with every order for you. You just need to supply them with the vouchers. That's what you call a win/win/win! 

2. Make a pact with local store owners. For every voucher they distribute for you that results in a new PSA, you could reimburse them with a small bounty. Here’s a great way to do it: When their customers check out, the clerk can simply drop one of your vouchers in the bag. All you have to do is provide the vouchers…and then watch your team grow! THEN...once you’re up and running with several stores, help your new PSAs grow THEIR teams by having them provide the vouchers. Remember, creating successful PSAs is crucial to your success, so always be working on things that help your PSAs get established! Their success is your success!

3. Leave a voucher whenever you tip someone (perfect for when you dine out, get your hair cut, get a pedicure, etc.). Just keep a small stock of vouchers with you and use them whenever you can.

4. Whenever you take a taxi, “forget” a voucher in the back seat. Same goes for rides with Uber, Lyft, etc. This same method could also be used with public transportation (e.g. bus, train, subway).
IMPORTANT! Do not put vouchers under car windshield wipers in parking lots as this is illegal in many jurisdictions.

These are just a few ideas. There are hundreds of other ways to successfully distribute vouchers. Just get creative and start looking for opportunities! Learn more about Super Sats and get easy instructions to create a Bitcoin voucher.

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How to Choose a Good Blogging Platform

Blogger working from a grey computer with a mobile phone, pencils, notepads, a glass of beverage and a calculator on the work table.
Many digital marketers are inevitably into blogging for business nowadays. In fact, you cannot be in content marketing if you are not blogging. Bloggers have discovered that blogging is one great way to connect with customers and to attract potential customers even though many bloggers tend to blog for many and varied reasons all connected one way or another with content marketing. If you write a blog, it can help your business to create a following and to establish your brand. Blogging is one veritable marketing tool you can effectively use to increase traffic to your website.

Even if you are a good blogger and you do not have a credible platform to build your blog on, it will not be effective. Not to worry though! Online, there’s a very wide range of blogging platforms you can always choose from.

To help you make a good choice, you must put the following into consideration.


If you are a blogging newbie, you cannot aim to compete with the pros in their blogging platforms. All you need is a blogging solution that is easy to set up, manage, and doesn’t need complicated coding skills to run. Easy i suppose? A good platform for you must have 24/7 support for your efforts in case you have issues as you blog along.

Cost Consideration 

Cost consideration is inevitable in any business proposition. The blogging platform you need must be budget friendly and gives real value for money. Even if the platform is free, it is worth nothing if it doesn’t meet your blogging needs.

Monetization Options

Blogging has become a money making business for many bloggers in this age and time. Before you start a blog on any platform, it is good to consider if the platform will allow you to monetize your blog and earn money from it.

Maintenance and Versatility

Every blogger needs a blogging platform that will in no way impede the workflow of the blog. It must have tools and features that are simple to use and helpful with hands-on blogging solutions. You can best avoid blogging platforms that are unduly restrictive and not too user-friendly.

Features Flexibility and Extendability

As your blogging experience increases and your business expands, it is inevitable that the needs and requirements in your blogging site will change as well. The platform you need is the one that will allow you make these necessary changes easily as the need arises. Even if you choose to modify or overhaul your blog design, add features, or make other drastic changes, a good blogging platform must allow you make these changes with ease.


No matter what your skills, goals and requirements for blogging are, your blog can be classified into one or more of the following categories:

Personal blogs
Business blogs
Online businesses
Small hobby blogs

For these reasons, your blog can best be hosted by any of the following platforms. Looking through the platforms and taking into account the requirements to help you decide as earlier canvassed; you can easily make a choice from any of the following tested and reputable blogging platforms which I recommend.

WordPress.org – Best for Self-Hosted Blogs.
WordPress.com – Best for Free Blogs.
Wix.com – Best for Small Websites.

Decide now, sign-up and host your blog. Happy and profitable blogging!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Why Your Business Needs Visual Content Marketing

Visual content marketing with smart phone and pictures of flowers.
Visual content marketing simply means marketing online with pictures/images. It is a very powerful content marketing tool which incites the human mind to deliver information and tell the brand story in a more compelling and captivating way. For compelling results, most marketers prefer packaging their visual content messages using images, videos, infographics and memes. These are the means needed to deliver valuable and relevant information in an engaging visual format compelling favourable responses. In comparison with written content, visual content always has a higher impact on a human’s mind and a combination of both gives fantastic results. The real reason digital marketers and business owners are making use of them as a real potent marketing strategy.

These here are the main direct benefits of visual content marketing for any online marketing business. 

Better Customer Engagement
The reason most social media sites are very popular is because of ease of use and engagement. They manage to combine visual content and written content for best results. Most marketers are aware that visual content is more engaging and powerful than written content. They take advantage of that by adding pictures and graphics to their written content. That combination helps to make marketing campaigns more interesting and effective. It enhances better customer engagement, leads and sales. 

Increased Inbound Website Traffic
Every online marketer always wants traffic and more traffic. Anything that helps to increase inbound traffic is always welcome. If you are able to deploy visual content effectively, it gives a unique touch to your website and helps to grab the reader’s attention much more readily. That is good for traffic. It is smart to play around with words to show the value of your products and services. It is smarter still to make use of visuals as well or you can use both to have a greater impact on your audience. That helps to generate inbound traffic for your business. 

Boosts Conversion Rates
Many marketers are beginning to realize the importance of visual content marketing strategy to increase conversion rates. Visual contents can even be more effective especially when added to landing pages of websites. It is no longer secret that when marketers implement a successful visual content marketing strategy, it greatly helps to generate leads and increase sales. It is now known also that Brand’s videos are responsible for influencing 80-90% of viewers to get to know about a product/service and even to make a buying decision by simply watching a video.

Easy Brand Recognition
There is credible research evidence that 65% of people learn more through visuals. “Seeing is believing” that is! Most people tend to comprehend better with images, videos, and other visuals than with written words. Because of that, if you want to raise brand awareness among your target audience, it is smart to incorporate visual content marketing strategy in your overall marketing plans. With time, such strategy helps to gradually increase your brand recognition. You can get the best results by making good use of infographics and banner images in your website/blogs to attract readers. For sustained results, expert marketers advise that you check your business website/blog and landing pages always. Update them with compelling graphics, icons, photos, videos and other visuals as regularly and routinely as every month.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

How to Use Fast-Track Lapel Pin to Attract Sign-ups in SFI Business

Held out half-open business newspaper.
Fast-track lapel pin just like any other SFI marketing tool always tells its own story. When other people see it displayed conspicuously in your lapel, there is bound to be some curiosity about it. That is where your own marketing skills come to the fore. When people point at your pin and tell you it is cute, you must seize the opportunity to tell them what it stands for and how you came about owning and wearing it on your lapel. To create that kind of scenario often enough, be sure you have your pin on when you are in places where you need to interact with many people. To enhance that, make sure you:

1. Wear it in your corporate office.
2. Wear it during your social/business engagements.
3. Wear it to sports clubs and stadiums.
4. Wear it to the gym.
5. Wear it when traveling in Buses, Trains and Airplanes.
6. Wear it to the local library.
7. Wear it to the local Supermarkets/Laundromats/Grocery stores.
8. Wear it during business meetings/seminars.
9. Wear it to your children’s graduation or presentation ceremonies.
10. Wear it to your annual end-of-year balls and social gatherings.

When the people you meet in these various places show interest in the pin, let them know what it stands for and that they too can have it if they do what you are doing in SFI. You can thereafter invite them to join SFI free and without any obligations. That is how best you can use your Fast-Track lapel pin to attract sign-ups into SFI.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How to Build Links through Contextual Relevance

Build Links graphics, pens, markers and notepads on work table. 
If you want to improve the search visibility of your business, link building, or increasing the number of inbound links to your website, still remains a critical and powerful online-marketing tool. For Google search engine, there is a new kid on the block. The arrival of the Google Hummingbird algorithm has completely changed the game of link building. This algorithm lays real emphasis on the need for building links to amazing content that is extremely relevant to end users. This update focuses on understanding the context of the search query rather than identifying and then chasing specific keywords in the query. That has completely changed the whole thought process of link building in a very dramatic way.

With this new updated algorithm, your links not only must help improve search influence but also provide value to target users. It has again put long-tailed keywords back in business and you need to keep these in mind while optimizing content. Once again, Content! Content!! and very good Content is back fully in link building lexicon. You can now do a better job building links through need-based content instead of focusing on keywords. This in a nutshell is contextual relevance. With it, you have a better chance of ensuring your links will provide real value to users. The emphasis is now more on making your web pages "worth it" for intended visitors. By contextual relevance, link building has become more about them (users) rather than you (online presence). Many thanks to Google Hummingbird algorithm!