Here are a few ideas anyone can use to get Super Sats vouchers into the hands of prospects:
1. Make a pact with local restaurant owners. For every voucher they distribute for you that results in a new PSA, you could reimburse them with a small bounty. Every table could have a little table card about Super Sats. And for businesses that deliver food, have them include a voucher with every order for you. You just need to supply them with the vouchers. That's what you call a win/win/win!
2. Make a pact with local store owners. For every voucher they distribute for you that results in a new PSA, you could reimburse them with a small bounty. Here’s a great way to do it: When their customers check out, the clerk can simply drop one of your vouchers in the bag. All you have to do is provide the vouchers…and then watch your team grow! THEN...once you’re up and running with several stores, help your new PSAs grow THEIR teams by having them provide the vouchers. Remember, creating successful PSAs is crucial to your success, so always be working on things that help your PSAs get established! Their success is your success!
3. Leave a voucher whenever you tip someone (perfect for when you dine out, get your hair cut, get a pedicure, etc.). Just keep a small stock of vouchers with you and use them whenever you can.
4. Whenever you take a taxi, “forget” a voucher in the back seat. Same goes for rides with Uber, Lyft, etc. This same method could also be used with public transportation (e.g. bus, train, subway).
IMPORTANT! Do not put vouchers under car windshield wipers in parking lots as this is illegal in many jurisdictions.
These are just a few ideas. There are hundreds of other ways to successfully distribute vouchers. Just get creative and start looking for opportunities! Learn more about Super Sats and get easy instructions to create a Bitcoin voucher.
Article Source: SFI Blog Forum