If you decide to earn money online, blogging is one of a few basic and easy-to-start online businesses which require very little or no money at all to start. If you can write, just start writing a blog that people like to read and you are in business. It is as simple as that. Blogging is one great way to express your own unique ideas to the world. Once you can simply write about these ideas and express your thoughts about them very lucidly for others to understand, you become a blogger. Expressing these thoughts regularly and freshly on a website for many and diverse people to access and read online empowers your own blog website. It is from this website you can regularly share your ideas with your readers and consequently make money online as a result. Most online marketers generally agree that blogging is the most successful online business anyone desirous to earn money online can get involved in. Depending on your blogging skills and the popularity of your blog, you can earn up to $20,000 or even more monthly. Now, that’s cool money to earn by merely churning out your own fresh ideas from your blog site. Not bad at all.
You can start a blog without any major financial layout. Sometimes it can even be done freely depending on the blogging platform you’ve decided to use. In addition, it is very simple to create a blog once you’ve decided on the niche business you know something about and you have the capacity to churn out very regular and fresh content about the niche. Once the blog is up and running, the readership will continue to grow. By the time it gets sufficiently popular with impressive readership numbers, you can start earning money from it using many different monetization methods. The most popular of these methods is Google Adsense. Once your blog starts running well, you can apply to Google for an Adsense account. On approval, Google will start displaying specialized and unique ads on your website and you earn income from the performance of these ads as determined by Google Adsense.
If you do not have money to acquire your own website and pay for its hosting, you don’t need to worry too much. It is possible for you to blog from many free blog platforms online. The most popular of such platforms is blogger.com. It is very easy to create a free blog by signing up at blogger.com and you are on. Apart from helping to you to create a free blog, blogger.com also helps you to monetize it with Google Adsense and boom you are in blogging business. As a blogger, you may not have total independence from blogger.com. That to me is not too much of a trade-off for the free blog platform they are offering you. Because of the dependence of your blog on blogger.com, your blog/website name for example will be something like yoursitename.blogspot.com. That however does not in any way stop you from making the very best from your blog as your blogging skills and expertise will allow. However, the major drawback in a free website blog is that you may not be able to completely customize or change your website settings. That greatly limits the control you have over your blog site.
If however you have some money to invest in your blogging business, you can go for your own business name, something like yoursitename.com. You’ve got to pay to acquire the name and also pay web-hosts who will help you to host it on annual renewal hosting fees. The choice is yours really. It is mostly for reasons of complete control and total independence some people go for their own self-hosted blog websites even with some costs attached. This control allows you to manage all your data and files by yourself, meaning, nobody can damage or harm your blog site without compromising it yourself.
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