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First step in optimizing your e-commerce store is to identify the important metrics and to collect data relevant to the metrics. Once you ha...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Tested and Effective Internet Marketing Strategies to Stimulate Business Growth

Internet Marketer wearin a black wrist watch working on a computer with a black keyboard on top of a round white table sporting a potted plant.
As you may have noticed, the online and digital marketing terrain keeps undergoing continuous changes. These changes at times pose very huge challenges to marketers. To survive as a marketer therefore, you must develop the capacity to design, initiate and implement new techniques peculiar to your type of business. These techniques can help your business be efficient and competitive in a hugely competitive market space. Here are some simple techniques you can try out immediately for good results in terms of stimulating a measurable business growth in your business.

User-Friendly Website Design

Your website is your business window in the huge virtual space of digital marketing. It must be well designed and user-friendly to serve that purpose adequately. Ideally, business websites are expected to play very crucial roles in any online marketing effort. This is because it is only through websites people can locate your business online and patronize your products/services anywhere they are in the world. For this reason, having a user-friendly and aesthetically designed website is what helps your business to attract the right online audience and somehow motivates them to respond to your call-to-action to do business with you. It is to it many will return later for repeat business if their onsite experience on your website was pleasing and satisfying to them. So, if you can design a device and user-friendly website for mobile devices particularly smartphones as well as computers, your audience will find it easier to access it and navigate through it to do business with you.

Search Engine Optimization, SEO

To make your website visible to search engines, you need search engine optimization, SEO. With a good SEO, search engines will rank your website high in their SERPs. That is good for organic traffic, which your business really needs to help it grow. Most digital marketing experts always have a preference, for SEO as their foremost digital marketing technique. By investing in SEO techniques, you are simply making a long-term investment to ensure growth and survival for your business in a highly competitive business environment. The reason is, SEO is more efficient and cost-effective than most other online marketing techniques. That’s why it is always a preferred choice technique for digital marketers.

Email Marketing Techniques

Email Marketing has been around for a while but it is still a cost-effective marketing technique for business growth.  It comes in very handy for marketers to easily reach out to both potential and existing customers. Email is an effective marketing technique you can use to offer a valuable product for free, share a guidebook containing important information to your audience, and build a mailing list of those who indicate an interest in what you are offering. Email marketing helps to increase traffic, leads and even conversion rates particularly if you have a well-articulated newsletter containing promos and incredible product offers, which you regularly send to your audience by email.
Running Ads on Social Media

These days, most social media platforms have become very powerful marketing tools for millions of online marketers. The very popular social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram LinkedIn, Facebook and others are the preferred choices for marketers because of their huge popularity, ease of use and high effectiveness at spreading information quickly and widely at relatively low costs if at all. For this reason, social media ads can be very effective when it comes to getting new customers and leads/prospects. If you are marketing on social media, you have the additional benefit of taking advantage of using their free in-house analytics to measure the progress of your ads campaigns. Most social media platforms are friendly for content marketing including videos, graphics, photos, and images, which help marketers to grow their following as well as their businesses steadily. Running ads on most of the platforms is budget-friendly to boot. 

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