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Sunday, April 24, 2022

5 Tips to Monetize Your Social Media Presence

Social media symbols projected out of a laptop computer screen.
With presently over 4.5 billion people active on social media, many habitually spend a lot of time out there merely whiling away their time. Most of these people are not aware that they can monetize their social media accounts and make money out of their social media presence. Even if people merely see their social presence as a hobby, that’s cool. It is easy to make money out of a favorite hobby anyway. Now that you know, here are some tips to monetize your social media accounts and make money out of your social media presence.


#1: Just Get Started

First step is to get started by having an account on some of the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and the likes. Next is to put in the work necessary to grow your accounts on social media. It may be tempting to try to monetize your accounts right away but it is always advisable to tarry awhile until you are able to boost the numbers of your followers significantly. Depending on the platform, the audience size you really need before monetization varies a great deal. Some micro-influencers do real good if they have 1,500 followers or even less and still make money all the same. What counts the most is your ability to consistently create highly engaging content and offerings on the platforms. Good quality content is what helps to grow your audience quickly. As your audience grows, you can then build genuine connections with your target market. That is where the money is.

#2: Launch Affiliate Marketing

Even if you have your own product/service to sell on social media, you can in addition market products for product merchants and earn commissions for your efforts. This you can do by way of affiliate relationship. If you work with an affiliate marketing partner, that relationship can help you to grow your income by referring potential customers to their businesses. When you partner with a brand as an affiliate marketer, your duty is to promote their products on your social media handles. By doing so, you can earn a commission each time someone clicks on your affiliate link and purchases the products you are promoting.

#3: Create Exclusive Content Course

Many social media users always want exclusive content. Such specialized how-to content that vividly teaches people how to get things done is hugely popular on social media. If you have special knowledge or skills that can benefit others, you can create a course that teaches your social media followers about the craft. Such courses can attract people who are willing to pay for what you have to offer. Even if the courses are free, you still benefit from the traffic you attract with the courses. Such traffic can help you to make money from a sponsored content. That’s how many social media influencers get to make money by offering short, free teaser courses to their followers.

#4: Generate Traffic to Your eCommerce Shop

If you have an eCommerce store where you sell goods/services online, you can use your social media accounts to direct potential buyers to your online shop to boost your sales. On social media, your store can greatly benefit from the huge market out there. The ease of sharing information and communication is also great for online marketing. Marketing your products directly out of your website may not give your marketing enough exposure. Doing so on social media adequately fills such marketing gap. You can thus take advantage of social media to showcase your products/services in action real time. That helps your potential customers to quickly and fully understand how you can solve their problems. You get more patronage as a result.

#5: Become a Paid Influencer

On social media, influencers use their popularity and large following to make money. If you have a large following on your social media accounts, you too can become a paid influencer. All you need do is to explore many ways to reach out to brands in your niche and offer to promote and share their products in exchange for commission payment or a grant of free products. Many brands will respond by first sizing up your social media accounts to see if they will be worth their while. If they discover that you regularly post high-quality content that shows a high follower engagement, it will increase your appeal to them that you are really some influencer. They may then be persuaded to take you up on your offer albeit tentatively at the beginning. It is at this point a smart influencer can negotiate higher levels of commission payment and even modes of payment. This is when the money will keep rolling in as your influencer capacity continues to grow by the day.

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