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Saturday, April 30, 2022

How to Find the Best Products to Sell Online

A shopper with a computer, credit card and smartphone on a shopping desk.
E-commerce business is often thrilling, exciting and can be profitable if you are selling the right products. Even though there are many product options available to sell online, how to find such products can be hugely tasking particularly if you are not too experienced in e-commerce business. The good news is that technology has made this task fairly easy to perform if you know what you are doing. Following are some of the most efficient practices anyone can rely on to determine what products are best to sell online.

Personal Insights from Experience

Personal insights derive from what you know and have even experienced. That is about the best place to start. Just take a good look around you and your neighbors. Talk to people in your family and your neighborhood to know what products they are really using or consuming at any material time. Look around your home, office or work space. Can you identify any specific products that make your life easier or that your life hugely depends on? The identities of such products can help you decide what products to sell online.

Feedback from Customer Reviews

You can analyze feedback and gain valuable insights about products that are selling well from large and very popular e-commerce platforms like Alibaba and Amazon for instance. Gaining insights about products directly from the large customer base of these and similar platforms is quite helpful to business owners even though many rely also on some other methods to gain such insight. One of such common methods is reading customer reviews/feedback on products.

Diligent Competitor Analysis

You can research and study your competitors with a view to identifying what products they are selling and how well they are selling the products. The reasoning behind that is, if your competitors can do it, so can you. By studying your competitors well enough, you can forge a way to avoid any saturated market segment and refrain from choosing too many niche products. All you really want is to sell more products and take less risk in doing so.
Various Online Resources

Various online resources can actually serve as a treasure trove for valuable information. Most popular among these online resources you can rely on and utilize are Shopify’s Trending Product List, Google Trends, Amazon Suggest, The Facebook Ad Library, Kickstarter.com, Wish.com, Pinterest Suggest, Exploding Topics, amongst others. For an e-commerce store owner, it helps to also check out as many e-commerce web forums you can access to get information. Through these forums, it is possible to find new and exciting ideas/insights about products that customers are looking for which you too can sell online.

Social Media

With presently over 4.5 billion people active on Social media, it is one huge market where you can identify products that are selling well. You can always check hashtags and trending videos to know what people follow more or watch more. Trending products normally have high views on their videos. Pay particular attention to products related to fitness, foods, fashion, beauty, hospitality and sports as they trend on social media and you can decide on which of the products to sell online.

From Keyword Data Analysis

Analyzing data generated by online tools can also give good insights into products that are in demand online. You can rely on online tools that provide information/data on search volume, competition, and cost-per-click among your target audience. Keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planners, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Google Trends, or Keywords Everywhere can be very useful and handy to generate information/reports about products that people are looking for online. For consumers searching for products through search engines, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a useful tool that can be used to assess their product demand online.

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