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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

Monday, January 01, 2024

How AI Can Impact your Ads Placement Online

Digital marketing signs and symbols from AI.
As eCommerce businesses are experiencing tremendous growth and evolution, they are increasingly taking advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Rising competition driven by consumer demand now forces eCommerce business owners to turn to AI as a reliable means of achieving desired growth. These marketers now rely heavily on integrated AI for enhanced operations and workflow efficiency, efficient and effective marketing mix, placement advertising, product content, promotion, and pricing.

AI is tremendously effective in placement advertising. This simply means making your products available where they’re most relevant for potential consumers. Of course when you make your products available where they’re most relevant to consumers, that’s exactly where the products are most likely to be purchased. This is where AI proves really invaluable. It offers such direct benefits as:

Bid Optimization: AI proves really helpful for bid optimization particularly on platforms where you bid for ad space. On such platforms, AI can bid with granularity by synthesizing your budget, the CPCs of a given keyword, and its conversion rate, alongside other relevant signals. Now, that’s real efficiency. Additionally, if you implement AI, you can accelerate your A/B testing based on data points and insights impacting your brand in real-time.

Day-parting: Day-parting specifically targets ads efficiency. It is one of the many ancillary factors that might affect the efficiency of your ads is the time of day a user looks at your product. AI can support this by analyzing the days of the week and times of day your customer is more likely to convert. If ads are made available to consumers at the specific times of the day they’re most likely to convert, it enhances sales. With AI, day-parting can be hugely effective by letting the data decide and without granular human intervention.

Keyword Harvesting: AI can be highly effective in keywords harvesting for SEO. With it, sellers can effectively target customers looking for products based on the terms they frequently use to find the products. AI is able to identify these terms. If they do, they can accelerate bids based on the ROI of a chosen term and the marketing objective of the seller.

Final Thoughts

Online marketing is a dynamic process and the competition is fierce. Smart sellers always deploy AI if they want to do things more efficiently and effectively. Such sellers usually get better results than their competitors. Significantly, AI helps sellers to save time and marketing efforts. If well deployed, AI can help a seller to streamline and adopt marketing insights that might not have been discovered without it. AI is thus quite handy to survive an increasingly competitive landscape.

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