Simple! Just point out to your affiliates that in SFI business, any affiliate who wants to succeed in the business must LEARN to EARN while SOCIALIZING and having FUN all the way. The fun aspect of the business is where Zebra Games and Knockout Trivia come into play.
It is fairly easy to get your affiliates to see the benefits of playing the games by:
1. Showing them the beautiful badges they can earn from playing.
2. Showing them the unlimited prizes they can win by playing.
3. Showing them how the Games help to promote the spirit of competitiveness in affiliates.
4. Showing them how they can earn many VersaPoints and Member Reward points by playing.
5. Showing them how some of the Games teach current affairs/history/politics etc.
6. Showing them how the games help to relieve stress through unlimited fun.
7. Showing them how the Games help to promote real relaxation.
8. Showing them how the Games help to promote mental/thinking capacity.
9. Showing them how the Games help to put your knowledge to test.
10. Showing them how the Games help to exercise your mind.
These are some of the things I can immediately recall now which if you let your affiliates know, they can easily see and appreciate the numerous benefits of playing the Games.
Therefore, it helps to keep on playing the games and
having fun while making money.