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Showing posts with label Mentors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mentors. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2020

4 Internet Entrepreneurial Success Tips

A man wearing a dark jacket and a gold-blue wrist watch holding open a business newspaper.
Do you have an “entrepreneurial itch?” Great if you do! You are not alone. Millions of people are taking to the internet to either earn a second pay-check or a full time income. These are the people with sufficient skills and zeal to earn some income as internet entrepreneurs. Even though the internet may provide the right environment for everyone to do business as an entrepreneur, sadly not many get to make it real good in internet entrepreneurship. The reason for that is simple. The competition is extremely stiff and the skills needed are sharp and characterized by rapid changes as dictated by the rapid changes in the internet itself. It is therefore smart to seek wisdom and expertise from successful internet entrepreneurs who’ve themselves successfully sailed the stormy waters of internet entrepreneurship and they’ve great success stories to tell.


Here are some of the best tips common to most people who’ve succeeded in internet entrepreneurship.

#1. Set Only Achievable Goals

Be sure you stick with your goals once set. Make it your singular obsession to pursue those goals and the goals must be relentlessly pursued. Do not slack in that pursuit no matter the obstacles you may encounter, and they are very many along the way. The internet is full of distractions with many of such distractions promising all kinds of successful achievements. You must always have your eyes fully set on your own goals without allowing these distractions to slow you down or derail you altogether. Internet experts recommend that everyone must stick to their roadmaps as envisioned instead of changing the route to match customer or investor expectations. If you are able to stay organized and focused on your goals while avoiding mirages, your chances of success are brighter. That is the surest way to achieve your goals as set in internet business.

#2. Read Deeply and Widely

No doubt you must have heard the cliché, “readers are leaders.” That applies to every aspect of human endeavour including internet business. The more you know, the better placed you become as a leader in internet business. The internet itself is so rich with information that you can fully depend on it to learn about any subject or anything under the sun. If you are getting started in internet business, you are merely taking a path that has been taken by hundreds of thousands of others before you. The more you read and know about what they went through and how they solved problems to get to where they got to, the better for your own business. Learning from the experiences of others who have been there before you is the smartest way to get along in internet business.

#3. Diligently Follow Your Passion

Experts recommend that you should never get involved in internet entrepreneurship without the requisite passion for the business. Successful entrepreneurship is all about the passion you have for what you are doing. It is the service you are rendering that keeps you going not the rewards. In other words, it is service fist and rewards second and much later. This is the reason why most successful internet entrepreneurs teach that it is best to always choose passion over pay-check if you want to succeed quickly. They all agree that it is this deep-seated passion that separates most visionary entrepreneurs from their peers. Internet entrepreneurs who are genuinely passionate and consistent about what they’re doing and why you’re doing it tend to succeed better than others. When their main focus remains on churning out the very best always, the results are better and money inflow follows as a natural consequence. That is success.

#4. Learn From a Mentor

Internet business mentors are everywhere if you care to look deeply. They are there for a reason. Everyone needs a mentor at some point in their business development. Mentors are not only experienced people in a business you are involved in, they always have great ideas to share at all times. Given that every entrepreneurial journey always has its highs and lows, who is best to turn to if not someone who has experienced the highs and lows in the past? That is your mentor. It is highly beneficial to your own business if you choose mentors from the same industry you are. The reasons are rather obvious. It is only your mentor you can bounce an idea off of and you will neither expect to be judged nor have the idea stolen. That is a very encouraging scenario for persons who crave success in internet entrepreneurship.


Monday, May 15, 2017

High Value Traits of a Good Mentor

Mentor banner in red print.
Have you ever had a mentor? If you haven’t, you are not alone. Even people who have had mentors still don’t understand the relationship between Mentors and Mentees. Many simply see a Mentee as a young intern or co-worker or someone always looking up to another person for help. Truth is, mentorship is for any and everyone, of any age, who seeks knowledge and wants to get ahead in business or in life in general. Merriam-Webster defines a mentor as “someone who teaches or gives help and advice to a less experienced and, often, younger person.” The rule is not just to approach anyone to be your mentor. If you want a good mentor, look for the following high-value traits. 


A good mentor must be honest and truthful at all times. You do not need anyone who flatters you as a mentor. Telling you the truth to your face as a way of encouraging you is all that you need in a mentor. A good mentor should always be truthful with the advice dispensed, even if it stings a little. A straight-shooting mentor in the long run is always more beneficial than someone who is constantly praising you.

Trustworthy and Confidential

Mentors and Mentees relationship is best when based on trust and confidentiality.  The relationship is stronger and most beneficial when these conditions exist. For the mentorship to succeed, there must be a certain level of discretion and trust. This is because mentees need to feel that they can talk to their mentor about anything or any challenge they're facing, without fears of repercussion or any form of loss or reprisals. 

Generous with Information

When you come across someone knowledgeable and generous with that knowledge, you have a good mentor. That is because good mentors are always willing to share what they know with their Mentees. They willingly share information for the benefit of their Mentees and not for their own personal glory or aggrandizement. Good mentoring takes time and commitment, but both parties must set realistic expectations that are agreed upon ahead of time. Mentees must however not take undue advantage over their mentors’ time and privacy. That is what makes the relationship really beneficial.