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E-commerce retail marketing is still evolving worldwide at a very fast pace. E-commerce marketing tools and techniques mostly AI-driven are ...

Showing posts with label Results. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Results. Show all posts

Monday, April 01, 2019

How to Promote Your Website like a Pro

Online work station with a computer, mobile phone, notepads, folded eye glasses, pencils of many colours in a glass cup.

If you have a website, and you greatly need to have one if you are a serious marketer, you must devise ways to promote it with a view to attracting traffic to it. You need very clear strategies to do so if you want your efforts to yield good results. What requires the most attention is how to use these strategies not just to increase the visibility of your site but most importantly to increase the quality and standing of the site. To promote your site like a Pro, you must do what the Pros like to do. Here are some of the strategies real Pros recommend particularly about design, layout, aesthetics, presentation, hosting and actual operation of any website meant for online business marketing purposes.

Make it simple to use and navigate

Depending on your type of business, simple sites always give better results than complex and complicated sites. The Pros always advise that such sites must be clean, simple, sleek, and very fast in loading time. If can avoid excessively large images and too many fancy features on the site, that can help a great deal on its navigation since large images and fanciful features tend to slow down navigation on any site. The easier you make it for someone to browse through your site, the better their chances of staying longer on the site or even winding up subscribing or making a purchase.


Have on it many channels of feedback and Interaction

In any business, a 2-way communication is very vital. The more and easier ways visitors can interact with your site, the better chances of your site becoming more and better known. The more you allow users to interact on your site, the more they will do so. The more they interact with your site, the more likely they are to become interested in it. How do you better enhance this interaction? Install on the site, email contact button, allow users to comment and even engage in conversations with some token moderation. Allow users to rank the site and vote on comments with likes and dislikes. Even sharing and live chat features on the site are helpful as well.

Foster an onsite community

Community is where group interaction and communication really takes place and works well. As you design and build your site, you must factor in and think of the type of community that you want to foster. By allowing interaction, responding quickly, and moderating the discussions onsite, you are, in essence, creating a community. It is not good for business to always push your product/service on everyone you come across. Pros advise that it is best to always create awareness first before you make your product/service available. Fostering and working in an onsite community of like-minded fellows enables you to do that fairly easily.

Be very liberal with visitors’ participation

If you want to sell and sell well, you must be ready to deal with people at all times taking into account the complex nature of every human being. In our complex world of today, most people not only want to be seen, they want to be heard as well. Everyone thus always has an opinion to express about any and every issue. You must therefore device ways on your site to allow visitors to interact freely with your site and with others. People always like to bring their knowledge and wisdom into any conversion. By allowing them to freely do so, a bit of moderation directly by you is of essence. Set and maintain boundaries by monitoring and moderating your site yourself. This type of check should not in any way be seen or construed as akin to command and control. Real freedom particularly of expression and choices is very good for business. So, you must allow liberal freedom to visitors to your website.

Respond to feedback very quickly

Quick response to inquiries is very good for business. Your site must be known by others as a quick response site. That notion helps to promote it a great deal. No matter the type of inquiry, even if it is mere commenting, filling out a form or sending an email, online visitors always want a quick response from a responsive site. The real reason you must make your website responsive and quickly too. Timely responses always manage to help move relationships forward while the interest therein is still keen and fresh.

Personally monitor and moderate your website

Freedom of choice and decisions is very good for business. Allowing real time interaction onsite is crucial to a successful website operation. But, too much uncontrolled freedom is a danger to it as well. As the site owner, you must set boundaries for all your visitors to stay within. Adequate allowances must be made so as not to allow these boundaries to be unduly restrictive. If they are too restrictive, you may end up scaring away visitors you are keen on retaining. People tend to abuse excessive liberty online by spamming and being abusive. Both must be checked directly by the site owner who may need to invest a bit of time and energy to delete or moderate spammy and offensive comments. That is what the Pros do.


Integrate your site into larger online communities
To integrate your site into larger online communities, you inevitably must turn to social media. Because of their huge popularity and ease of sharing messages by millions and millions of users, social media is the best place to integrate your site and latch into the activities of a huge and very active online community. Social media sites are best used not only to draw traffic to your site, but to demonstrate how your site and eventually the community you desire to create on your site manages to fit into larger communities which online platforms represent. A very fitting and productive goal is to design your site with the social media features that allow for easy integration with these larger communities. That is what the Pros do and they highly recommend.

Last Line!

Aside from having interesting and entertaining content on your website, deploying the foregoing strategies will make it more attractive to others. Websites give better results if you use a format that works well on different types of media. For flexibility and versatility, your website should be readable and attractive to read on different devices like smart phones, tablets, TVs and desktops, irrespective of whatever operating system or browser used to view them. That is how the Pros get it done and they highly recommend too.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Tips for Successful Affiliate Marketing Program

Brown top online work table with a computer, mug of creamy beverage, glass of juice and a glass of water.

 If you are involved in affiliate marketing, no doubt you want to do business and make money. If that is the case, here now are some tips to help you in that quest by increasing the conversion rate of your affiliate marketing campaigns:

You Must Be Authentic

Rely always on ways to present the facts as they are but in a compelling way while recommending only good quality products and services. Do not over sell any product; hype it or lie about in order to get people to buy. You must endeavor to be authentic at all times because that is the best way to build a good reputation.

Focus more on Targeted Traffic

In affiliate marketing, traffic is important, but targeted traffic is king. Targeted traffic ensures your content is seen more by people who have a buying intention. That is all you need if you want to be really successful as an affiliate marketer. The more targeted traffic you get, the better your results.

Habitually Track your Performance

Results, results and results, that’s what most marketers really care about.  Knowing what people are looking for puts you in a great stead to give it to them. Sometimes, visitors may be looking for products on your website that you currently do not cover. Knowing about these content gaps opens new earning opportunities for you. By deploying online tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track content gaps, you can get the intelligence information you require to target your content better to satisfy your visitors. The real reason you must endeavor to habitually track your results.

Be Contextual

One of the best ways to succeed at affiliate marketing is to ensure that the promotions you are sharing are relevant to the content and your audience. The trick is to ensure that affiliate ads you are promoting match the content you are selling. For great effects, your content should always be relevant to the product you are promoting.

Use Deep links

The business of affiliate marketing if online is all about promoting and propagating links online. Most affiliate marketing programs usually offer links and banners to make it easy for you to start promoting their products and services. The problem with these promotional materials is they are usually pointing to the home page or a category page, which is most cases is too generic. For best results, it is recommended that you use deep link tools to point to the exact product or service you want to promote. Why, because the deep link tool will enable you convert any product link from the merchant website to an affiliate link thereby enhancing click rates.

Thursday, June 07, 2018

How Eggs Intake Shows No Negative Results

A dish of fried eggs.
Dr Mercola writes: The latest study notes that people with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes ate a dozen eggs a week for a year, at which point a series of tests showed no negative results whatsoever. Study participants consumed high (12), medium and low (two) eggs per week for the first three months. Times Now News explains:

"This was aimed at maintaining optimal weight for the three months. In a bid to lose weight, the same members were asked to embark on a weight loss plan while consuming the same amount of eggs they were consuming earlier. For six months, the participants continued on their consumption of eggs while they were monitored by the researchers."

Prior to the study, Australian Men's Health observes, cardiovascular risk factors such as blood sugar and blood pressure levels were taken into account when the researchers gathered the results, as those are considered risk factors associated with egg consumption.

Interestingly, the study concluded that the 128 individuals in the study lost weight even on a high-egg diet and continued to lose when the study came to a close. Backing up the study results, the Australian Heart Foundation notes that "eggs are extremely nutritious (and) contain good quality protein and are a source of healthy fats including omega-3 fats." As for the cholesterol content:

"Eggs don't altercate the LDL levels in blood. An egg contains only 212 mg of cholesterol which is lesser than even the half recommended dietary allowance of cholesterol for a day. Since the liver already produces a large amount of cholesterol every day, consumption of eggs balances the ratio with the liver's production. In fact, eggs increase the HDL or good cholesterol levels in your body."

Cholesterol in your blood known as LDL is narrowed down to two subtypes: dense, small particles and large, fluffy particles. The dense small-particle LDL type is what can be identified as a risk factor for increasing your heart disease risk, while people with large LDL particles have a lower risk, but here's the kicker: Eggs convert small LDL particles to large particles.

Article Source: Dr Mercola at Mercola.com 

Saturday, May 26, 2018

How Results Define Business Success

“It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” ~ Confucius
Success in business is not about pace. It is about results. Favorable results that is, no matter how long it takes to get them provided you get them. Every perfect job, every perfect business requires time to accomplish. If you are determined to achieve maximum success in what you are doing right now, you must respect the natural principle that progress is made one step at a time. Even if you are building a skyscraper, you need to add a brick at a time until the magnificent super structure is ready.  Every big accomplishment is a series of little accomplishments added one at a time until the job gets done. Even in some sports like football, games are won a play at a time over some time. Time is also of essence if you want to build a department store. You will discover that you can only grow it and make it bigger one customer at a time. This is the natural order. Recognizing this natural order and deploying the knowledge to your business helps your way to success.

If you run a business, first you have yourself to compete with before anybody else if ever. You are you and nobody else. You are not competing in a sprint event with anyone. Take your time and pace to get things done your own way provided you get good results at the end. So, it does not really matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop, you will get there. Slow and steady progress somehow manages to guarantee more and better success than rushing through things and crashing out soon enough.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”