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Saturday, April 24, 2021

How to Optimize Your Digital Marketing Strategy

White on Green Marketing Strategy street signs.
Marketers like to optimize their marketing strategies with a view to drive sales/revenue results better. When a digital marketing strategy is comprehensive and good, it helps marketers to outline the online channels and tactics they can leverage on to achieve their marketing goals. For a digital marketing strategy to be effective, it must focus on building your brand, growing your audience, engaging your audience, growing sales, getting leads content amplification, customer retention and so on. Without optimizing your digital marketing strategy, it is difficult to achieve these marketing goals and make some success out of your marketing efforts.

Here are some of the ways you can optimize your digital strategy to achieve good sales/revenue results.

Build Thought Leadership

People generally gravitate towards someone who appears to know something others don’t. That is some kind of authority or thought leader on any matter particularly some business industry. If you have thought leadership, it inevitably portrays you as a notable expert within a given industry. You can build this leadership over time by writing and sharing multichannel, relevant blog articles in your industry or business niche. Continuously sharing good and authoritative content can help solidify your place as a thought leader, build brand trust/loyalty, and keep your audience firmly engaged with your content. The more your readership/audience grows, the more your thought leadership grows.

Promote and Amplify Your Content

Unarguably, quality content is an essential element for a strong, comprehensive digital marketing strategy. Without a strong promotion and a structured amplification strategy, it cannot achieve that aim. So, it is not always enough to just create good content. You must promote and amplify it to get good results. After creating good content, you need a consistent and cohesive content promotion/amplification strategy to help maximize each piece of content you create to reach your target audience when and where it is most convenient for them. You can package your content in form of blogs, videos, podcasts, e-books, case studies, and others then share by email newsletters, social media channels, multichannel paid ads and SEO searches.

Build Virtual Experiences

Marketers usually consider many elements when developing a comprehensive digital strategy. That includes deciding on how to leverage new and existing content throughout digital channels to promote their brand leadership and engagement. Building virtual experiences which allow prospects to experience a product or service without being there is a huge benefit in that quest. A cohesive digital strategy which encompasses all relevant channels to ensure your content reaches the right audience, at the right place, and at the right time benefits the process. Virtual networking with its huge marketing advantages also comes into the mix.

Run Beneficial Give Back Programs

On great way to build awareness and generate engagement is to explore avenues to unite your loyal prospect and customer base around some just cause. It is one hugely beneficial way a business can give back to the society. Just causes are when your business promotional activities serve a mutually beneficial purpose of increasing your business exposure and doing tangible good for society. You can add this element to your marketing strategy through community service programs like making donations to Orphanages and Old peoples’ homes, Community clean up exercises, Disease prevention campaigns, Health walk, Local derby and sports competitions, Back-to-school community programs and suchlike community services. If you add marketing components to your digital strategy for these activities, such as sharing statistics on social media and letting your friends/followers know how they can support these causes, your business benefits and the community benefits.

Optimize Your Email Marketing

If you really want to connect with your prospects and customers, email marketing is an efficient and cost-effective way to do so. When you use emails professionally, you can avoid spammy outcomes and get good results. Many marketers still rely on email for their marketing activities even though it now looks like “old school” marketing strategy. You can actually optimize your email marketing program to enhance your digital marketing strategy by paying special attention to the following.
• Personalize your email content as much as practicable.
• Use “send-time” optimization to make sure your readers receive your emails at the most appropriate time.

• Segment your contacts so your emails only go to the contacts who will find the specific piece of content most valuable.
• Shorten your subject lines and be clear about the email content's value proposition to encourage open rates.
• Ensure your emails are concise and include a Call-to-Action, CTA, to take the reader to the next stage in your sales funnel.
• Ensure your photos, graphics and videos are sharp and aesthetically appealing.