Be Careful with Your Headlines
The average Internet user is always in a hurry. You have a duty to arrest your blog visitors’ attention no matter how much of hurry they are in. Great headlines always help to do the trick. This is because roughly 80% of all people who may chance on and take a look at your blog will only manage to read just the headline. For that reason, you must endeavor to keep your titles simple, clear, catchy and self-explanatory. Only such concise headlines manage to attract the most clicks.
Make Your Content Fresh and Valuable
The quickest way to build a large community of devoted readers is to routinely add valuable content to your blog. Your blog content should focus more on issues that your target demographic is interested in and not necessarily on the products and or services you are selling. Even though your content may be related in some way to the products or services that you are selling, your readers’ needs must take priority. That is one great way to gain credibility and eventual followership.
Make Regular Posts and Updates
No matter how busy you are, be sure to make regular updates and to keep to schedule. That is what helps to sustain the interest of your readers because they are always sure to be rewarded with new content any time they come back to your blog. Even if you are severely pressed for time, having just a few paragraphs of regular fresh content added new can make a huge difference in sustaining your readership.
Have a Great Layout
This is very important to “arrest” your visitors’ attention and sustain it on your blog. The layout should be easily navigable to save time looking into your content. The use of two kinds of navigation bars usually helps out here, one for your blog main topics and the second for leads to articles by title, articles by contributors, and articles by date etc, etc. You may even consider a grid layout depending on what your blog is about.
Use Photographs Effectively
With good photos, your business blog manages to create some great and lasting feelings in the minds of your readers. Be sure the photos you use are able to tell some story your readers can identify with. Avoid bland and all shades of photos which could be meaningless. It helps to periodically change and update your photos depending on the trends and the message you want to convey.
Link Your Blog to Other Blogs
It is a good SEO technique to link your blog to other blogs. This is because good links help to boost the Search Engine Ranking of your content. However, you must endeavor to find good and credible blogs to link to otherwise avoid linking altogether because poor linking may have the opposite effect on your SEO. Linking to blogs with similar content as yours could win you substantial linkbacks. That somehow helps new viewers find your blog more easily.
Structure Your Posts
This requires some skills and real blogging techniques. When your blog is decently structured, your content becomes more attractive to readers. If someone looks up at your posts at first glance, they get the feeling that your content is easy to read. That attracts more of their attention and if they discover they can navigate through and easily find the information they are looking for, their attention is sustained somewhat a bit longer.