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Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Open Your Eyes to Your Potential: A letter From, Gery Carson, SFI President & Founder

A motivational notice on a board, a pencil and a cup of coffee.
You may not realize it right now, but inside you, you have the potential to become very, very successful. Successful beyond your wildest dreams! So why aren't you? By and large, it's because our schools, governments, teachers, professors, and clergy don't teach you this!

On the contrary in fact, you've been programmed your whole life to accept mediocrity, to believe that conforming and compromising is the way you go through life and that real success is unachievable except for the "privileged." Of course, people that have become highly successful have learned this is not true at all and they have broken out of these artificial constraints...and so should you!

For me, it was reading the classic book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill at the age of 22 that opened my eyes. I was also greatly impacted by "The Magic Of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz. I still highly recommend these books to anyone who wants to do great things in their life.

I also recommend one of the world's most famous success experts and authors, Jack Zufelt, as someone you'll want to familiarize yourself with.

Like Napoleon Hill and David Schwartz, Jack opens your eyes to your true potential. Indeed, what Jack teaches is so powerful he has been interviewed on over 2,000 radio and TV talk shows. PBS aired a special about him that was broadcast via satellite to 127 countries. The United States Senate honored him for teaching Americans how to achieve more success in their personal lives and careers. He was even awarded the Presidential Medal of Merit by the President of the United States!

Jack's books and CDs can literally change your life, and I highly recommend them to all our affiliates! Check out all of Jack's products at: https://www.dnamastercourse.com/


"Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune."
-Jim Rohn

"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got."
-Jim Rohn

"Learn something new. Try something different. Convince yourself that you have no limits."
-Brian Tracy

"The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few! Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?"
-Jim Rohn

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum Time-Tested Tips

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Insights & Quotes from Successful People

A money sack with $ sign and labelled PROFIT.
"Personal leadership must come from the inside out. You cannot wait for someone else to push you; you must motivate yourself through goal setting."
—Paul J. Meyer

"If you do not consciously decide ahead of time where you are going, you may very easily end up somewhere else."
—Laurence J. Peter

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
—Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them."
—Denis Watley

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
—Anatole France

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do."

"Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk."
—J.C. Penney

"You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there."
—Yogi Berra

"A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In this way he steadily raises his level of aspiration."
—Kurt Lewin

"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."
—Oprah Winfrey

"The person with a fixed goal, a clear picture of his desire, or an ideal always before him, causes it, through repetition, to be buried deeply in his subconscious mind and is thus enabled, thanks to its generative and sustaining power, to realize his goal in a minimum of time and with a minimum of physical effort. Just pursue the thought unceasingly. Step by step you will achieve realization, for all your faculties and powers become directed to that end."
—Claude M. Bristol

"Failure is not in an unsuccess goal, but in having no goal to reach."
—Benjamin Mays

"The purpose of goals is to focus our attention. The mind will not reach toward achievement until it has clear objectives. The magic begins when we set goals. It is then that the switch is turned on, the current begins to flow, and the power to accomplish becomes a reality."
—"The Best of Success," by Wynn Davis

"The most important thing about goals is having one."
—Geoffry F. Abert

"Until input (thought) is linked to a goal (purpose) there can be no intelligent accomplishment."
—Paul G. Thomas

"You will now have a starting place and a destination, and you will be able to determine what it will cost you to get there...You will be going someplace."
—H. Stanley Judd

Article Source: SFI Blog Forum Time-Tested Tips

Monday, May 11, 2020

How to Adopt an Abundance Mindset in 4 Easy Steps

A work scene with a computer, pot of red roses, notepads, eye glasses and a golden lamp holder on a white table top.

Struggling to find the rainbow… long after the storm is gone?
A scarcity mindset is always going to leave you wondering where your rainbow is, even if it’s right in front of you!
The good news is, there are ways to reprogram your mind and get rid of those thoughts that are holding you back from achieving everything you’ve ever dreamed of.

Here’s how to let go of the scarcity mindset and what it really takes to create an abundance mentality!

Step 1: Take a good, hard look at your current beliefs.
Based on our past experiences, all of us hold beliefs that we think to be true about life.

The problem is, sometimes the beliefs we have don’t exactly work in our favor. Actually, they do more harm than good and prevent us from living the truly amazing life.

There are various reasons for this. Maybe you grew up around parents who were always struggling to make ends meet or you lived in a neighborhood where it was hard to find proof the good life exists.
Here are some of the most common tricks that a scarcity mindset is playing upon you:

  • Only the rich grow richer, the rest of us are destined to stay pretty much the same throughout the whole life.
  • The economy’s bad right now.
  • My family needs me, I can’t work and take care of them at the same time!
  • Are you kidding me, what do I have to give to the world?!
How is your scarcity mindset holding you back from living a fulfilling life?

Step 2: Watch the way you think, talk, and act.
Ditching the scarcity mindset won’t happen overnight, but it’s important to get started.

For starters, pay attention to three things:

  1. The way you think. Be merciless when it comes to shooing away thoughts that stem from old beliefs and values!
  2. The way you talk. About yourself, your life, and your worth, because thoughts become actions!
  3. The way you act. Because in the end, actions matter more than words!

If you’re struggling to do all of that, try this:

Imagine you have everything you’ve ever wanted.

Now, how does that person think? How does she talk? What are her actions? What habits does she have? What does she eat? What does she wear? What does she do when life doesn’t go according to plan?
Then, think, talk, act the same way that version of you would RIGHT NOW. Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be through BEING her now.

Step 3: Gratitude, the most powerful abundance hack!
Gratitude is the single most powerful mindset hack that can truly change anyone’s life.

And it only makes sense: how are you going to attract more of the good stuff if you’re not grateful for what you already have? This is the Law of Vibration at play.
A nice way to introduce gratitude in your life is to finish each day with three positive things… three things you’re grateful for that day. That sends the message of not lacking, which in return, gives you even more things to be grateful for.
It doesn’t matter how big or small those three things are. On some days, the roof over your head, a warm meal, and a bed to sleep in are going to be the only things you’re grateful for but that’s much, much better than nurturing thoughts that only point out to what’s missing from your life!

Step 4: Let abundance into all areas of your life!
Abundance isn’t only material wealth. The abundance mindset applies to every single area of your life: love, business, lifestyle, travel, free time, anything you want!

Anything you can imagine, you can have.
Now, I’m all about vision boards and affirmations — if that’s your thing — but remember, they only work if you do the work too!
It’s awesome if you’re crystal clear on the person you aspire to become, however, it’s crucial to have a plan of action. How are you going to get to the point where you want to be?
Make a plan, decide on your goals, and take action — that’s how you’re going to see real, tangible results!

Article Source: SFI Mindset Lessons