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Thursday, May 24, 2018

How Liking What You Do Helps Your Business

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” ~ Maya Angelou

My mentor once told me, “if your heart is not in it, just forget it, you are wasting your time, energy and resources for a lost course.” The import of this statement was lost to me at the time it was made. Years later, I came face to face with the reality of the statement when I had to be practically “forced” to do something I didn’t believe in because it was an instruction from my superior officer. Till date, I regret not declining that instruction outright and face the consequences later instead of going ahead half-heartedly and ending up in avoidable failure. In any business deal you want to negotiate, forget it if your mind and heart are not in the deal. A practical business lesson!

To succeed in any venture, you must have your mind on it, be focused on it and be determined to get it done. That is only possible when you like what you are doing. Liking what you are doing enables you to focus properly. Being focused on the task at hand is the key here. This is because at all times, success demands singleness of purpose. Without it, hoping to succeed becomes a mirage. What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. If you like what you do, and liking how you do it, it becomes easier to focus your mind on all tasks at hand relating to what you have to do. That way, getting it done to your satisfaction comes about more smoothly. That is success. Liking yourself, what you do and how you do it, helps the mind to focus better. It enables you to harness and concentrate your thoughts positively. The more you concentrate on the work at hand, the better the results you get. No doubt you know that the sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. That is exactly how concentration helps everyone who wants to succeed.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Why Opportunities Are Not Scarce

“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.” ~ David Rockefeller

I have heard it said that there is opportunity everywhere for those who have eyes to see. Yes, it is there somewhere but you must have the discipline, zeal and determination to find it. It requires hard work too. If I may add, that should be hard, legitimate and purposeful work otherwise nothing jells after all efforts. If you love something and you are prepared to work to get it, you can always make a living out of it as a business. That simply means, there's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. What may be scarce is the resolve, your own resolve to get things organized to make it happen. I make bold to say that there are more and better opportunities in the world today than there were say about 50 years ago. That is the reality of life and modern day living.

Even if you merely dream about opportunities, you can still achieve them with time. The truth is that it is possible for all your dreams to come true provided you have the courage to pursue them. That you are not courageous enough to go after the opportunity you have been dreaming about is not to say it is not there. It is there, waiting. You can go for it and actually get it if you train and discipline yourself enough to make the right moves. With hard work and determination, you can grab it. If that happens, casual observers will begin to wonder how you are making it. The good news is that there is no scarcity of opportunities all around the world at the moment. What is at times lacking is the resolve to understand that such opportunities can be had by anybody who dares.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”