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Showing posts with label opportunities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label opportunities. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Best Places to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities Online

A guest blogger at work on a computer.
If you are a content marketer, the words guest blogging cannot be strange to you. Content marketers and bloggers guest blog to get backlinks and traffic to their websites. They need relevant and high quality content to communicate and enhance their websites and brands with good traffic. Every online business owner or marketer needs good traffic on their websites. Guest blogging/guest posting blogs stands out as one of the best ways to get this traffic. Guest blogging tends to compliment the direct blogs on your own business website. Where to guest blog to get the best results can at times be hugely challenging. Online, if you search well, you will find many online platforms providing guest post services. But, finding a great guest blog opportunity poses some challenges which most content marketers must have to grapple with if they are desirous to get the real benefits of guest blogging. Following are great places to find the best guest blogging opportunities on the internet.

Reputable and Authoritative Blogs

The reason you need to guest blog in reputable and authoritative blogs is rather obvious. It is because of the traffic such blogs already attract. There are many websites on the internet already having good traffic to help you find the best guest blogging opportunities for your own website. But, before settling to guest blog on any website, you must first be sure their blogging niche and their content are similar to yours. That is where you are likely to have competitive advantage as a guest blogger. Most importantly, you’ll also have to consider whether or not they’ll accept guest posting and on what terms and conditions. If they accept your guest posts, as well as allowing you to add backlinks to your website on your content, it is good for you. You can directly mail them your blog posts or write some useful comments below their posts with the relevant backlinks. That is about the only way you can take full advantage of the good traffic the authoritative blog is already having. If you habitually visit reputable and authoritative websites, you will be able to find the best guest posting opportunity with time.

On Social media

These days, social media is where nearly everyone is at 24/7 around the world. With over 4.5 billion active users, social media is one of the best platforms to push anything you want on the internet. Among the very popular social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and the likes, you can simply make a blog post and you will get massive reactions to your post. These social media platforms have a handful of features and in-house tools to find every bit of information you need and to enhance guest blogging. Through these platforms, you can search for and locate guest bloggers and websites that need writers to find the best opportunity. You can take your time to try your hands on different social media platforms to find some of the best guest blogging deals there are. One great advantage with social media is that most people who use the platforms love to find guest blogging opportunities from those already connected. Therefore, if you understand the awesome power of social media well enough and use it in the right way; you’ll derive great benefits from guest blogging on the platforms.

Forum Communities

The internet houses many forums and communities where people interact and exchange ideas freely. Out there, you will find many online platforms providing guest post services as well as allowing you to be in touch with many great guest writers. On these platforms, if you like, you can even buy guest posts according to your requirements. For usefulness, the only care you need to take in doing this is to be sure the posts are relevant to your content or niche industry. Also, after making sure the platforms are reputable and they rank highly on Google SERPs, you are good to go as a guest blogger.

Through Search Engines

On search engines you can practically search for and find anything you need online. All you need do is to just type a related keyword on your computer search console and pronto a search engine like Google will provide you with all possible information in a matter of seconds. Through search engines, you can diligently search for websites whose contents are similar to yours particularly if in the same niche industry. Search engines will help you to find high-ranking websites more efficiently to enable you get the best guest posting opportunity. You can then reach out to such websites to find out if they accept guest blogging. In addition you can start emailing them or commenting on their relevant posts. By commenting regularly on their posts, you’ll manage to create a strong relationship between you and them. Such relationship is usually very good for business. Your real challenge however is to get the proper knowledge of how to search on the search engines in the right way. If you can for instance search Google in the right way, the search engine will find you the right results that suit your guest blogging needs.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How Best to Spend Your Time Online

Online work station with computers, a white bowl with cookies, a notedpad and a potted plant.
 As everyone presently knows, the Internet is a credible gateway to infinite possibilities and opportunities. The exact replica of a wonderland easily accessible in almost every corner of the world today! Many people use it to improve their personalities and their lives, while others in less meaningful activities. It is available for fun seekers and serious minded business persons. While there is nothing wrong with having some fun online, using internet service for something productive is about the best way to spend your time online.

To make the time you spend online count, here are some ways you can be productive.

Acquire New Skills

Most people always want to learn something new to improve and better their lives. The internet offers very diverse opportunities for that. Online, you can acquire blogging skills, digital marketing, graphic design, SEO, visual marketing skills and so many other skills depending on what you prefer. After mastering some of these skills, you can actually earn some online income from some of the skills. 


Distance Learning/Education

Many educational institutions now offer diverse courses online up the award of many degrees including even PhDs. For that reason, online learning and teaching are becoming more and more common. The internet helps to remove most of the constraints that exist with traditional institutes through self-paced education. You learn in the comfort of your home at your own chosen time and pace which is very useful in today’s fast paced world where everyone is always in a hurry. It is thus very smart to use the time you spend online to study for a new qualification to better your life.

Gain Knowledge

If you blog online, you must be writing about something very interesting. Writing about a particular niche on a regular basis somehow helps to increase your knowledge and eventually make you an expert in the field. No doubt, such writing skill most certainly readily comes in handy down the road, no matter what kind of professional life you are keen on living going forward.

Go Blogging

If you have something useful to share, it’s fairly easy to launch a blog. Presently, blogging has become a popular pastime around the world particularly among marketers and business owners. For many people, it’s also a serious means of income. If you too love to write or are interested in writing about a particular niche, then you can create your own blog and enjoy all the benefits that come with blogging.

Earn Passive income
Once launched, whether you are online or not, your blog earns money for you 24/7. If your blog is able to attract a large volume of traffic, and it is monetized with digital ads or embedded affiliate links in its content, it earns a passive income which usually grows with the growth in its traffic.

Play Online Games

Here is the fun part of it. Playing games on the Internet may seem like a waste of time. But, many of the games are highly educating and may actually help to hone many skills for people who play the games. Playing games online helps to kill idle time and prevents boredom. Games like combat wars, crossword puzzle, blackjack, poker etc, etc, can help you to improve your decision-making and risk-taking qualities which you can apply to many other aspects of your life.


Participate in Online Auctions

You can participate in auctions and win very many good quality prizes online. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you get started. These things have to do with due diligence. First, you should pick the platform wisely. You must endeavor to check its track record for authenticity, goods delivery options, customer service quality, etc. Second, you should ensure that the business you are participating in its auctions is legal in your country and supports its local currency. Thirdly, be sure any physical goods you win can be delivered to your door step where ever you live in the world.

News and Information

For current news and information no matter the subject matter internet is the place to go. Search Engines like Google are a powerhouse of information. No matter what you are looking for, a bit of patience and search skill will dig out the information for you. It is a great way to spend time online by searching for current news and updating yourself with information from Internet Search Engines.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Chance

“The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” ~ Debbi Fields
Life and living is all about choices and taking chances in whatever you do and wherever you find yourself. The better the choices you make, the better your personal and business life. Taking a chance may naturally involve risks. That is Ok! The chances you take will allow you seize opportunities which can make a lot of difference in your life. The more the opportunities you take, the more your life grows in quality, experience and achievements. Everyone gets to have their own opportunities but it is only those who take a chance at doing something with the opportunities who get to make meaningful progress.

There is a Latin Proverb which says, "Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid." Yes indeed! Only the bold take chances, the reason they appear to get more fortunate that others. It takes boldness to dare and to take risks. Those who do always manage to get things done faster and better, the reason they tend to be better achievers. When opportunities come your way as they are bound to do from time to time, you must be able to take a chance at such opportunities before you earn any benefits. If you do nothing either out of fear or indecision, you get nothing as far as such opportunities are concerned. Be a risk taker today and watch your fortunes grow as a result.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Why Opportunities Are Not Scarce

“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.” ~ David Rockefeller

I have heard it said that there is opportunity everywhere for those who have eyes to see. Yes, it is there somewhere but you must have the discipline, zeal and determination to find it. It requires hard work too. If I may add, that should be hard, legitimate and purposeful work otherwise nothing jells after all efforts. If you love something and you are prepared to work to get it, you can always make a living out of it as a business. That simply means, there's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. What may be scarce is the resolve, your own resolve to get things organized to make it happen. I make bold to say that there are more and better opportunities in the world today than there were say about 50 years ago. That is the reality of life and modern day living.

Even if you merely dream about opportunities, you can still achieve them with time. The truth is that it is possible for all your dreams to come true provided you have the courage to pursue them. That you are not courageous enough to go after the opportunity you have been dreaming about is not to say it is not there. It is there, waiting. You can go for it and actually get it if you train and discipline yourself enough to make the right moves. With hard work and determination, you can grab it. If that happens, casual observers will begin to wonder how you are making it. The good news is that there is no scarcity of opportunities all around the world at the moment. What is at times lacking is the resolve to understand that such opportunities can be had by anybody who dares.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

Saturday, May 19, 2018

How to Make Things Happen Your Way

“If you don’t make things happen then things will happen to you.” ~ Robert Collier

If you don’t make things happen, nobody will, for you. It is entirely up to you, what you do, how you do it and how you make use of your precious time. As the Spanish say, carpe diem, seize the day and do something with it. It is up to you. When opportunities come your way and you fail or neglect to seize them, they pass you by. Sometime somewhere down the road, you get to remember these lost opportunities. That’s when things start happening to you, all bordering on regrets. Don’t let that happen to you. Be the master of your own fate and the chief determinant of how life turns out for you. Think about it!

Time is extremely precious, believe me. Even at that, just like everybody else, it is available to you free everyday to do what you like with. The controls are in your hands. It is almost like holding a horse’s reins. When they are in your hands, you can control them. Just imagine this. Everyday it’s like you are born again. You realize that yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is only a promissory note. But today is ready cash – you’ve got to use it profitably. Live this moment; live it fully, now, in the present time. Now is your time.

Get busy right now because….“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

Monday, January 30, 2017

Good Yardsticks to Rate Your SFI Sponsors Monthly

Eye glasses and a black pen on top of a notepad.

The relationship between Sponsors and Affiliates comes in very mixed bags in SFI. Some could be outright forced-marriages of strange bed fellows who could be stuck with each other for life, come rain come shine for so long as they remain in SFI. I am of the view that if you use the under-listed parameters well, it is possible to give an unbiased rating of your sponsor every month irrespective of whether you are cozy with each other or not.

01. How often do you get communications from your sponsor?
02. How quickly does he/she respond to your inquiries?
03. How often do you get useful tips/information from your sponsor?
04. Does he/she show genuine concern for your success in SFI?
05. How much material help (if any) do you get from him/her and how often?
06. Have you ever physically spoken to or chatted with him/her?
07. How intimately does he/she know you?
08. How well is he/she doing in SFI business?
09. How many new business opportunities in SFI (if any) has he/she ever drawn your attention to.
10. Does he/she remember and help you to mark your special anniversaries?
11. How often does he/she congratulate you on your token achievements in SFI?
12. Does he/she sound to you like a pie-in-the-sky dreamer?

I believe if you are able to take the foregoing into account when you want to rate your sponsor monthly, you will no doubt be in a position to give a very unbiased rating of him/her every month. Good luck and have a very nice day ahead!!!


Friday, December 02, 2016

Poverty Choices You Must Avoid

Disarranged $100 dollars notes on table.

“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates

Lack of Vision and Imagination sufficient to recognize favorable opportunities: People, who are unable to use their minds positively, stand little or no chance of escaping poverty. The mind is subject to control and manipulation by anyone. You can control your mind when you choose to. That you lack imagination or you are unable to visualize is absolutely your own making. All these can be handled with clear and concise thinking which your mind can do. The only person who can think for you is you. One of God’s greatest gifts to man is his mind. This is the only thing that separates him from beast. Imagination is literally the workshop of the mind where desire is given shape and positive action plan is formulated. If you are incapable of using your mind positively, you may not be able to make money.

Ill-Health: A healthy-mind in a healthy-body is a must for success and wealth creation. Health is a feeling of wellbeing. Anything you do that undermines your good health and wellbeing will push you to failure and poverty. When you have not developed a Positive Mental Attitude, you can’t rest or sleep, you indulge yourself in excessive eating and drinking, you are stressed-up, you do drugs and abuse other substances; you are certainly on the highway to poverty.

Lack of Persistence: If you have the habit of not sticking to the job and you quit at the slightest obstacle, you lack persistence. The basis of persistence is willpower. I have heard that “the will to win is more important than winning.” The will to win is built by persistent desire. If you lack persistence, you are incapable of any worthwhile achievement. The game of life has no stands for spectators. Everyone is an active player. Those who win and get rich are those who have the desire and persistence to win and be rich. It is a clear choice. If you can’t persist, you can hardly achieve any worthwhile venture that will enable you to make money.