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Showing posts with label busy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label busy. Show all posts

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Being Busy is Not Enough

“The essential question is not, “How busy are you?” but “What are you busy at?” ~ Oprah Winfrey

You are very busy, right? That’s great. If I may ask, what are you busy at? It is not enough to be busy. What you are busy at is what holds the key to your success or failure in your chosen venture. If you are busy at what is not helpful to your course, you are merely dissipating valuable energy in the wrong direction. Being busy doing what will get you favorable results is what helps your course. Have you ever heard of the cliché “motion without movement?” Sitting on a rocking chair is motion but no movement. You remain on one spot merely rocking away. You are busy ok, but you aren’t making any progress from the spot you are on.

Take for instance you want to run a 100 meters sprint in a competition. You may have trained really hard and psyched up yourself for the race. When the competition proper commences, no matter what amount of energy you put in the race, you can never win if you do not race towards a well-marked-out finishing line and actually finish the race. No matter how hard and fast you run, without keeping to the rules, you can never win the race. The direction and pattern of your race determines whether you will win or lose the race. Running a business of your own follows a similar pattern. You can never get favorable results if you are unable to do things in the direction of getting those results. Meaning, all actions you take in the course of your business either individually or collectively must be geared towards the direction of achieving the goals you’ve set for your business. In other words, being busy is just not enough to see you through. What you are busy doing is what gets you the coveted prize.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

Saturday, May 19, 2018

How to Make Things Happen Your Way

“If you don’t make things happen then things will happen to you.” ~ Robert Collier

If you don’t make things happen, nobody will, for you. It is entirely up to you, what you do, how you do it and how you make use of your precious time. As the Spanish say, carpe diem, seize the day and do something with it. It is up to you. When opportunities come your way and you fail or neglect to seize them, they pass you by. Sometime somewhere down the road, you get to remember these lost opportunities. That’s when things start happening to you, all bordering on regrets. Don’t let that happen to you. Be the master of your own fate and the chief determinant of how life turns out for you. Think about it!

Time is extremely precious, believe me. Even at that, just like everybody else, it is available to you free everyday to do what you like with. The controls are in your hands. It is almost like holding a horse’s reins. When they are in your hands, you can control them. Just imagine this. Everyday it’s like you are born again. You realize that yesterday is a cancelled cheque. Tomorrow is only a promissory note. But today is ready cash – you’ve got to use it profitably. Live this moment; live it fully, now, in the present time. Now is your time.

Get busy right now because….“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Why You Must Start Where You Are

Brown background motivational Zig Ziglar quote.

There is nothing you are looking for you can’t get around you if you look hard enough. The grass may appear greener on the other side of the fence but in reality, all grass looks green and it is green. Maintenance may however make the grass on the other side of the fence greener. That is up to you to either take steps to maintain your own grass or to keep envying your neighbor’s.

Even if you set out to make money, the place to begin is right where you are. A good plan, determination and smart work will enable you make money right where you are. Always remember that the great American Auto-maker Henry Ford started small and right where he found himself. You too can do great things right where you are. Just begin, and you will be well on your way to making it too.

Get busy right now because……..!!!

“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates

Why Action is Key to Success

Man on a red shirt working on a laptop computer.

Yes indeed! The key to success is action, real action sustained and determined in the direction of your goals. Anyone can succeed if they do things deliberately sustained and directed towards achieving set goals. It is not about wishing or dreaming just like that. To get anything done, there must be some sustained “doing” otherwise nothing happens.

Have you ever heard the cliché, “action speaks louder than words?” Good if you have. What you do speaks louder and better for you than what you say. That is what it means. The more you do, the more you get done and the more you succeed at any venture. Do you want to succeed? Just roll up your sleeves right where you are and get busy. That is the only sure route to success.

Get busy right now because……..!!!

“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates