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Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Monday, June 25, 2018

How to Get Organized

Organized work station with eye glasses, notepads, flowers, pen and calculator.
 To run any business successfully, you need organization. That is what you need to pursue opportunities and deal with problems as they arise. It is what keeps the business on even keel to achieve its set goals and objectives. Want to get organized? Take these here simple tips.

Prioritize Your Goals

Be sure your goals are attainable, realistic and inspiring. Rank them in order of importance. Take on your most important goals first before others less important. Tackle all down the line in their order of importance. 

Adopt an Online Calendar

Try using Google Calendar which appears to be the most popular online calendar. You can use it by having it linked to your Smartphone or any other devices you use to access the internet. A proper use of online calendar helps to get organized and effectively scheduled even on the go.

Draw up a List of Priorities Daily

It only takes a few minutes at the beginning of each day to get this done. You can make a priority list at the beginning of your business day then consciously adhere to the list in tackling your daily tasks. Sticking with this list helps to avoid distractions thereby saving valuable time.

Focus First on Your Most Important Goals

It is easy to work through your list if you already know which priorities are the most important. With that information, you can tackle your top priority first and your lowest priority last. You get better results that way.

Tidy up Daily when You Close

This is fairly obvious. The tidier you are, the more organized you become. Habitually tidy up before you go home each day. This is because when your work environment is in a mess, your mind will be too.

Tag Assignments for Easy Reference/Referrals

At the end of your business day, you can set aside a few minutes to tag your files and worksheets for easy reference and referrals to subordinates. You then arrange to forward information to coworkers as necessary either through e-mail or voicemail messages. The rest you can file away for keeps or for quick reference for your appointments the next day.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Why Vision Really Matters in Business

“Capital isn’t scarce; vision is.” ~ Sam Walton

If you talk to small business owners about the problems they face in their businesses, many put capital first before any other problems. If capital is not inadequate, it is not available at all many always say. Unknown to these people, many small businesses struggle not for lack of capital, but lack of vision. Foremost American retail entrepreneur Sam Walton of Wal-Mart tells us that from his own experience, capital isn’t always scarce but vision is.  With real vision, you can always work out how and when to raise capital. So vision is superior. Vision by definition is an aspirational description of what an organization would like to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. Without a vision therefore, it becomes difficult if not impossible to chart a clear future for any business. That is where the real problem usually is and not with capital inadequacy as many small businesses like to report.

If you run a business organization, no matter how small and you are unable to articulate and declare your mid-term and long-term goals, you clearly don’t have a vision for the business. Without these goals, it is impossible to measure progress correctly and to articulate how well you are doing in the business. In most cases, that kind of scenario is always a foretaste to the disaster lurking ahead. That is where vision comes to the rescue. Even the scriptures say, “Without a vision, the people perish.”  It is that serious believe me. Vision no doubt is really very important in the course of any successful business.

Take a look at these names, King Croesus, Pope Sixtus IV, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Benjamin Siegel and Ray Kroc. Do you know what they all have in common? They were all great visioners who made tremendous impacts in their chosen fields of human endeavor and the world appreciates them for it.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

Why You Must Be Purposeful

“Have a very good reason for everything you do.” ~ Laurence Olivier
Whatever you do, be sure you are doing it for a reason. If you have no reason for doing anything, no matter what it takes, don’t do it. A purposeless venture is at all times a worthless venture. The question is, why waste time, energy and resources doing things you shouldn’t be doing? There is neither a gain nor any form of satisfaction from doing purposeless things. If you have a fixed intention in doing something, there is a goal to be met. With it, you can measure your progress, gauge and adjust your direction as you go along. Doing so will enable you to know when you’ve achieved your aim. Achieving your aim is elating and satisfying at all times. Without a purpose, many people simply drift through life without achieving anything or making any impact whatsoever in whatever environment they happen to find themselves. That is sadly pathetic but true.

Somehow, people with goals to aim at always manage to succeed faster and better than others because they always know where they're going. They have real reasons for doing what they do and they as a reward get more and better results. If you love challenges like I do, you’ll discover that the reasons you have for doing what you are doing constitute the challenges you face. It is the same reasons which help you to continue to strive on no matter the odds! With set goals in mind, if rewarding enough, you kind of stay the course until you achieve. Without set goals, it is doubtful if anyone can ever get anything worthwhile achieved satisfactorily.

Get busy right now because…. “No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”


Thursday, May 25, 2017

10 Motivational Quotes to Get You Going Everyday

Doodling on a notepad with a yellow pencil.
Well, I have heard it said by motivational speakers, that “Successful people don’t do different things. They do things differently.” That is what motivates me to get out of bed every morning to find ways to do very common things differently. When I remember these 10 motivational quotes, as soon as I get out of bed every morning, my bounce increases and the hunger in me to get things done is ignited. 

I sincerely believe that if I want to succeed each day, I must always see every day as an opportunity to improve, to be better, to get a little bit closer to my goals. That might sound like a lot of work but I know that so long as I have the hunger in me to succeed, I will always have the power within me to achieve it. Thanks to these here 10 motivational quotes!! Give them a chance to work for you as well if you want to see expected changes in your life and business.

01. Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction.

02. Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.

03. Success doesn’t just find you. You have to go out and get it.

04. Don’t stop when you’re tired. Stop when you’re done.

05. It’s going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible.

06. Dream it. Wish it. Do it.

07. Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.

08. Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.

09. Dream bigger. Do bigger.

10. Little things make big days.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Most Valuable Thing You Can Learn in Your First Year in SFI Business

Half-open business newspaper.

For me, the most valuable thing I leaned in my first year in SFI business is how valuable it is to set GOALS in anything you are doing. These goals can be daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals and even yearly goals.

With set goals, it is easy for you to monitor your progress along the way. Your set goals tell you when you are lagging behind and when you are doing great. They reveal to you when to make appropriate corrections on time to enable you achieve your goals. Goals-setting has been largely responsible for my own modest achievements in SFI business to date. That is my true testimony.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Best Way to Begin a New Month in SFI Business

Notepad, bright purple flowers, a black pen and a glass of water on a work table.
Let me say straightaway that all you need is PLANNING and EVALUATION before you begin a new month. You should evaluate your achievements for the previous month vis-à-vis the plans you had for the month. Based on the outcome of your evaluation, you can then draw up a new plan for the new month. That is about why SFI insists that you set goals in everything you do in the business.

In SFI business, it is very difficult to succeed without advanced planning. To make plans for a new month, it is advisable to establish first if you met your goals for the past month. If not, find out and establish the “why not?” Draw your lessons from that evaluation then use the lessons as a platform to plan for the new month.

From my own experience, the best way to successfully start a new month is to plan for it before the end of the previous month. Roughly a week to the end of the month is about ideal. That is the time I do my own calculations and projections based on the goals I voluntarily set for myself. I sincerely believe that anyone who is consistent in doing so diligently and sincerely will have no problem succeeding in the following month.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Why Action is Key to Success

Man on a red shirt working on a laptop computer.

Yes indeed! The key to success is action, real action sustained and determined in the direction of your goals. Anyone can succeed if they do things deliberately sustained and directed towards achieving set goals. It is not about wishing or dreaming just like that. To get anything done, there must be some sustained “doing” otherwise nothing happens.

Have you ever heard the cliché, “action speaks louder than words?” Good if you have. What you do speaks louder and better for you than what you say. That is what it means. The more you do, the more you get done and the more you succeed at any venture. Do you want to succeed? Just roll up your sleeves right where you are and get busy. That is the only sure route to success.

Get busy right now because……..!!!

“No pains, no gains. To get the prize, you must pay the price.”

“If we are born poor, it is not our fault, but if we die poor, it is!”…… Bill Gates