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Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planning. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2021

3 Smart Ways Online Marketers Can Boost Their Personal Productivity

Online Marketer using a smartphone with food pictures to market.
Most online marketers usually face huge challenges in their daily activities and it affects their productivity a great deal. These challenges range from SEO, website optimization, internet access device optimization, managing traffic and rankings, PPC campaigns, social media marketing, Search Engine marketing, Email marketing, online reputation management and so on. By taking on these many marketing activities, (even if necessary for your overall marketing success), productivity at times takes a dip. That is more so if you have no viable and workable plan in place to take on the numerous marketing tasks. Then what to do? Simple! Just put a little planning in place to help curb the challenges. That helps your online productivity a great deal. If you take my tips, follow the simple measures below and even make them routine practices, they can help boost your online marketing productivity a great deal.


1. Break Up Your Marketing Tasks Into Smaller Bits

Breaking your marketing tasks into smaller bits/milestones creates simplicity and easy achievability. That helps your online productivity. Just spare quality time to create, daily, weekly and monthly tasks you need to take on for your marketing. Follow this plan diligently by accomplishing one task before moving on to the next. That helps to provide direction and the impetus to accomplish more tasks. When tasks are in smaller bits, they become more realistic and easily achievable. By the time you chalk off one task after another on completion, it makes you feel good. That provides the right motivation to keep things going smoothly till you achieve your targets.  Once you achieve your targets as planned, your productivity goes up naturally.

2. Avoid Distractions with Good Planning

Online marketers can do well to always avoid distractions. With distractions, marketers tend to dissipate energy and resources unnecessarily. Inevitably, online marketers have to daily browse other websites and visit many social media platforms. That is where many of the distractions are unless you are strictly guided by what takes you to each site and to exit the site as soon as you are through with it. That requires prior planning. Good planning helps online marketers to manage their to-do lists effectively and efficiently. With it, they can check procrastination and missing out on tasks, spending too long a time a one site and getting attracted to other issues on these sites outside what they planned for. Good planning allows online marketers to focus on real work and steering clear of accessing websites that have nothing to do with the work at hand. If as a marketer you are unable to make conscious efforts to avoid these distractions, you can engage a time-tracking tool to help manage your time well online. Doing so can be great for productivity.


3. Always Optimize Your Internet Access Device

Clutter naturally slows down internet access devices particularly computers. Since online marketers usually have a resource-intensive job that requires that they access countless sites and toggle between multiple sites simultaneously on regular basis, picking up a lot of clutter is a given. Without removing this clutter regularly, you inadvertently slow down the performance and efficiency of such devices. Therefore, you must routinely take deliberate steps to optimize the device you are using to access the internet with a view to maintaining its high performance and on memory fronts. Fortunately, there are very handy remedies to turn to if you want to boost your productivity with a super fast computer. You can easily use the right software among the many available online to clean up your computer systems and get rid of the redundant files and apps slowing it down. It is that simple. 

Friday, June 28, 2019

How to Understand the Purpose of Social Media

Grow your network sign on display.
 Yes, social media remains a place of unfettered interaction online. It is a very useful tool for people who know what to do with it. But, you must know how to play in it if you don’t want to make a fool of yourself out there. It takes some thoughtful planning and organization to get things right on social media. All you need is to pay attention because if you don’t use it right, you may perpetually struggle fruitlessly out there.

Here are some salient issues you must understand about the purpose of social media if you want to derive immense benefits from social media’s uses:

#1. Social media delivers your message to the right audience online

Like minds always associate on social media and more likely to do business with one another. You must be an active participant yourself to derive maximum benefits from this relationship. The main thing social media helps you do is to put your message right out there in front of customers and potential new customers. Fact is, you’re unlikely to attract customers to places they don’t already go to. The real reason you must always take the time to figure out where your audience is before trying to reach them. Targeting popular social media platforms like facebook, twitter, instagram and the likes is usually of immense benefits in that regard.

#2. Social media is not a know-all, be-all platform

It sure has its limitations. Some users erroneously expect social media to work miraculously to promote their business. Experience has shown that things don’t usually work out that easily. You must first work hard on your own account before it gets noticed online. If you do manage to get good traction, it is usually as a result of the lot of hard work you’ve put in earlier. Social media does not solve all your marketing problems but it sure takes care of a lot.

#3. Social media doesn’t help in all issues

It doesn’t always help in all things because of its own short comings. Sometimes, having a social media profile doesn’t make much of a difference for your business. It may not even help at all depending on the type of business you are into. You must get fully involved too if you want to be taken seriously as a participant. If you don’t participate actively, you don’t get good results. Participation is what brings results not by just being a dormant player. If your social media profiles are not updated often enough, they may actually be hurting your online presence without your knowing it. 


Tuesday, February 07, 2017

How to Stand Out From the Crowd in SFI Business

Home business work station with a computer, eye glasses, notepad and pen.
Yes indeed! Thousands of affiliates are doing practically the same things in SFI but with varying results. According to Zig Ziglar, “Successful people do not do different things. They do things differently.” That is why they are successful. So it is in SFI. In SFI, thousands affiliates do the same things to promote their businesses. The affiliates who stand out are those who manage to do these things differently. That is how we all get varying and various results in our businesses as SFI affiliates


To stand out in SFI, you must find a very personal and result-oriented way to do the following in the business and with the business.

1. Advertising.
2. Products promotion.
3. Sponsoring.
4. Mentoring.
5. Associating.
6. Socializing.
7. Reading.
8. Communicating.
9. Planning.
10. Executing.
11. Evaluating.
12. Goals-setting.

You will agree with me that these are the major things thousands of SFI affiliates do in SFI on daily basis. You will stand out if you manage to find the best ways to do all these and more things differently. The results you are getting will speak eloquently for you and these results will make you to stand out amongst thousands of your peers.

Best wishes.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Best Advice for People with Limited Time for SFI Business

A gold clock behind a stack of gold coins.
Everything in life is about planning anyway. No matter how limited your time is, with proper planning, you can always allocate some time to do your SFI business. If you believe in the business and you are sufficiently interested in it, finding time for it is already given.

If however you are not sufficiently interested in the business, then you can never find enough time for it. What you need most therefore in my opinion is the "interest" in the business. When it is present, the time for it will always be found no matter how tight your schedule is.

The advice you need to give to people is that they should study the business and develop sufficient interest in it first. That done, they will always find time to invest in the business.

Best Way to Begin a New Month in SFI Business

Notepad, bright purple flowers, a black pen and a glass of water on a work table.
Let me say straightaway that all you need is PLANNING and EVALUATION before you begin a new month. You should evaluate your achievements for the previous month vis-à-vis the plans you had for the month. Based on the outcome of your evaluation, you can then draw up a new plan for the new month. That is about why SFI insists that you set goals in everything you do in the business.

In SFI business, it is very difficult to succeed without advanced planning. To make plans for a new month, it is advisable to establish first if you met your goals for the past month. If not, find out and establish the “why not?” Draw your lessons from that evaluation then use the lessons as a platform to plan for the new month.

From my own experience, the best way to successfully start a new month is to plan for it before the end of the previous month. Roughly a week to the end of the month is about ideal. That is the time I do my own calculations and projections based on the goals I voluntarily set for myself. I sincerely believe that anyone who is consistent in doing so diligently and sincerely will have no problem succeeding in the following month.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Learn to Plan and Prepare to Avoid Failure

“Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.” -- Vince Lombardi

In business, sports and many other human endeavors, preparation is a must otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Preparation inspires confidence and the will to succeed. Your plans point the way to the desired goal and act as a guide to attaining such goals. If your plans are good, succeeding requires less effort. If you plan big, you will achieve big. “A bad plan is better than no plan.” No pilot ever takes off in his plane without a flight plan. No General ever leads an army into battle without a battle plan. Nature and creation are all according to God’s plans. Do you know why the universe is in such perfect harmony? As the Holy Qur’an reveals, “God is the best planner” that is why. Before you embark on any venture, it is imperative to plan and prepare. Many times, I have met young people who tell me they are looking for a job. When I ask them, “what type of job are you looking for?” The most ridiculous answer I keep receiving whenever I ask this question is “any job.” There is no job called “any job” so such people usually search and never find “any” because it does not exist. If you want a job, decide firmly on what you want. Put all the plans in place to land you the job before you commence the search. Without definite plans, job hunters in most cases always hunt in vain. A directionless and drifting Ship never gets to port. Lack of adequate planning yields similar results. “Nothing great has ever been achieved without a plan.” 

Michael Jordan made his name playing basketball and has won almost every available prize anyone can win in basketball circuit. That he had a passion for the game is not in doubt. That he enjoyed playing the game is also not in doubt. What is however surprising is that he was not such a good player at the beginning. He could not make his High School team because his Coach considered him not good enough. This singular act spurred Michael to develop a bigger liking for the sport by using every spare-time he had on the courts practicing basketball. He planned, prepared and dreamed of becoming a star. He wanted to prove to his Coach that he made a mistake by dropping him from the school team. He followed his plans and moved on with passion to become a superstar making millions of dollars for himself in the process. His fame and fortune were a direct result of his meticulous planning and preparation.