01. Your content is not linkable. If you are an experienced online marketer, let me simply assume that the content you post is always very good. That each time you post, you are indeed offering something new and very useful to your target audience. If your content manages to generate some excitement through generous comments and plenty of shares, it is expected to be getting good links there from. If that is not happening, it could mean that your content is not linkable. That means people do not like very much what they are reading from you and therefore unwilling to link to you.
02. You are not doing sufficient link building. Guest
posting easily comes handy in link building if well utilized. If your content
is good enough and the publisher is authoritative, any manual link you build
can start passing authority immediately. In addition, any external publication
channels you tap will serve as valuable additions to your syndication and
visibility network. What all that boils down to is that you’ll be guaranteed
more total inbound links, and at the same time, you’ll increase your potential
for reaching new audiences and attracting new links. If you are not doing
these, it means you are not doing sufficient link building and that affects
your SEO strategy adversely.
03. Your content is not good enough. If your content is not
good enough, it simply means, it is guilty of one, two or more of the
following. It means it is not original, not relevant, not well-researched, not
detailed, not concise, not useful, not entertaining, not educative, not
informative and even written in pretty bad English. If any of these
factors are off, even an otherwise good piece of content can be downgraded
by search engines from a “linkable asset” to a basic article. That adversely affects
its ability to attract links.
04. You are not scaling your content enough. Never make the
mistake of writing the same types of content to the same audiences through the
same channels and hope to see better and better results. These things don’t
always work out that way. If your desire is to earn more links, the efforts you
are investing must increase proportionately. You must make conscious and
deliberate efforts to produce better content for more receptive audiences
online. You can spice that up by branching out in new social contexts, new
groups and with new distribution channels. You must find new influencers to
engage with, and also increase your engagement with your own users. Since strategies
don’t scale by themselves you have to invest your own efforts to scale your
content. That is what works to get good links.
05. You are not syndicating your content enough. In the past, marketers really believed and acted with the notion that “good content attracts links on its own.” These days, no matter how good your content is, if you want it to attract good links fast enough, you must make efforts to syndicate it. Even if the followers you already have will help share your content, you must find ways to compliment that by your own deliberate efforts through content syndication. You can do that effectively by syndicating your published material on your own social media channels and pushing it as far and as wide as you can on your own to attract backlinks.
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