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Saturday, January 28, 2017

How to Explain Your Relationship with SFI and TripleClicks

Purple flowers, glass of water, calculator, black pen, white notepad on a work table.

Talking to prospects is always a very delicate thing to do in SFI. When you are talking to prospects, in as much as you will want to avoid unduly hyping the business, you must be conscious of how best to reveal the facts convincingly. From my over 5 years experience in the business, I believe it is best to explain your relationship with SFI and TripleClicks the following ways. 


1. I am an Internet Entrepreneur who sought a credible platform online to do business, SFI provided that platform and I became an SFI Affiliate.
2. SFI provided me a free Website and Marketing Tools do my business unhindered.
3. SFI provides me the needed free training to succeed in my business.
4. TripleClicks store is the 24/7 secure online store provided by SFI where I can sell my own products, buy products from other affiliates and help other affiliates sell their products to earn commissions.
5. I am now part of SFI network of over 2.5 million affiliates working globally in cohesive teams to earn money online.
6. I have the benefit of many affiliates as  working in my team as my business partners.
7. SFI co-ordinates its strong worldwide business family very strictly in line with its well laid down business rules.
8. SFI allows me to run an independent business where there is absolutely no interference on how I manage my day-to-day affairs.
9. As an independent business person, SFI allows me to earn my commissions which they pay to me in whatever currency I decide upon.
10. Above all, as an independent business person, I have absolute freedom to remain in the business or to quit anytime I so decide without any legal hindrances.

All the above basically define my relationship with SFI and TripleClicks which I can in all modesty explain to prospects at any time without trying to unnecessarily hype the business.

I hope you find this information helpful. Have a very nice day ahead!

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