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Sunday, May 09, 2021

Effective Digital Marketing Tools to Manage your E-Commerce Store

Brown and white paper bags around a smartphone in a silver shopping cart in front of a computer at a check out desk.
Digital marketers depend on in-house digital marketing tools to manage their e-commerce stores effectively. Even if they are marketing out of popular and reputable e-commerce marketplaces where buyers and sellers come to make wholesale transactions, they need these tools to succeed. Sometimes, it is the availability of digital marketing tools they helps marketers to decide which e-commerce platform to pitch their marketing tents with. E-commerce platforms like SFI TripleClicks.com, Alibaba.com. eBay, Amazon and a host of others offer an array of digital marketing tools to help e-commerce stores connect with the right buyers and propel their sales.

Here are some of the digital marketing tools that sellers have access to on popular E-commerce marketing platforms.

Analytics Tools

You cannot succeed in digital marketing if you are unable to accurately measure your results. That is where in-house analytics tools come in very handy for sellers to measure results. With the benefits of analytics data and information, digital marketers get to understand how they can best reach their audience with effective marketing. Analytics info enables marketers to see what is working and what is not in their marketing campaigns. Exactly why, analytics have become a very huge and indispensable part of digital marketing. Popular wholesale e-commerce platforms characteristically provide powerful analytics tools to give marketers real time insights into their target markets and the performance of their online e-commerce retail stores. These analytics usually provide accurate and real time information on platform-wide trends for the larger benefit of affiliated e-commerce stores.

Ads Management Tools

Affiliated e-commerce stores can run their own paid ads for the direct benefit of their own stores. To do this effectively, even if they want to run many different ads at the same time, they can take advantage of in-house built-in advertising tools. Marketers can run ads on the platforms and the tools help their products to rank well in searches for relevant keywords. These ads management tools also help marketers to target ads based on geography and click history. Arguably, the best part about these tools is that your business can benefit from Pay-Per-Click, PPC, advertising. Meaning, you are only required to pay for ads when users actually interact with your listings through verifiable clicks.

Lead Generation Tools

In-house lead generation tools allow marketers to target offers directly to one single prospect at a time. This lead generation tactics is unique in its own right and very effective too. It is a bit different from the other digital marketing tactics in mode of operation and effectiveness. One unique lead generation tool peculiar to Alibaba.com is a Request for Quotation, RFQ feed. It is an important section of their website where B2B buyers can post their wholesale needs. Sellers can browse these requests and try to match the needs as much as they can. Matching sellers and buyers easily is always a great marketing experience and mutually beneficial to all parties.

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