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Monday, December 06, 2021

How to Build an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Virtual email marketing symbols floating over a computer keyboard.
If you are a digital marketer and you are presently not using email marketing as a major part of your digital marketing campaigns, you are missing out on a vital and hugely effective marketing tool. Statistically, email has more users than social media, so it is a very popular marketing tool with most digital marketers around the globe. You cannot have an effective email marketing campaign without the right strategy. Your email campaign strategy cannot be right if it does not allow you to open a direct and efficient channel of communication with your customers. But first, you must take quality time to diligently build a credible email list.

Even though building a reliable list of email contacts can be quite challenging, without it, you cannot hope to have any successful email marketing campaigns. If however you manage to get it right, it can yield great results for your business down the road. Here is what helps the process to make your email marketing campaigns effective.
Consistently Craft High-Quality Content

No matter whatever else you do, your email campaign will not yield any worthwhile results if you do not produce high-quality content very regularly and consistently. Such content even if written or visual must be optimized for emails to enhance its readability. In digital marketing, content is king. The better it is, the more traffic it attracts. The more traffic it attracts, the more leads, conversions and sales you get. It is good quality content that keeps your audience engaged. The content you create is effective if it is created around things and topics within your business’ niche. That is the kind of content that helps to attract more traffic and even sigh-ups.
Optimize your Website

You can integrate and optimize your website with strategically placed sign-up widgets and pop-ups.  If your email list is credible, the more email contacts you have, the more emails you can send and the more audience you can convert. To be sure your emails will be effective, you can do A/B testing on them. This test is about the best way to optimize, try out different widgets or pop-ups to get more signups. With Google analytics tools, you can closely monitor and track your progress and customer responses to your email campaigns. The insights from these tools can provide you the vital info you need to redirect, tweak or rejig your marketing strategy and campaign as needed. 

Sign-up with an Email Service Provider

Aside the risk of falling foul of sending unsolicited emails, signing up with a reputable email service provider is usually great for email campaigns. A good way around sending unsolicited emails is to make sure you have express or implied permission from the recipients.  Permission is deemed implied when you currently have some kind of relationship with the contact. Express permission implies that even if you have no previous relationship with the contacts, they have permitted you to send them your marketing emails. When you optimize the user’s points of contact on your website and social media handles, permission is deemed obtained from all sign-ups/subscribers to regularly receive emails through that window.
Automate Your Emails

This helps to create and use drip emails effectively. It is hugely effective for timing the release of emails. It comes in very handy to send out a planned and well-executed series of emails that can keep your customers sufficiently engaged. Once you have an automated drip campaign in place, you do not have to worry anymore about sending your emails manually. The automation takes charge as programmed and you’ll then be able to send your emails at the right times and in the right forms. Anytime anyone signs up on your website, automation systems once in place will begin to send them a set of emails at programmed intervals. The info from your analytics tools will enable you to determine what works, what needs changing or what needs modifying for better effectiveness. Your email marketing campaigns tremendously benefit from these efforts.

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